

An Inductor is a passive circuit component with an alphanumeric label and a value in henries [H]. Here is an Inductor with the label "L1" and value 10 mH.

Parameters Dialog Box

The parameters of an Inductor are edited with this dialog box.


An alphanumeric label to provide a reference to the Inductor.


The value, or inductance, of the Inductor.


The units for the value of the Inductor. The units for a Inductor can be pH, ╡H, mH, H, KH, or MH.

Label Position

The Inductor's label and value are initially positioned on the "Default Side" of the component. If you want, or need to change the position to improve the legibility, or layout of the circuit, you can set the position of the label to the "Other Side" of the Inductor.