This is the SiteHog Help Page. It is distributed with SiteHog, and the latest version is available
on the World Wide Web.
You should check it regularly, and update your local copy if necessary,
as it contains information and guidance to help you get the most from your use of SiteHog.
You may find the latest version of SiteHog on the
RedHog Software Home Page
For important information regarding Registration and a Special Offer, please see the
RedHog Software Home Page
Contents |
SiteHog is designed to be as easy and intuitive to use as possible, without compromising its flexibility and effectiveness. The best way to learn is to open a Page, bring up the Options dialog, and play !
Selecting a file name, or an error report, and right-clicking will usually bring up a context-sensitive menu. Double-clicking file names or error locations will trigger appropriate action.
The View tab in the SiteHog Options dialog will show you what the various icons on the Site View mean; an icon with a red-cross through it shows a link whose destination could not be found.
Please note that evaluation and beta versions of SiteHog do not include HTTP support and do not therefore check the existence of remote links. This support will be provided as a free upgrade to registered users of SiteHog when available (early 1997).
How do I ...
| on a single page? |
On the Explore tab in the SiteHog Options dialog, push both sliders to the top so that exploration and auto-expand depths are set to 0. Click on the Open Site button and select the page you want to work on; only the immediate links from that page will be shown on the Site View. |
...see how a page looks? |
Click on the Page name in the Site View, right-click to bring up the popup menu and select "Open Page in Browser(s)". Use the Applications tab in the SiteHog Options dialog to define the browser to use. You can also set SiteHog to load a page into two browsers at the same time.
...increase the speed of Site Exploration? |
The more that you tell SiteHog to do, the longer it will take. For top speed, disable all reporting by checking the box on the main toolbar, and clear all the optional link displays (except "Force Broken Links") in the Options / View Tab.
...update my SiteHog Help Page? |
With the
Live version of the SiteHog Help Page loaded in your Browser, simply select the File/Save As menu option on the Browser and navigate with the File Save dialog to your local SiteHog installation directory
(e.g. C:\Program Files\RedHog\SiteHog), and save the file. Ensure the file is saved with the name "sitehog.html". Answer "Yes" when asked whether you want to over-write the existing file.
The SiteHog Options dialog contains a number of tabbed pages, the use of each of which is described in the Table below.
Explore |
You can set the depth of exploration; the number of "layers" down into your Web Site that SiteHog will explore; Pages beyond this depth will not be accessible on the Site View. You can also adjust the depth to which the Site View is automatically expanded; links to pages and files beyond this depth will be shown collapsed on the Site View. |
View |
Use this Tab to control the appearance and content of the Site View. Select different types of file to show or hide on the Site View, and whether broken links should be forced to the view. |
Common Links |
Use this Tab to view and define common links which may, optionally, be omitted from the Site View. This can be useful when you want to remove clutter caused by frequently used images and, e.g. contents, page references. Use this option with care; it is easy to forget you have marked a File as a Common Link and to be confused by its absence from the Site View. |
Use this Tab to control the degree to which SiteHog will validate the HTML in your Site. HTML Errors are problems in your code that will almost certainly cause browsers to render your page incorrectly (or worse, not at all). HTML Warnings are issued for code that is syntactically correct but that is unlikely to have the desired effect. HTML Hints are simply guidance to help you improve the quality and usefulness of your Web pages. |
Browsers |
Use this Tab to request that SiteHog report compatibility problems with the selected browsers. SiteHog will report the use of Tags not supported by the selected version (or its predecessors) of Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. Other browsers will be added in due course. |
Standards |
Use this Tab to define the set of HTML standards and extensions to which your Site must conform. You should tick all standards and extensions permitted in your Site; bear in mind that only the most up-to-date browsers will support all of these. |
Time |
Use this Tab to request warnings of Pages requiring lengthy download times. |
Applications |
Use this Tab to select Browser and Editor applications to work with SiteHog. By default, these applications will be set to the Windows application associated with the html file extension. You can select alternatives (including up to two different browsers) according to your own preference. Note that the application selected as the first Browser will be used to view this file ! |
If you encounter problems using SiteHog, please let us know. It will help us if you would include any HTML pages or code you believe to contribute to the problem. Thank you.
For more information on availability, for technical support (registered users), or with your
suggestions for enhancements, please send e-mail to
RedHog Technical Support.
[Getting Started]
[How do I ?]
Last Update
3rd January 1997
Copyright © 1997 Allied Display Limited