1 &Help 2 < &Back 3 Next > 4 &Finish 5 Cancel 6 &Close 7 Use the right mouse button to add pages. 9 E&xit 10 &Insert 11 Special &Characters... 12 ID / Class / La&nguage... 13 &Anchor / Link... 14 Ima&ge... 15 Cu&rrent Date / Time 16 Page &Structure Tags 17 B&anner 18 &Edit 19 &Undo 20 Cu&t 21 &Copy 22 &Paste 23 &Delete 24 Se&lect All 25 R&epeat Last Find 26 &Replace... 27 &Find... 28 Bod&y... 29 Di&vision... 30 &Document Type... 31 &Head 32 HT&ML 33 &Is Index... 34 M&eta... 35 &Next ID... 36 &Range... 37 S&pot... 38 &Style... 39 &Title 40 &Base... 41 &Block Style Tags 42 &Address 43 Admonishme&nt... 44 Block &Quote 45 &Byline 46 &Centered 47 &Literal 48 &Paragraph... 49 P&reformatted 50 &Logical Font Style Tags 51 &Abbreviation 52 Acron&ym 53 Argume&nt 54 &Citation 55 C&ode 56 &Defining Instance 57 Inline &Quote 58 &Person 59 &Sample 60 &Variable 61 &Physical Font Style Tags 62 B&link 63 Bol&d 64 &Emphasis 65 &Italic 66 &Keyboard 67 &Strikethrough 68 Stron&g Emphasis 69 Subs&cript 70 Superscri&pt 71 &Typewriter Text 72 &Underlined 73 &Headings 74 Heading &1... 75 Heading &2... 76 Heading &3... 77 Heading &4... 78 Heading &5... 79 Heading &6... 80 L&ists and Misc Tags 81 Line &Break 82 N&o Break 83 &Word Break 84 &Horizontal Rule... 85 &Comment... 86 T&ab... 87 &Ordered List 88 &Un-ordered List 89 &Menu List 90 Di&rectory List 91 &List Item 92 &Definition List 93 Definition &Title 94 Definition &Item 95 &Form Tags 96 &Form... 97 &Input... 98 &Option... 99 &Select... 100 &Text Area... 101 &Table Tags 102 Table &Builder... 103 &Table... 104 &Caption... 105 Table &Header... 106 Table &Data... 107 Table &Row... 108 &Math Tags 109 Math S&ymbols... 110 &Array 111 Abo&ve 112 Belo&w 113 &Bold Font 114 Bo&x 115 &Math 116 &Over 117 &Root 118 S&quare Root 119 &Subscript 120 Su&perscript 121 &Text 122 &Upright Font 123 Upri&ght Bold Font 124 &Tools 125 Easy &Images... 126 Easy &Links... 127 E&xtended Chars -> Tags 128 &Spelling... 130 View Document with Browser 132 &Show Toolbar 133 &Align Toolbar 134 &Configure Toolbar... 135 &Top 136 &Left 137 &Right 138 Fo&nt... 139 &Bottom 140 Toolbar Configuration 141 No Frames 142 Basefont Si&ze... 143 &Options 144 Select &Font... 145 Select &HTML Viewer... 146 Select &URL File Path... 147 &Insert Carriage Returns... 148 &Word Wrap 149 &Window 150 &Cascade 151 Tile &Horizontally 152 &Tile Vertically 153 &Arrange Icons 154 &Help 155 &About WebEdit... 156 &Contents 157 New Page 158 Select one of the options from the list on the right and click OK. 159 Create a new blank page. 160 Let the WebEdit Home Page Wizard create a new page for you. 161 Open an existing page for editing. 162 New Blank Page 163 Home Page Wizard 164 Open Existing Page 166 Page 167 Block 168 Logical 169 Physical 170 Heading 171 List 172 Custom 173 Misc 174 Form 175 Table 177 Find 178 Replace 179 &Text to Find 180 R&eplace With 181 &Match Case 182 &Find Next 183 &Replace 184 Replace &All 185 Replace this occurrence? 187 New 188 Open 189 Save 190 Print 191 Help 193 Cut 194 Copy 195 Paste 196 Delete 197 Add Minimal HTML 198 Remove HTML Tags 199 Anchor / Link 200 Inline Image 201 Inline Figure 202 Browsers 203 Add or Edit Browsers 204 &Browser 205 Your nickname for the browser 206 Path to the browser 207 Undo 208 Repeat Last Tag 209 Block Style Tags 210 Document Tags 211 Extended Characters 212 Form Tools 213 URL Builder 214 &Resource Type 215 &Server: 216 &Port: 217 &File: 218 &Anchor: 219 Re&verse DOS Slashes 220 &Browse 221 Use http:// for www resources or none for document path relative to current file 222 Server name (e.g., myserver.com) 223 Required only if resource server is on a non-standard port 224 Name of file on server (e.g., myfile.html) 225 Named location within a file 226 Click on dropdown for list of previous URLs 227 Body 228 &Background 229 Background &Color 230 &Text Color 231 &Link Color 232 &Visited Link Color 233 &Active Link Color 234 Color 235 The URL of an image, normally a .GIF file 236 The document's background color. Hex format is standard. Check your target browser's documentation to see if it supports color names. 237 The document's text color. Hex format is standard. Check your target browser's documentation to see if it supports color names. 238 The color of normal links. Hex format is standard. Check your target browser's documentation to see if it supports color names. 239 The color of links that have been seen. Hex format is standard. Check your target browser's documentation to see if it supports color names. 240 The color links turn when clicked. Hex format is standard. Check your target browser's documentation to see if it supports color names. 241 Set the document's background color 242 Set the color of the document's text 243 Set the color of normal links 244 Set the color of links that have been seen 245 Set the color that links turn when clicked 246 Open the URL builder 247 Division 248 &Class 249 &Align 250 C&lear 251 &NoWrap 253 Document Type 254 Is Index 255 &Prompt 256 Overrides the default prompt supplied by the browser 257 Overrides the URL for processing queries 258 Open the URL builder 259 Meta 260 &Name 261 &Content 262 &HTTP-Equiv 263 Used to name a property such as author, publication date etc. 264 Used to supply a value for a named property 265 Binds the element to an HTTP response header 266 Next ID 267 Enter Next ID 268 Spot ID 269 Enter Spot ID 270 Style 271 Enter Style Notation 272 Comment 273 Comment 274 Range 275 &From 276 &Until 277 Beginning of range 278 End of range 279 Class of the division 280 Alignment of the division 281 Forces the division to be displayed below any images 282 Admonishment 283 &Src 284 &Message Digest 285 &Role 286 Cl&ear 287 Specifies an image to appear preceding the note 288 Checksum for the associated graphic specified by the SRC attribute 289 The role of the note 290 Forces the text to display below any figures, images, tables, etc. 291 Paragraph 292 &Align 293 C&lear 294 &NoWrap 295 The alignment of the paragraph 296 Forces the paragraph to be displayed below any figures, images, tables, etc. 297 Prevents the paragraph from wrapping, if possible 298 Font 299 Font &Size 300 Absolute value (e.g., 4, 7, etc.) or relative value (e.g., +2, -1, etc.) 301 Base Font Size 302 Base &Font Size 303 Heading 304 &Align 305 &Src 306 &Dingbat 307 &Message Digest 308 S&kip 309 Seq &Num 310 C&lear 311 &NoWrap 312 Alignment of the heading 313 An image to appear preceding the heading 314 Forces the heading to display below any images 315 An iconic image to appear preceding the heading 316 Checksum for the associated graphic specified by the SRC attribute 317 Increments the sequence number before rendering the element (e.g., SKIP=3) 318 Resets the sequence number of this heading element 319 Prevent the heading from wrapping 320 Open the URL builder 321 Horizontal Rule 322 &Plain 323 &Extended 324 &Size 325 &Width 326 &Align 327 &Percent 328 &NoShade 329 Plain
tag 330 Displays the line flat instead of 3D 331 Tab 332 Extended
tag 333 Thickness of the line 334 Width of the line 335 Is Width a percentage of document width? 336 Alignment of the line 337 &ID 338 &Align 339 I&ndent 340 The alignment of the tab 341 &To 342 Tab Stop 343 Tab To 344 &Decimal 345 List 346 &Compact 347 Presents the list in compact form 348 List Type 349 &Compact 350 Presents the list in compact form 351 &Start 352 Starting number 353 Form 354 &Action 355 &Method 356 &Enctype 357 URL of the CGI script which will process the form's contents 358 "Get" submits query; "Post" sends a datablock. Whenever possible, use Post 359 Presently unnecessary 360 Open the URL builder 361 Input 362 &Name 363 &Type 364 &Value 365 &Checked 366 &Disabled 367 &Width 368 &Height 369 &MaxLength 370 Name of the input field 371 Type of the input field 372 Default value of the input field 373 Is the button checked? 374 Is the button disabled? 375 Width of input field 376 Height of input field 377 Maximum length of input text 378 Option 379 &Plain 380 &Selected 381 &Disabled 382 Plain option button 383 Selected option button 384 Disabled option button 385 Select 386 &Name 387 &Size 388 &Multiple 389 Allows multiple options to be selected 390 &Options 391 Name of the selection list 392 Height of the selection list 393 TextArea 394 &Name 395 &Rows 396 &Cols 397 Name of the text area 398 Number of rows in the text area 399 Number of columns in the text area 400 Table Builder 401 Table Wi&dth 402 Table &Align 403 &Border 404 Border &Width 405 &Caption 406 Caption A&lignment 407 Width of the table 408 Usually left, right or center 409 Display table with border lines 410 Width of the table's outside border 411 The table's caption 412 Location of the table's caption 413 Imports a file into the table 414 Exports the table to a file 415 &Import 416 &Export 417 Table 418 &Border 419 A&lignment 420 &ColSpec 421 Cell&Padding 422 &Width 423 Cell&Spacing 424 &Height 425 Width of the border 426 Alignment of the table 427 List of column widths and alignment specifications (e.g. "L20 C8 L40") 428 Spacing within cells 429 Table width 430 Spacing between cells 431 Table height 432 Displays the table with a border 433 Caption 434 &Align 435 Specifies the location of a table's caption 436 Table Header 437 Table Data 438 &Align 439 &VAlign 440 &NoWrap 441 &ColSpan 442 &Width 443 &RowSpan 444 Alignment of the data within the cell 445 Vertical alignment of the data within the cell 446 Prevent data from wrapping 447 Number of columns cell should span 448 Width of cell 449 Number of rows cell should span 450 Table Row 451 &Align 452 &VAlign 454 Special 455 Extended 456 Icons 457 ID / Class / Language Attributes 458 Math 459 Sets 460 Other Math 461 Special Characters 462 Other 463 Extended Characters 464 Icon Entites 465 Other Entities 466 Math Symbols 467 Set and Class Relations 468 Other Math Symbols 469 Nearly all elements within the document body (including the tag) and some elements of the document head (e.g., ) may have ID, Class and Language attributes. 470 These attributes are intended for insertion into existing tags. They are not a tag in themselves. 471 &ID 472 &Class 473 &Language 474 Unique identifier for the given element 475 The class of the element 476 ISO standard language abbreviation (e.g., en.us, en.uk, etc.) 477 Anchor / Link 478 &HRef 479 &Name 480 &Title 481 &Message Digest 482 Re&l 483 U&RN 484 Re&v 485 &Shape 486 &Anchor 487 Lin&k 488 Fill in this field and click the Anchor button to create a hypertext link to another resource 489 Use Anchor for hypertext links 490 Use Link ONLY in the section of the document 491 Open the URL builder 492 Fill in this field and click the Anchor button if you are creating an Anchor that you want to be able to link to, or click the Link button if you are putting a Link tag in the section of your document 493 Fill in this field for Anchor tags that jump to non-HTML resources (i.e., resources that have no Title element if their own) 494 Checksum value for the linked resource designated by the HREF attribute 495 Relationship to the current page 496 Universal Resource Name for the document 497 Reverse of the relationship 498 Use only if the item between the begin and end Anchor tags is an inline figure. This attribute defines shaped hotzones. 499 Image 500 &Src 501 &LowSrc 502 &Alt text 503 Cl&ear 504 &Message Digest 505 &Width 506 HSpa&ce 507 Ali&gnment 508 &Height 509 &VSpace 510 &Border 511 &Units 512 &Figure 513 &Image 514 URL of image; usually a .JPG or .GIF file 515 NetScape-only quick-load small .GIF for image tags 516 Alternate text for non-graphical browsers 517 Forces the image to display below other images 518 Alignment of image 519 Checksum for the associated graphic specified by the SRC attribute 520 Width of image in units 521 Extra horizontal space 522 Height of image in units 523 Extra vertical space 524 Border thickness in units 525 Units of measure for width, etc. 526 Insert HTML 3 tag 527 Insert standard tag 528 Open the URL Builder 529 Open the URL Builder 531 Spell check complete. 532 Easy Images 533 &Insert Inlined 534 I&mage 535 &Figure 536 Select an insertion point in your document and double-click on a filename, or click a filename and drag it to your document to create a basic inline image or figure 537 Easy Links 538 &All Files 539 &Selected Files 540 &HTML 541 Te&xt 542 &Images 543 &Sounds 544 Select the link text in your document, then double-click a filename or click on a filename and drag it to the document to create a basic hypertext link 546 Block Styles 547 Extended Characters 548 Common Tags 549 Select Configuration Directory 550 Select a directory to store configuration files 551 Headings 552 Insertion Tags 553 List Tools 554 Logical Styles 555 Physical Styles 556 Table Tags 557 Address 558 Note 559 Paragraph 560 Preformatted 561 Document Tags 562 Add Grave Accent to selected text 563 C cedillia 564 Eth 565 O slash 566 HTML 567 Banner 568 Division 569 Meta 570 Next ID 571 Head 572 HTML 573 Italic 574 Preformatted 575 Body 576 Title 577 Base 578 Document Type 579 Is Index 580 Range 581 Level 2 heading 582 Level 3 heading 583 Level 4 heading 584 Level 5 heading 585 Level 6 heading 586 Line Break 587 No Break 588 Word Break 589 Horizontal Rule 590 Comment 591 Ordered List 592 List Item 593 Definition List 594 Definition Title 595 Definition Item 596 Abbreviation 597 Acronym 598 Person 599 Sample 600 Variable 601 Bold 602 Italic 603 Underlined 604 Superscript 605 Base Font Size 606 Table Builder 607 Table 608 Table Header 609 Caption 610 Block Quote 611 Byline 612 Centered 613 Literal 614 Add Acute Accent to selected text 615 Add Circumflex to selected text 616 Add Tilde to selected text 617 Add Umlaut to selected text 618 Add Ring to selected text 619 Add Ligature to selected text 620 Thorn 621 c cedillia 622 eth 623 o slash 624 thorn 625 Head 626 Body 627 Title 628 Paragraph 629 Line Break 630 Horizontal Rule 631 Bold 632 Unordered List 633 List Item 634 Level 1 heading 635 Level 2 heading 636 Spot 637 Style 638 Level 1 heading 639 Form Tools 640 Form 641 Text Area 642 Checkbox 643 Radio button 644 Text box 645 Submit button 646 Reset button 647 Select 648 Option 649 Tab 650 Unordered List 651 Menu List 652 Directory List 653 Argument 654 Citation 655 Code 656 Defining Instance 657 Inline Quote 658 Strikethrough 659 Blink 660 Emphasis 661 Strong Emphasis 662 Keyboard 663 Typewriter Text 664 Subscript 665 Font 666 Table Row 667 Table Data 668 Insert Carriage Returns 669 Page Tags 670 Headings 671 Math Tags 672 Block Tags 673 List Tags 674 User-defined Tags 675 Logical Tags 676 Form Tags 677 Anchors / Links 678 Physical Tags 679 Table Tags 680 Other 681 Begin 682 End 683 List Item 684 After Insertion Tags 685 After Special Chars 686 Ordering WebEdit 687 This is an evaluation version of WebEdit. You may use it for evaluation purposes for a period of 30 days according to the terms of the license agreement. 691 &Unlock 694 About WebEdit 695 Copyright © 1996, Luckman Interactive, Inc. 696 Hypertext Markup Language Editor for Windows 697 Mode 698 Luckman's WebEdit Pro 699 Should the character replace the selected text or be added to the end of it? 700 Copyright © 1996, Luckman Interactive, Inc. 701 All rights reserved. 702 Written by Kenn Nesbitt, Scot Jebens and Jay Ward 703 All parts of this product, including the interface, functionality, documentation, help file, etc., are protected under US copyright laws and international treaties. Violators will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. 705 Modified 706 Not Modified 707 saved 708 Save 709 before closing? 710 created 711 Last Updated 712 Unable to load file 713 This will remove all HTML tags and extended characters. 714 Are you sure you wish to proceed? 715 Search text 716 not found. 717 System resources are too low. 718 Try closing one or more other programs. 719 opened. 720 Unable to open file. 721 Headings 722 created 723 Unable to open document. Could the document be already open in another program? 725 Select HTML Viewer 726 Insufficient resources to open dialog box. 727 Base 728 Insufficient resources. Try closing open documents or other applications. 729 Directory List 730 Definition List 731 NAME is a required attribute of the SELECT tag 732 User-Defined Tags 733 Add New Custom Tag 734 Enter the new custom tag or HTML filename 735 Delete 736 Edit Custom Tag 737 Edit the custom tag 738 Open 739 Save As 740 &Add 741 &Edit 742 &Delete 743 Add a new user-defined tag 744 Edit the selected tag 745 Delete the selected tag 746 OK 747 Cancel 748 &Help 749 Document 751 SSI&+ Tags 752 &Echo... 753 &Include... 754 &FSize... 755 F&LastMod... 756 E&xec... 757 Co&nfig... 758 &ODBC 759 &Debug... 760 &Connect... 761 &Statement... 762 &Format... 763 E&Mail... 764 &If... 765 &Goto... 766 &Label... 767 &Break 768 Config 769 &Variable 770 &Token 771 T&ext 772 Exec 773 &System Command 774 C&MD 775 &CGI 776 Include Direct 777 &File Path/Name 778 &Virtual Path 779 &Direct Path 780 &Browse 781 Search for file on local computer 782 ODBC 783 &DataSource 784 &User Name 785 &Password 786 EMail 787 &From Host 788 Fr&om Address 789 &To Host 790 To &Address 791 &CC 792 &Subject 793 &Message 794 &In Reply To 795 I&D 796 S&ender 797 &Reply To 798 If 799 If 800 Then 801 FSize 802 FLastMod 803 Exec 804 Config 805 Echo 806 &Variable Name 807 ODBC 808 Debug 809 Goto 810 Statement 811 Format 812 Search for file on local computer 813 Enter Unlock Code 814 To unlock this copy of WebEdit, please enter your last name and unlock code in the fields below. If you do not have an unlock code, please contact your local distributor 817 Last &Name 818 Unlock &Code 819 Your surname 820 Your secret unlock code 821 Locked Feature 822 You have selected a feature that is locked in the evaluation version of WebEdit. To unlock this feature you must purchase WebEdit. 825 WebEdit 30-day Evaluation 826 If you continue using this product beyond the 30-day evaluation you must purchase it. We will then send you a special code to disable this message. 830 Unlock Software 831 After you purchase, click here to unlock your copy 832 &Continue Without Registering 833 We need your support to continue improving WebEdit 834 Before you click on the 'Accept' button, carefully read the terms and conditions of this agreement. 835 By clicking on the 'Accept' button, you are consenting to be bound by and are becoming a party to this agreement. If you do not agree to all of the terms of this agreement, click the 'Do Not Accept' button and the program will not continue. 836 WebEdit License Agreement 837 &Accept 838 Do &Not Accept 839 Load Table 840 Save Table 841 &Insert... 842 &Home Page Wizard... 843 Open &New Document on Startup 844 Find 845 Replace 847 WebEdit - Evaluation Version 848 Unable to open Unlock box. 849 &Tags -> Extended Chars 850 Is File over 32k? 851 Unable to Insert File 852 Is file plus text in document over 32k? 853 Show &Tips at Startup 854 &Wrap 855 FrameSet 856 word-wrapping in text input areas in forms 857 Straight number for pixels, % for percentage, * for relative (ex. 23, 23%, 2*) 858 Clos&e All 859 Save A&ll 860 Save All 861 &Rows 862 &Columns 863 Frame 864 &Src 865 &Name 866 Margin &Width 867 Margin &Height 868 S&crolling 869 URL of document to be displayed in this frame 870 Assigns a name so this frame can be targeted by links in other documents 871 Width of frame in pixels 872 Height of frame in pixels 873 Should this frame have a scrollbar? (Default is Auto) 874 Indicates whether a frame can be resized 875 No &Resize 876 N&o Frames 877 &Frame... 878 &FrameSet... 879 How to &Order WebEdit... 881 After you purchase WebEdit, click here to unlock your copy 882 As 883 &User-Defined Tags... 884 &Server Side Includes 885 Base 886 Lin&k To 887 &Target 888 Set default link for the document 889 Browser window to open when this link is selected 890 Open the URL Builder 891 &Accept 892 Media types or type patterns allowed for the file input 893 Please enter your last name and unlock code. 894 This unlock code is not valid. 895 Thank you for purchasing WebEdit! 896 Lin&k To 897 Fill out this URL if you also want the graphic to be a link to another resource 898 Expo&rt 899 Size 900 Color 901 Face 902 Font &Color 903 C&olor 904 F&irst Choice 905 S&econd Choice 906 T&hird Choice 907 Fo&urth Choice 908 Fi&fth Choice 909 The first font the browser should try to display text in 910 Font to display text in, if first choice is not available 911 Font to display text in, if second choice is not available 912 Font to display text in, if third choice is not available 913 Font to display text in, if fourth choice is not available 914 Select 915 Select 916 Select a font from a list 917 Select 918 Select a font from a list 919 Select 920 Select a font from a list 921 Select a font from a list 922 Select 923 Select a font from a list 924 Clear &All Choices 925 Blanks out all font face selections 926 Hex format is standard. Check your target browser's documentation to see if it supports color names. 927 C&olor 928 Set the font's color 929 Import / Export 930 Field &Separator 931 The character that seperates fields. i.e. the commas in "John","Smith","123 Melody Lane" 932 &Watermark 933 Causes the background to not scroll 934 C&ell Color 935 Set the cell's color 936 AVI Video 937 &DynSrc 938 S&tart 939 L&oop 940 &Infinite Loop 941 &Loop Delay 942 Show &Controls 943 URL of AVI video 944 On what event does the video start? 945 Number of times the video repeats 946 Show a control panel for the AVI? 947 Should the video repeat forever? 948 Delay in milliseconds before replaying AVI 949 Quick preview 950 &View 951 Display Pre&view 952 &Update Preview 953 He&xadecimal Color Value 954 Absolute Value 955 Relative Value 956 Full Window &Preview 957 Background Sound 958 Bac&kground Sound... 959 BGSound 960 &Infinite Loop 961 Sound &File: 962 Marquee 963 &Scrolling Text 964 &Align 965 &Behavior 966 Di&rection 967 &Height 968 &Width 969 HS&pace 970 Scroll A&mount 971 Scroll &Delay 972 &VSpace 973 Background &Color 974 C&olor 975 &Loop 976 Loop &Forever 977 This is just eye candy - NOT what the marquee will look like in a browser 978 Text that will be scrolled 979 Specifies that the text around the marquee should align with the top, middle, or bottom of the marquee 980 Specifies how the text should behave. Scroll is the default. 981 Specifies which direction the text should scroll. 982 Specifies the height of the marquee, either in pixels or as a percentage of the screen height. 983 Specifies the width of the marquee, either in pixels or as a percentage of the screen width. 984 Specifies left & right margins for the outside of the marquee, in pixels. 985 Specifies the number of pixels drawn between each sucessive draw of the marquee text. 986 Specifies the number of millseconds between each sucessive draw of the marquee text. 987 Specifies top & bottom margins for the outside of the marquee, in pixels. 988 Color can be in either text or hex format 989 Set the marquee background's color 990 Number of times the marquee repeats 991 Should the marquee repeat forever? 992 Mar&quee... 993 Tell EZ-Admin to upload changes 994 Tell EZ-Admin to download changes 995 Unable to establish DDE connection with EZ-Admin 996 Figure 997 URL of figure; usually a .JPG or .GIF file 998 Forces the figure to display below other images 999 Alignment of figure 1000 Width of figure in units 1001 Height of figure in units 1002 &Add or Edit Custom Tags... 1003 Figur&e... 1004 Insertion Tags 1005 &Add 1006 Map Builder 1007 Math 1008 Page Structure Tags 1009 Block Style Tags 1010 in UNIX format (LF only) 1011 in Macintosh format (CR only) 1012 &Unix (LF only)... 1013 &Macintosh (CR only)... 1014 Insert 1015 Include Virtual 1016 Virtual = 1017 &Virtual 1018 &Direct 1019 Statement 1020 &Select 1021 &Delete 1022 &Map Name 1023 Start a new mapping session 1024 Open an existing map file 1025 Save map file 1026 Set area fill to white 1027 Set area fill to black 1028 Delete selected area 1029 Previous area 1030 Next area 1031 The unique name for this map 1032 &URL 1033 The URL called when this area is activated 1034 URL Builder 1035 &Comment 1036 A comment for this area - it will be saved as an HTML Comment 1037 Open Image File 1038 Open Map File 1039 Save Map FIle 1040 Save before beginning new mapping session? 1041 To begin a new mapping session please select a picture file 1042 Save before opening map file? 1043 Picture File " 1044 " not found - look for it? 1045 Save changes before closing? 1046 Save file to disk before exiting? 1047 Please enter a map name before saving 1048 A map name is required 1049 View map tags 1050 Map Builder 1051 Identify this image as a mapped image 1052 Use Mapping 1053 Map Location 1054 Location of the map file in the format: path-and-file#map-name 1055 Ma&p Builder 1056 Open the Map Builder 1057 &Modules 1058 &X-AltSrc 1059 An image adhering to the ART standard 1060 Frame 1061 FrameSet 1062 No Frame 1063 SaveAs 1064 View map tags 1065 Place the map information in your HTML document 1066 Place the map information into a file which is referenced to in your HTML document 1067 Exit and &place map in document 1068 Exit and use external map &file 1069 Exit 1070 &Target 1071 Browser window to open when this link is selected 1072 &From 1073 &Where 1074 &Like 1075 &Order 1076 Ordered List 1077 Unordered List 1078 Menu List 1079 &Automatically Update Previewer 1080 Unable to use this file for inserting - the file is over 32k 1081 &Topic Search 1082 Table Builder (Non-Working) 1083 &Generate Table 1084 Close 1085 There are no open documents to send the table information to. Please either start a new document or open an existing one. 1086 The image file must have the extension of .BMP 1087 &Press for Ordering Information 1088 &Press for Registration Information 1089 &Select Font 1090 &Editor... 1091 &Previewer... 1092 Set &Configuration File Path... 1093 &Highlight Tags 1094 &Browser 1096 Alias 1097 Object 1098 Param 1099 Applet 1100 Param (Java Tag) 1101 Pro&ject 1102 &New 1103 &Open... 1104 &Save 1105 Save &As... 1106 &Close 1107 Repeat &Last Tag 1108 &Object Tags 1109 &Object... 1110 &Alias... 1111 &Param... 1112 &Java Tags 1113 &Applet... 1114 &Param... 1115 &Add or Edit Tags... 1116 &User Tags 1117 &Automatically Update Preview 1118 Set &Orientation 1119 &Horizontal 1120 &Vertical 1121 &Add or Edit Browsers... 1122 &Run Browsers 1123 T&ag Attributes 1124 &Lowercase 1125 &Uppercase 1126 &Toolbars 1127 &Show 1128 &Document 1129 &User 1130 &Menu 1131 &Status 1132 &Configure 1133 &User 1134 Logical Font Style Tags 1135 Physical Font Style Tags 1136 Headings 1137 List Tags 1138 User-Defined Tags 1139 Misc Tags 1140 Form Tags 1141 Table Tags 1142 Math Tags 1143 Ins 1144 Ovr 1145 Marquee 1146 List Tools 1147 Logical Font 1148 Misc 1149 Physical Style Tags 1150 Table and Frame Tags 1151 Off 1152 On 1153 &Insert Tag 1154 Edit Entry 1155 Name 1156 Tag 1157 &Name 1158 &Tag 1159 The nickname you wish to give the tag 1160 This can be either a tag or a filename 1161 Location 1162 Project Manager 1163 Add current page to project 1164 Add file to project 1165 Remove files from project 1166 File 1167 is already in the project. 1168 Please save the document before adding it to the project. 1169 The file 1170 could not be found. 1171 is already loaded. 1172 Files in project 1173 Remove 1174 from project? 1175 Object 1176 &Code 1177 &Data 1178 &Style 1179 C&lass ID 1180 D&ir 1181 Applet 1182 C&odebase 1183 Decla&re 1184 A URL referencing where to find the code which implements the object's behaviour 1185 A URL referencing the object's data 1186 The Internet Media Type of the object's data 1187 The class identifier of the object 1188 The direction characters are read in the chosen language (LANG attribute) 1189 Alignment of insert object 1190 Specifies an object without inserting it into the document 1191 The name of the file 1192 The base URL of the applet 1193 A name for the applet instance 1194 Parsed character data to be displayed if the brower understands the APPLET tag but can't/won't run them 1195 &Alt 1196 Alignment of applet 1197 Param 1198 &Value 1199 &Name 1200 Value&Ref 1201 &Type 1202 The property name 1203 The property value 1204 A URL based reference to an ALIAS element 1205 The media type for the data stream 1206 Param 1207 Name: the name of the parameter - Value: the value obtained by the applet with the getParameter() method 1208 Alias 1209 &ID 1210 A document-wide identifier 1211 A URL referencing where to find the code which implements the object's behaviour 1212 A URL referencing the object's data 1213 The Internet Media Type of the object's data 1214 The class identifier of the object 1215 Value 1216 Highlighting Status 1217 Highlighting Tags 1218 An error occured while loading Module 1219 There was a problem loading the file 1221 An error occured while accessing Module 1222 This button is already on your Toolbar! 1223 WebEdit cannot find the default toolbar file ''TOOLDEF.TB''. WebEdit will start with an empty toolbar which you can then modify. 1224 Save changes to project 1225 Beta Registration 1226 This Beta release is for registered users of WebEdit 1.4 only. 1227 To enable this Beta version of WebEdit, please enter in the fields below your last name and the registration code you used to unlock WebEdit 1.4. 1228 Code Accepted - Beta unlocked 1229 &Add File To Project... 1230 &Remove Files From Project... 1231 &Save Project 1232 Sa&ve Project As... 1233 &Close Project 1234 &Add Browser... 1235 &Edit Browser... 1236 &Delete Browser... 1237 &Add Tag... 1238 &Edit Tag... 1239 &Delete Tag... 1240 Open Project 1241 &Open Selected Files 1242 Open selected files 1243 Find 1244 &Text to find: 1245 Options 1246 &Case Sensitive 1247 &Whole words only 1248 Direction 1249 Scope 1250 &Global 1251 &Selected Text 1252 All Open &Documents 1253 Origin 1254 &Find Next 1255 F&orward 1256 &Backward 1257 From C&ursor 1258 &Entire Scope 1259 Replace 1260 Replace &With: 1261 &Prompt on replace 1262 &Replace 1263 Replace &All 1264 Document Type 1265 &DocType 1266 A statement describing what level HTML the document is 1267 &Home Page Wizard 1268 The above line MUST exactly match the text string entitled 'cHOMEPAGE' in the Home Page Wizard Resource File - 'cWizardNames' section 1269 The browser 1270 WebEdit cannot give a document the same name as an open document. 1271 Luckman's WebEdit Pro 1272 Clea&r 1273 To add buttons to the toolbar, left-click on them and drag them to the desired 1274 Registered to 1275 registration # 1276 The configuration file directory 1277 does not exist. It will be changed to the directory from which you started WebEdit. 1278 To specify a different path please see ''Select Configuration File Path'' in the Configuration section of the Options menu. 1279 Contact Luckman Interactive, Inc. for a valid registration code 1280 This is an unlock code for the STANDARD version. 1281 You must obtain a PROFESSIONAL unlock code to unlock the PROFESSIONAL version. 1282 Check Spelling 1283 Update Previewer 1284 You have been using WebEdit for 1285 WebEdit 2.0 Professional Beta 4 1286 day. 1287 days. 1288 Your evaluation time has expired. Please see the helpfile for registration information. 1289 WebEdit 2.0 Standard Beta 4 1290 WebEdit 2.0 Professional Beta 4 - Unregistered 1291 WebEdit 2.0 Standard Beta 4 - Unregistered 1292 Could not find " 1293 Open Project 1294 Project1 1295 No text is selected. Strip tags from all text? 1296 No text is selected. Convert entire Document? 1297 Unable to insert document - could it be open in another program? 1298 Please select a browser to be used when this button is clicked 1299 NAME is a required attribute of the SELECT tag 1300 Version 2.0 Professional Beta 4 1301 Version 2.0 Standard Beta 4 1302 Your evaluation period has expired. WebEdit will stop working at 45 days. Please register soon! 1303 See the help file for details 1304 Please do not use crack codes. It hurts everyone in the industry when you do not pay for software that you use 1305 &Word Wrap 1306 Should lines longer than the width of the screen be 'wrapped' onto the next line? 1307 Open &new document at startup 1308 Should WebEdit have a blank document open when it is first loaded? 1309 Use syntax &highlighting 1310 Should WebEdit highlight the HTML tags a different color than the text? 1311 Toolbar 1312 What Toolbars should be visible? (Some toolbars will only be visible when at least one document is opened) 1313 Show 1314 &Document 1315 &Menu 1316 &User 1317 &Status 1318 &Configure user toolbar 1319 Change the User toolbar to include whatever buttons you want! 1320 Browsers 1321 Add or Edit &Browser 1322 Add third-party browsers. This allows you to see what your document looks like when viewed in multiple browsers. 1323 Select whether to start a new line before or after each tag type 1324 &Configure... 1325 &Element 1326 What text do you wish to change the color of? 1327 Document Text 1328 Document Tag 1329 Previewer Text 1330 Previewer HotSpot 1331 &Use Default Colors 1332 Reset the text colors back to defaults 1333 Editor Text 1334 Previewer Text 1335 &Color 1336 Left-click for foreground color, right-click for background color 1337 Select Font 1338 &Editor 1339 &Previewer 1340 &Name 1341 Select the font WebEdit uses. This only applies to WebEdit - it does NOT affect the font of your document when viewed in a browser 1342 &Size 1343 Style 1344 &Bold 1345 &Italic 1346 Sample Text 1347 A preview of what the text will look like in WebEdit 1348 This is where files such as the ones holding all of the URLs that have been entered while using WedEdit are stored 1349 Settings 1350 &Display Preview 1351 Show the quick previewer. (You can also use the yellow lightning symbol) 1352 &Full Window Preview 1353 Display the quick previewer full screen 1354 &Automatically Update Previewer 1355 This updates the quick previewer with each keystroke. There may be quite a lag if a document with many graphics is being edited 1356 &Show Pictures 1357 Show pictures or placeholders in the quick previewer. Turn this off for faster redraws of the quick previewer 1358 Orientation 1359 &Vertical 1360 Display the quick previewer with a tall-narrow effect 1361 &Horizontal 1362 Display the quick previewer with a short-wide effect 1363 Tags 1364 Tag case 1365 Should tags be added to the document in UPPERCASE or lowercase? 1366 Pathing 1367 Path 1368 The type of path to be used in all file references. See the help file for a complete description 1369 &None 1370 &Absolute 1371 &Relative 1372 Relative to a &fixed directory 1373 F&ixed directory 1374 The directory to which all file references are relative to 1375 &Browse 1376 Search for directory 1377 Color 1378 Carriage Returns 1379 Files 1380 Font 1381 Tags && Paths 1382 Preferences 1383 Previewer 1384 U&ppercase 1385 Should tags be added to the document in UPPERCASE or lowercase? 1386 Low&ercase 1387 Should tags be added to the document in UPPERCASE or lowercase? 1388 Reverse &Slashes 1389 Use Unix style slashes "/" instead of DOS style slashes 1390 Replace this occurrence of 1391 Search string 1392 not found. 1393 not found in selected text. 1394 position on the toolbar, then release the mouse button. To remove a button, drag it from the toolbar and release it when the mouse pointer is over the Toolbar Configuration box. 1395 Default extension for opening files 1396 Some versions of NT show each filename twice in the Open File box. If this happens select the HTML Only button 1397 Version 2.0 for Windows 3.1 1398 Version 2.0 for Windows 95 1399 Version 2.0 for Windows 3.1 - Unregistered 1400 Version 2.0 for Windows 95 - Unregistered 1401 Version 2.0.3 for Windows 3.1 1402 Version 2.0.3 for Windows 3.1 - Unregistered 1403 Version 2.0.3 for Windows 95 1404 Version 2.0.3 for Windows 95 - Unregistered 1405 Project 1406 HTML && HTM 1407 HTML Only 1408 Internet Explorer version 1409 Each version of Internet Explorer accepts files in a different format. Select which version you will be using, 1410 Big 1411 Small 1412 &Big 1413 S&mall 1414 Luckman's WebEdit Lite 1415 Luckman's WebEdit Pro 1416 Luckman's WebEdit 1417 WebEdit - 1418 WebEdit PRO - 1419 WebEdit Lite - 1420 Clear out table 1421 Settings 1422 &Extended Functionality 1423 With this turned on the Project manager can keep track of what files are loaded, what files have been modified, and what files exist. There is a performance hit when using these features so users with slower machines might want to turn this off. 1424 &Close open documents on Project Manager shutdown 1425 When the Project Manager is shut down, should all open documents that belong to the project be closed? 1426 Stay on top 1427 Switches between showing the full path to the file and the file or just the file itself 1428 When selected, the Project Manager will stay on top of all other windows. 1429 A file in the tag field will cause the file to be inserted at the cursor location 1430 &Replace 1431 Browse for browser 2000 &New... 2001 &Open... 2002 &Close 2003 &Save 2004 &File 2005 Save &As... 2007 &Print 2008 Print Set&up... 2011 &File 2100 Options 2102 Editor 2103 Drag and Drop behavior 2104 &Insert file as tag 2105 &Open file as new document 2106 What action should WebEdit take when files are dragged onto it from the Windows desktop? 2107 &Lowercase filenames 2108 Some versions of UNIX expect filenames to be in lower case 2200 &Location 2201 URL of file to open (eg. http://www.luckman.com/main.html) 2202 Open the URL builder 2203 &Stop 2204 &Open 2205 Cancel 2206 &Details >> 2207 Log 2208 Response 2209 Status Code: 2210 Open Location 2211 Open Loca&tion... 61440 Cannot assign a %s to a %s 61441 Cannot create file %s 61442 Cannot open file %s 61443 Stream read error 61444 Stream write error 61445 Out of memory while expanding memory stream 61446 Can't write to a read-only resource stream 61447 WriteObject called twice for the same instance 61448 Class %s not found 61449 Invalid stream format 61450 Resource %s not found 61451 Resource %s is of incorrect class 61452 List index out of bounds 61453 Operation not allowed on sorted string list 61454 String list does not allow duplicates 61455 Tab index out of bounds 61456 A component named %s already exists 61457 ''%s'' is not a valid component name 61458 A class named %s already exists 61459 ''%s'' is not a valid integer value 61460 Line too long 61461 Invalid property value 61462 Invalid property path 61463 Property does not exist 61464 Property is read-only 61465 Error reading %s.%s: %s 61466 Ancestor for '%s' not found 61467 Bitmap image is not valid 61468 Icon image is not valid 61469 Metafile is not valid 61470 Bitmap is empty 61471 Cannot change the size of an icon 61472 Unknown picture file extension (.%s) 61473 Unsupported clipboard format 61474 Out of system resources 61475 Canvas does not allow drawing 61476 Invalid image size 61477 Too many images 61478 Image dimensions do not match image list dimensions 61479 Invalid ImageList 61480 Unable to Replace Image 61481 Invalid ImageList Index 61482 Error creating window device context 61483 Client of TDrag not initialized 61484 Error creating window class 61485 Error creating window 61486 Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window 61487 Control '%s' has no parent window 61488 Cannot hide an MDI Child Form 61489 Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide 61490 Cannot make a visible window modal 61491 Scrollbar property out of range 61492 %s property out of range 61493 Menu index out of range 61494 Menu inserted twice 61495 Sub-menu is not in menu 61496 Not enough timers available 61497 Printer is not currently printing 61498 Printing in progress 61499 Printer index out of range 61500 Printer selected is not valid 61501 %s on %s 61502 GroupIndex cannot be less than a previous menu item's GroupIndex 61503 Cannot have more than one MDI form per application 61504 Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active 61505 Invalid component registration 61506 Can only modify an image if it contains a bitmap 61507 A control cannot have itself as its parent 61508 OK 61509 Cancel 61510 &Yes 61511 &No 61512 &Help 61513 &Close 61514 &Ignore 61515 &Retry 61516 Abort 61517 &All 61518 Cannot drag a form 61519 PutObject to undefined item 61520 Could not load CARDS.DLL 61521 Duplicate CardId found 61522 An error returned from DDE ($0%x) 61523 DDE Error - conversation not established ($0%x) 61524 Error occurred when DDE ran out of memory ($0%x) 61525 Unable to connect DDE conversation 61526 FB 61527 FG 61528 BG 61529 Cannot load older version of TShape 61530 Metafiles 61531 Enhanced Metafiles 61532 Icons 61533 Bitmaps 61534 Grid too large for operation 61535 Too many rows or columns deleted 61536 Grid index out of range 61537 Fixed column count must be less than column count 61538 Fixed row count must be less than row count 61539 %s on line %d 61540 Identifier expected 61541 String expected 61542 Number expected 61543 ''%s'' expected 61544 %s expected 61545 Invalid numeric value 61546 Invalid string constant 61547 Invalid property value 61548 Invalid binary value 61549 Outline index not found 61550 Parent must be expanded 61551 Invalid value for current item 61552 Invalid input value 61553 Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes 61554 Invalid outline index 61555 Incorrect level assignment 61556 Invalid selection 61557 File load error 61558 Line too long 61559 Maximum outline depth exceeded 61560 Warning 61561 Error 61562 Information 61563 Confirm 61564 &Yes 61565 &No 61566 OK 61567 Cancel 61568 &Help 61569 No help available 61570 Help 61571 &Abort 61572 &Retry 61573 &Ignore 61574 &All 61575 BkSp 61576 Tab 61577 Esc 61578 Enter 61579 Space 61580 PgUp 61581 PgDn 61582 End 61583 Home 61584 Left 61585 Up 61586 Right 61587 Down 61588 Ins 61589 Del 61590 Shift+ 61591 Ctrl+ 61592 Alt+ 61593 (Unknown) 61594 (None) 61595 Value must be between %d and %d 61596 Cannot create a default method name for an unnamed component 61597 Invalid argument to date encode 61598 Invalid argument to time encode 61599 ''%s'' is not a valid date 61600 ''%s'' is not a valid time 61601 ''%s'' is not a valid date and time 61602 Invalid file name - %s 61603 All files (*.*)|*.* 61604 All 61605 : [ - no volume label - ] 61606 Unable to insert a line 61607 The specified directory does not exist. Create it? 61608 Select Directory 61609 Directory &Name: 61610 D&rives: 61611 &Directories: 61612 &Files: (*.*) 61613 Ne&twork... 61614 Color 61615 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP 61616 Invalid clipboard format 61617 Clipboard does not support Icons 61618 Default 61619 Text exceeds memo capacity 61620 Custom Colors 61621 Operation not supported on selected printer 61622 There is no default printer currently selected 61623 Unable to write to %s 61624 Bits index out of range 61625 (Untitled) 61626 Invalid data type for '%s' 61627 Failed to create key %s 61628 Failed to set data for '%s' 61629 Failed to get data for '%s' 61630 Synchronize called when main VCL thread in a WaitFor call 61631 Unknown RichEdit conversion file extension (.%s) 61632 Menu '%s' is already being used by another form 61952 Tab control access error 61953 Invalid item level assignment 61954 Invalid index 61955 Unable to insert an item 61956 Invalid owner 61957 Unable to create new column 61958 Unable to create new item 61959 RichEdit line insertion error 61960 Failed to Load Stream 61961 Failed to Save Stream 61962 StatusBar cannot have more than 64 panels 61963 Error assigning Hot-Key to %s. %s 61964 Hot-Key is invalid 61965 Window is invalid or a child window 61966 Hot-Key is assigned to another window 61967 %s is already associated with %s 65408 '%s' is not a valid integer value 65409 '%s' is not a valid floating point value 65410 '%s' is not a valid date 65411 '%s' is not a valid time 65412 '%s' is not a valid date and time 65413 Invalid argument to time encode 65414 Invalid argument to date encode 65415 Out of memory 65416 I/O error %d 65417 File not found 65418 Invalid filename 65419 Too many open files 65420 File access denied 65421 Read beyond end of file 65422 Disk full 65423 Invalid numeric input 65424 Division by zero 65425 Range check error 65426 Integer overflow 65427 Invalid floating point operation 65428 Floating point division by zero 65429 Floating point overflow 65430 Floating point underflow 65431 Invalid pointer operation 65432 Invalid class typecast 65433 Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p 65434 Stack overflow 65435 Control-C hit 65436 Privileged instruction 65437 Operation aborted 65438 Exception %s in module %s at %p.\n%s%s 65439 Application Error 65440 Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument 65441 No argument for format '%s' 65442 Invalid variant type conversion 65443 Invalid variant operation 65444 Variant method calls not supported 65445 Read 65446 Write 65447 Format result longer than 4096 characters 65448 Format string too long 65449 Error creating variant array 65450 Variant is not an array 65451 Variant array index out of bounds 65452 External exception %x 65472 Jan 65473 Feb 65474 Mar 65475 Apr 65476 May 65477 Jun 65478 Jul 65479 Aug 65480 Sep 65481 Oct 65482 Nov 65483 Dec 65488 January 65489 February 65490 March 65491 April 65492 May 65493 June 65494 July 65495 August 65496 September 65497 October 65498 November 65499 December 65504 Sun 65505 Mon 65506 Tue 65507 Wed 65508 Thu 65509 Fri 65510 Sat 65511 Sunday 65512 Monday 65513 Tuesday 65514 Wednesday 65515 Thursday 65516 Friday 65517 Saturday