For standard HTML attribute information about the <SELECT> element, see the <SELECT> topic.

Currently, the <SELECT> element accepts four scripting attributes (at least as far as browser documentation is concerned). The three that are mentioned in the Cougar W3C draft specification work in both browsers, but the OnClick event (mentioned in Netscape documentation) appears not to be properly supported and is not mentioned in the Cougar draft specification.

The OnBlur event can be used to execute script functions when the user moves the focus away from the <SELECT> element (i.e. they move to another form element). For example, consider the <SELECT> section of the example form provided on the Forms Introduction topic :

<SELECT NAME="Choice">
<OPTION>Very good
<OPTION>Below Average
<OPTION SELECTED>My response would be "indecent" under the CDA Act.

If we add the OnBlur event handler (see below) to call the script function (see below), then some simple interactivity to the users choices can be included

<SELECT NAME="Choice" OnBlur="reply(document.egForm.Choice.selectedIndex)">
. . .
Sub reply (choice_made)
if choice_made="0" then alert "Thanks very much, I'm glad you like it"
if choice_made="2" then alert "You really are too kind"
if choice_made="4" then alert "You certainly are hard to please"
if choice_made="6" then alert "Go on, swear at me, I dare you"
End Sub

The event handler passes the selectedIndex of the various <OPTION> choices and reacts accordingly. Give it a try (Select a choice in the drop down box, then click the radio button to fire the OnBlur event :

The OnChange event can be used to execute scripting functions when the user changes the selection made in the <SELECT> drop-down choice box. The above example can be re-used and work just as well, if the event handler is changed to OnChange instead of OnBlur.

In official Netscape documentation, they detail support for the OnClick event, but on testing, it did not appear to work. Also, the OnClick event is not detailed in the W3C Cougar specification.

This event handler can be used to execute script functions when the <SELECT> element receives the users focus. Again, the first example given in this topic can be re-used, changing the OnBlur event to the OnFocus event handler.

Scripting the <INPUT> element Scripting Reference Overview Scripting the <TEXTAREA> element