3001 The current resolution of the video subsystem, in horizontal-by-vertical pixels. 3002 The number of bits used for each screen pixel, which determines the number of colors that can be displayed. Common values include 4 (16 colors), 8 (256 colors), 16 (64K colors), and 24 (16M colors). 3003 Overall video performance, in megapixels per second. 3004 Windows 95 can use either 32-bit Plug-and-Play video drivers or older Windows 3.x video drivers. Older drivers do not support advanced features such as dynamic resolution changes or animated cursors. 3005 Information about the current video driver. 3006 Graphics acceration should generally be enabled unless you have specific problems that require it to be disabled. Disabling acceleration will result in reduced performance. 3007 Date and time that tests were completed. 3008 Video board name or chipset family. Sometimes this is the name of the manufacturer of the board, such as ATI, Diamond, or Matrox. Other times it will be the name of the video chipset such as S3, Tseng Labs, or Cirrus Logic. 3009 Time required to complete a particular phase of the video test. This result is factored into the overall video speed measurement. 3101 Tip VID101: Use a Plug and Play video driver 3201 This system is using a Windows 3.1 video driver, which does not provide all the features that Windows 95 does with its own drivers. Contact the vendor to see if a later driver is available.