Plot Line Parameters
This dialog box is used to edit the parameters of lines that are plotted in graphs - like Bode Plots, Input Signals, and Output Signals.
- The "Show Line" check box toggles the line on and off.
- The Line Color and Line Style change the appearance of the line.
- The Line Preview shows a short line segment with the same color and style as the plotted line.
- The Vertical Axis radio buttons select which vertical axis the line will use.
- The Plot Marker List shows a list of the Plot Markers that will be calculated and attached to the line.
- The Add button creates a new Plot Marker, adds it to the Plot Marker List, and brings up the Plot Marker Parameters dialog box.
- The Edit button brings up the Plot Marker Parameters dialog box to edit the Plot Marker that is currently selected in the Plot Marker List.
- The Delete button deletes the Plot Marker that is currently selected in the Plot Marker List.