Third-Party Utilities to Enhance Accessibility

A wide variety of third-party hardware and software products are available to make personal computers easier to use for people with disabilities. Among the different types of products available for the MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, and Microsoft Windows NT operating systems are:

Programs that enlarge or alter the color of information on the screen for people with visual impairments.

Programs that describe information on the screen in Braille or synthesized speech for people who are blind or have difficulty reading.

Hardware and software utilities that modify the behavior of the mouse and keyboard.

Programs that enable users to "type" using a mouse or their voice.

Word or phrase prediction software that allows one to type more quickly and with fewer keystrokes.

Alternate input devices, such as single switch or puff-and-sip devices, for those who cannot use a mouse or a keyboard.

For more information about obtaining third-party utilities, see Other Products and Services for People with Disabilities.