Export Data from Bode Plot

To export text data from a Bode Plot, select a Bode Plot in a circuit document and click the right mouse button to bring up the Context Menu. In the Context Menu, select Object|Export Data... which will bring up the following dialog box:

Start Decade and Decades edit fields

The Start Decade edit field value is the Log of the start frequency of the data exported from the Bode Plot. The Decades edit field value is the width of the exported data. For example, if the Start Decade value is 3 and the Decades value is 2 then the frequency range of the exported data will be from 10^3 to 10^5.

Data Points

This edit field value is the number of data points in the exported data.

rad/s or Hz

Selects the frequency units of the exported data.

Log(freq) or freq

Selects the numerical representation of frequency values in the exported data.

Save Data As...

Click this button to save the exported data to a text file. A Save As dialog box will appear and allow you to name the file and save it to any directory.

Copy Data

Click this button to save a copy of the exported data to the clipboard. The text data can then be pasted into any other application.