This Netscape specific attribute can be used to include hard coded white space in a document. It accepts the following attributes :

The TYPE of <SPACER> can be either horizontal, vertical or block. A horizontal <SPACER> inserts horizontal white space in between words. A vertical <SPACER> inserts vertical space between lines and the block <SPACER> behaves like an image (except doesn't display an image.) It essentially, reserves a block of space within the document.

When a <SPACER TYPE="horizontal"> or <SPACER TYPE="vertical"> is used, the SIZE attribute specifies its size in pixels. Any setting of this attribute is ignored if a <SPACER TYPE="block"> is used.

When a <SPACER TYPE="block"> is used, the WIDTH attribute specifies the WIDTH of the block to be reserved as white space.

When a <SPACER TYPE="block"> is used, the HEIGHT attributes specifies the HEIGHT of the block to be reserved as white space.

When a <SPACER TYPE="block"> is used, the ALIGN attributes specifies the alignment of the white space block and can accept any alignments as used by the <IMG> element for embedding images.

The following HTML fragment inserts a horizontal spacer of 25 pixels between two words, as shown below

<P>Hello and Welcome<SPACER TYPE="horizontal" SIZE="25">to the HTML Reference Library. To those of you familiar with the previous incarnation of this project (The HTML Reference Library - HTMLib in Windows .HLP format) the content and working of these pages will probably be obvious.

would display as :

Hello and Welcome       to the HTML Reference Library. To those of you familiar with the previous incarnation of this project (The HTML Reference Library - HTMLib in Windows .HLP format) the content and working of these pages will probably be obvious.

<PRE> Block Formatting Elements Overview <SPAN>