EnReach Technology Inc.
I-View 2.0 Help File
Off-Line HTML Browser
Click on highlighted links for the section you are looking
for. Use the back arrow on the toolbar to go back to what you previously
Table of Contents
I-View is a powerful, full-featured off-line HTML browser that enables
the seamless integration of content from multiple off-line sources, including
CD-ROMs, DVDs, local hard drives, or even floppy disks. I-View is very
small in size (about 750K) allowing you to distribute I-View with your
HTML files using just a single floppy disk. Sample applications for I-View
include Interactive Publishing, Product Documentation, Sales Communications,
and Multimedia Corporate Training.
I-View displays hypertext documents and in-line images. It will also
load your choice of associated programs to play sound and movie clips or
display separate images. I-View also supports image maps. A WYSIWYG Print
Preview displays any page exactly as it will print on your printer.
This user manual covers I-View (Version 2.XX) 16- and 32-bit versions
for use with Windows 3.1 and 95.
Installation Instructions
Note: These instructions assume you have already downloaded the zipped
I-View or I-View Pro file from our website or have a floppy disk with the
file already on it.
Windows 3.1
1. Copy the zipped file into the directory you want I-View to be located
(e.g. c:\iview or c:\iviewpro)
2. Click on the File menu of your Windows Program Manager;
3. Select Run, and then type the path and filename of the zipped file
(e.g. c:\iview\16ivwXXX.exe or c:\iview\16ivpXXX.exe), where XXX is the
3-digit I-View version number.
4. When all files have been successfully unzipped, you can run I-View
through the Run command in your Windows Program Manager or by creating
an icon for I-View using the New command also in the Windows Program Manager.
The path in either case is the directory in which you originally unzipped
I-View (e.g. c:\iview\iview16.exe or c:\iview\iviewp16.exe
Windows 95
1. Copy the zipped file into the directory you want I-View to be located
(e.g. c:\iview or c:\iviewpro)
2. Click on the Start menu in the lower left hand corner of your screen;
3. Select Run, and then type the path and filename of the zipped file
(e.g. c:\iview\32ivwXXX.exe or c:\iview\32ivpXXX.exe), where XXX is the
3-digit I-View version number.
4. When all files have been successfully unzipped, you can run I-View
through the Start menu Run command or by creating a shortcut for I-View
by finding the I-View file through the My Computer file manager and dragging
the I-View application icon onto your desktop.
- Home: Returns you to the Home page.
- Back: Pages back through previously viewed HTML files.
- Forward: Pages forward through previously viewed HTML
- Reload: Reloads the current page.
- Open: Opens a file. Refer to detailed explanation in
the File Menu section of this manual.
- Find: Finds some text in the current document or frame.
Refer to detailed explanation in the Edit Menu section of this manual.
- Print: Prints current HTML page or frame being viewed.
File Menu
- New Window: Creates a
new browser window.
- Open: Opens an HTML file from
your local disk.
- Reload: Reloads the current
- Close: Closes the currently
selected window.
- Compress HTML File:
Compresses HTML file(s) for distribution into a more compact format unreadable
using other browers or applications.
- Compile Release Version:
Compiles a version of I-View for distribution with the ability to disable
some capabilities and add and expiration date.
- Print: Prints the current
HTML document.
- Print Preview: Displays
the document on the screen as it would appear printed.
- Print Setup: Displays
the Printer Setup controls.
- Exit: Quits I-View.
New Window Command (File Menu)
- Use this command to create a new browser window.
- Enables you to create another browser window to view other files without
disturbing the views in your other browser windows.
Open Command (File Menu)
- Use this command to open an existing document in your current browser
Use this command to select a file to open from a dialog box. Open presents
a file selection dialog box, listing the HTML files on your local disk.
The dialog box allows you to specify the file you want to open. By default,
IView displays all files listed in the current directory or folder
with the .htm file extension (HTML Documents). File types displayed may
be changed through the pull-down menu in the lower left-hand corner entitled
"List Files of Type:". You may also change directories or folders
by simply clicking one of the folders listed in the upper middle portion
of the dialogue box.
Change to the directory or folder where you have saved the file you
want to open. If necessary, you may have to use the "Drives:"
pull-down menu or the "Networkà" button for files located on
a floppy or network drive. If the file you are looking for is not listed,
be sure to the "List Files of Type:" to *.*. This will force
IView to list all files in the current folder, regardless of their
file extension or name.
Click on the "Open in new window" radio box if you would like
to have the file opened in a new browser window. You may also specify how
you would like the file opened (e.g. HTML as a TEXT document) by making
the appropriate selection in the "Open as:" pull-down menu.
Tip: Remember all HTML files are really plain text files. You may have
used Notepad or another ASCII text editor and accidentally saved the file
with the .txt file extension. You can change the types of files listed
through the "List Files of Type:" pull-down menu.
Reload Command (File Menu)
- Use this command to reload an existing document in the current window.
- Brings a fresh copy of the current document (from the saved source)
to replace the one originally displayed. The reloaded command displays
any changes made to the original HTML file from the time of the original
display. This command will force I-View to "re-read" the original
source HTML file and "reload" the document into the window. When
you edit the original HTML source code, you will need to "save"
your editing, then "reload" to allow I-View to read and display
your changes from the original file.
Close Command (File Menu)
- Use this command to close the current window.
- Closes the current window only without exiting from the I-View application.
Compress HTML File Command (File
- Use this command to compress or protect distributed HTML files.
- This feature works only in the royalty-free versions of I-View. Presents
a dialog box enabling you to select a file or list of HTML files to be
compressed. This feature is useful for applications of I-View where storage
space is limited (such as a floppy disk) or where the content author does
not want to give their users the ability to view or change the included
HTML source files. Files compressed using this feature are given a .TCC
extension and are unreadable using browsers or applications other than
Compile Release Version
Command (File Menu)
- Use this command to compile a release version of I-View for distribution.
- This feature works only in the royalty-free versions of I-View. Enables
you to compile a special version of I-View with some features disabled
and an expiration date, for distribution to your target audience. The dialog
box brought up by this command gives you radio box options to disable user
ability to change home pages, edit HTML source code, open a new window,
open a new file, close a file, or set an expiration date. The release version
of I-View can be renamed to anything however an .EXE extension must be
added in order for it to be recognized as an application by Windows.
Print Command (File Menu)
- Use this command to print the current document.
- Use this command to print the current I-View document. A dialog box
allows you to select printing characteristics. In addition to Print, I-View
offers a Print Preview menu command to display the layout of a printed
page before you print.
Print Preview Command (File Menu)
- Use this command to preview a page before it is printed.
- Use this command to see a representation of a printed page on screen
before you send to the default printer. I-View presents the standard Windows
print dialog box and controls.
Print Setup command (File menu)
- Use this command to set-up print characteristics including the default
- This command presents a dialog box that lets you specify printing characteristics
associated with the current document. You can change the default printer
settings using this command.
Exit command (File menu)
- Use this command to quit I-View.
- Closes all open documents and exits the I-View application. Use this
command to end your I-View session. I-View will prompt you to save any
documents that have unsaved changes.
Edit Menu
- Copy: Copies selection to the
- Find: Finds specified text
within a document.
- Source: Allows editing of
HTML source code.
Copy Command (Edit Menu)
- Use this command to copy a selection to the clipboard.
- This command works similar to other applications allowing you to copy
a previously highlighted selection in an I-View window to be pasted into
another application.
Find Command (Edit Menu)
- Use this command to find text in the currently open document.
- This simple text find capability brings up a dialog box allowing you
to find text in the document currently being viewed. Find options include
case matching and direction (forward, backward, and from the beginning).
Source Command (Edit Menu)
- Use this command to edit the HTML source for the document currently
being viewed.
- This command opens a Windows Notepad document displaying the current
document HTML source. You can edit the source just like any other standard
ASCII text file and save it. Note: Be sure you are save the file with the
.htm file extension for HTML documents instead of the standard .txt applied
by default from Windows Notepad.
View Menu
- Toolbar: Shows or hides
the Toolbar.
- Status Bar: Shows or
hides the Status Bar at the bottom of the screen.
- Options: Allows you to change
general, font, and file type settings.
Tip: The Options menu provides control of your interface and
how your I-View program displays HTML formatting tags, not how other browsers
will display your source HTML code.
Toolbar Command (View Menu)
- Use this command to toggle display of I-View's toolbar.
- This toggle menu command will display a "check" mark on its
left side when the I-View toolbar display is enabled. When the toolbar
is disabled, no "check" mark will be visible.
Status Bar Command (View Menu)
- Use this command to toggle display of I-View's status bar.
- Similar to the Toolbar menu command, this toggle switch will display
a "check" mark on its left side when the I-View status bar display
is enabled. The status bar is visible at the bottom of the I-View application
window. When the status bar is disabled, no "check" mark will
be visible.
Options Command (View Menu)
- Use this command to change general, font, and file type settings.
- This menu command brings up a dialog box with 3 tabs enabling you to
alter (1) general, (2) font, and (3) file type settings for I-View. These
settings contained on each of these 3 tabs are discussed below.
(1) General Options
The path and filename of the default home page used by I-View can be
re-specified here. If the file is the same directory as the I-View application,
you need only type the entire file name (e.g. iview.htm). Otherwise, you
must specify the entire path (e.g. c:\mystuff\iview\iview.htm). IMPORTANT:
Make sure that the "Save Settings on Exit" radio box is checked
before you hit the OK button. You must then exit from I-View and restart
the I-View application before your changes will take effect.
In addition to specifying a default home page, you may also toggle other
options including: display images, display background, play animations,
in-place play sound, dither background color, and style sheets on. After
changing these options, be sure you specify whether you want the changes
to apply to only the current window or all future windows by checking the
appropriate radio box. Changes will take place immediately after you press
the OK button.
(2) Font Options
Use this command to change your HTML font attributes for fixed width
and proportional spaced fonts. As with general options, make sure you specify
whether you want these changes to apply only to the current window only
or to all future windows. Changes will take place immediately after you
press the OK button.
Tip: We recommend you use the standard default font settings while creating
your Web documents. The default settings will provide you the best indication
of how your pages will appear in most browsers. Remember, you can change
the way I-View displays your fonts on your system, however, these settings
only affect your display. You cannot change the default settings for your
browsers used by your audience.
(3) File Type Options
This last set of options allow you to add, edit, or remove file types
recognized by I-View and the applications that will be used to display
them. Several default file types are already defined for I-View and it
is recommended that the user not make any changes to these unless they
are sure of what they are doing. Editing and removing of file types is
done by selecting the appropriate file type and pressing the desired button.
Adding and editing of file types presents a dialog box allowing you to
specify the extension, file type (MIME), sub-type, and display application
(through a "Browse" button).
Navigate Menu
- Go Home: Go to the default
Home page.
- Go Back: Go back to
the previous page.
- Go Forward: Go forward
to the next page.
- Bookmark: Allows the
manipulation and navigation of bookmarks.
Go Home Command (Navigate
- Use this command to navigate to your own home page.
This command takes you to your default home page. You may change this
default home page by using the "Options" command in the View
Tip: Try creating your own home page with your favorite Web sites. It
can also be created as a quick reference page. For example, try creating
a page with all your favorite FTP sites in one section, and all your web
sites in another section.
Go Back Command (Navigate Menu)
- Use this command to page back through previously viewed document(s).
- I-View determines what the previous page is according to the order
in which you opened the files in the window.
Go Forward Command (Navigate Menu)
- Use this command to page forward through previously viewed document(s).
- I-View determines what the next page is according to the order in which
you opened the files in the window.
Bookmark Command (Navigate Menu)
- Use this command to manipulate and navigate your bookmarks.
- Use the following commands presented in the bookmarks window to:
- Add Adds the current page you are viewing to your list of bookmarks.
- Delete Deletes the currently selected bookmark.
- Goto Brings up the bookmarked page.
- Done Closes the bookmark dialog box.
Window Menu
- New Window: Opens a new window in I-View (Same as New
Window command in File Menu).
- Cascade: Cascades display of all open windows.
- Tile: Tiles all open windows to fit in I-View's display
- Arrange Icons: Cleans up minimized window icons.
- <Window Menu>: Displays a menu of currently open
Help Menu
- Contents: Displays I-View's on-line help file.
- About I-View: Displays the I-View version number and
registration information for your copy.
Tags Supported
I-View version 2.0 supports following HTML3.2 and Netscape tags:
- <!-- .... -->
- <a> </a>
- <address> </address>
- <b> </b>
- <base>
- <basefont>
- <bgsound>
- <big> </big>
- <blockquote> </blockquote>
- <body>
- <br>
- <center> </center>
- <cite> </cite>
- <code> </code>
- <dd>
- <dfn> </dfn>
- <dir>
- <div> </div>
- <dl> </dl>
- <dt>
- <em> </em>
- <font> </font>
- <form> </form>
- <frame> </frame>
- <frameset> </frameset>
- <h1> </h1> <h2> </h2> ... <h6> </h6>
- <head> </head>
- <hr> </hr>
- <html> </html>
- <i> </i>
- <img>
- src
- align
- border
- height
- width
- hspace
- vspace
- usemap
- ismap
- <input>
- name
- type
- value
- checked
- size
- maxlength
- <isindex>
- prompt
- <kbd> </kbd>
- <li>
- <map>
- <menu> </menu>
- <nobr> </nobr>
- <noframes> </noframes>
- <nowrap> <nowrap>
- <ol> </ol>
- <option>
- <p> </p>
- <plaintext>
- <pre> </pre>
- <s> </s>
- <samp> </samp>
- <select>
- <small> </small>
- <sound> </sound>
- <strike> </strike>
- <strong> </strong>
- <sub> </sub>
- <sup> </sup>
- <table> </table>
- <td> </td>
- <tr> </tr>
- <textarea> </textarea>
- <th> </th>
- <title> </title>
- <tt> </tt>
- <u> </u>
- <ul> </ul>
- <var> </var>
- <wbr> </wbr>
Legal Notices
- COPYRIGHT: The Software is the proprietary product of EnReach
and is protected by copyright law. You acquire only the right to use the
Software and do not acquire any rights of ownership. You agree not to remove
any product identification, copyright notices, or other notices or proprietary
restrictions from the Software. You agree not to cause or permit the reverse
engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of the Software. You shall not
disclose the results of any benchmark tests of the Software to any third
party without EnReach's prior written approval.
WARRANTY DISCLAIMER: EnReach is providing this license on an "as
is" basis without warranty of any kind; EnReach disclaims all express
and implied warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability
or fitness for a particular purpose.
How To Reach Us:
Web: http://www.enreach.com/
E-Mail: iview@enreach.com
News: comp.infosystems.www.browsers.ms-windows
Address: 1150 North First Street, Suite 170, San Jose, CA 95112, U.S.A.
Phone: (408) 298-9777
Fax: (408) 298-9736