The Unordered List element is used to present a list of items which is typically separated by white space and/or marked by bullets, but this is as the discretion of individual browsers.
An unordered list must begin with the <UL>
element which is immediately followed by a <LI>
(list item) element. Unordered lists can be nested.
<LI>First list item
<LI>Second list item
<LI>Third list item
Would render as:
The Unordered List element can take the COMPACT attribute, which suggests that a compact rendering be used.
The basic bulleted list has a default progression of bullet types that changes as you move through indented levels. From a solid disc, to a circle to a square. The TYPE attribute can be used in the <UL>
element so that no matter what the indent level the bullet type can be specified thus :
To give even more flexibility to lists, the TYPE attribute to the <LI>
element is also allowed. It takes the same values as <UL>
and it changes the list type for that item, and all subsequent items.
attribute when used in the <UL>
and <LI>
elements is supported by Netscape only.
and <LI>
can also take the CLASS, ID and STYLE attributes to allow style sheet definitions to be applied to them. For more details of these attributes, see the Style Sheets topic.