The Small element specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed, if practical, using a small font (compared with the current font).
This is normal text, with <SMALL>this bit</SMALL> being small text.
would be rendered as:
This is normal text, with this bit being small text.
NOTE : Use of this element is currently supported by Netscape and the Internet Explorer only. They also allow the <SMALL> ... </SMALL>
element to be used surrounding the <SUB> ... </SUB>
and <SUP> ... </SUP>
elements to force rendering of the sub/superscript text as text even smaller than the default slightly smaller (compared to the normal) text normally used.
The exact appearance of the small text will change depending on any <FONT SIZE=...>
settings, if specified.
can also take the CLASS, ID and STYLE attributes to allow style sheet definitions to be applied to it. For more details of these attributes, see the Style Sheets topic.