The <PLAINTEXT> element can be used to represent formatted text. As such, it is similar to the <XMP> and <LISTING> element. However, the <PLAINTEXT> element should be an open element, with no closing element. Only Netscape supports this element according to any HTML specification. Internet Explorer and Mosaic will both allow the use of a </PLAINTEXT> closing element. Netscape will treat the closing element literally and display it.

Typically, it will render as fixed width font with white space separating it from other text.


I live<PLAINTEXT>in the rainiest part of the world.

Would render as:

I live

in the rainiest part of the world.</PLAINTEXT> <P>As said above, anything following the opening <CODE>&lt;PLAINTEXT&gt;</CODE> element should be treated as text. Only <STRONG>Netscape</STRONG> behaves like this. <STRONG>Internet Explorer</STRONG> and <STRONG>Mosaic</STRONG> will allow the use of a closing <CODE>&lt;/PLAINTEXT&gt;</CODE> element, allowing discrete blocks of <CODE>&lt;PLAINTEXT&gt;</CODE> formatted text to be displayed. <P><CODE>&lt;PLAINTEXT&gt;</CODE> can also take the <SPAN CLASS="attr">CLASS</SPAN>, <SPAN CLASS="attr">ID</SPAN> and <SPAN CLASS="attr">STYLE</SPAN> attributes to allow style sheet definitions to be applied to it. For more details of these attributes, see the <A HREF="../style/ov.htm">Style Sheets</A> topic. <P> <CENTER> <HR WIDTH="50%"> <A HREF="para.htm"><IMG SRC="../images/left.gif" WIDTH="40" HEIGHT="35" BORDER="0" ALT="&lt;P&gt;"></A> <A HREF="ov.htm"><IMG SRC="../images/up.gif" WIDTH="40" HEIGHT="35" BORDER="0" ALT="Block Formatting Elements Overview"></A> <A HREF="pre.htm"><IMG SRC="../images/right.gif" WIDTH="40" HEIGHT="35" BORDER="0" ALT="&lt;PRE&gt;"></A> <HR WIDTH="50%"> </CENTER> </BODY> </HTML> </plaintext></body></html>