Welcome to Address-Book ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. DESCRIPTION:- ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Address-Book Software is a dos based application. This is just like your Digital Diary storing Names, Addresses, Telephone Numbers, e-mail address even Date of Birth etc. of your Friends, Relatives etc. You can even printout Labels of your own design and of your own choice. 2. PROGRAM REQUIREMENT & COMPATIBILITY:- ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Dos 6.22 (or) Windows 95/98. Above 386 Processor. Above 4 MB RAM Required 2 MB Disk Space. 3. OPERATION:- ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Go to the Application Installed Directory (eg: CD\BBM-DEMO\Address) Type "Main" and Press Enter Follow the Instructions that Application Provides you. 4. EVALUATION PERIOD:- ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ This Package is Demo Version. You will be able to use all functions. The evaluation preview is limited to particular number of addresses. 5. PURCHASE INFORMATION:- ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Address-Book is not a free software. If you are interested in this Software Please contact BBM SOFT TEK, #33, Jawaharlal Street, Kanchipuram - 631 502. Tamil Nadu. Phone : (04112)-32299 e-mail : bbmsofttek@hotmail.com or send a Demand Draft(DD) for Rs.: 850 (including postal charges) in favour of "BBM SOFT TEK", Payable at "KANCHIPURAM" Within 10 days from the Receipt of your demand draft for the full value, We should be send the Original software package by courier/post. 6. OTHER SOFTWARE PACKAGES:- ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ a. AGENCY SOFTWARE:- ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ If you are a Trader,Distributor or Holding Agencies, you can manage your Accounts and Inventories with On-Line Billing, Multi-User, Multi-Company and Multi-Year Operations, General Reports, Annual Reports ie Trial Balance, P&L A/c, Balance Sheet, Debtors List, Creditors List and Various Analysis Reports Facilities, using our specially designed Agency Software package for this purpose. b. SILKS SOFTWARE:- ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ If you are a silk cloth Merchant, Retailer or Wholeseller you can manage your Accounts and Inventories with On-line billing, Multi-user, Multi-year and Multi-Company operations, General Reports, Annual Reports and various Purchase and Sales Analysis Reports facilities using our Silks Software Package for this purpose. c. GARMENTS SOFTWARE:- ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ If you are Owning a Readymade Shop you can manage your Accounts and Inventories with On-line billing, Multi-User, Multi-Year and Multi-Company operations, General Reports, Annual Reports and various Stock Analysis Reports facilities using our Garments Software Package which is best suited for any Readymade Shops. d. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS SOFTWARE:- ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This software is useful for any type of businesses for maintaining their financial accounts only. It is very easy to operate and you can get General Reports, Annual Reports and Other Utilities. e. OFFICE AUTOMATION SOFTWARE:- ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This is a Software where Auditors, Chartered Accountants and Income Tax Practitioners can store various data of their Clients and prepare Case-Sheet for their Clients for each year seperately. It is exclusively designed for Chartered Accountants and Incometax Practitioners. 7. REGISTRATION INFORMATION:- ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Order Form for BBM Soft Tek's Software Packages, Please Type\Print Neatly in BLOCK LETTERS. Product Name : ______________________________________________________ Name (Yours) : ______________________________________________________ Company : ______________________________________________________ Address : ______________________________________________________ City : _______________________________ Pin Code : ___________ State : _______________________________ Phone : ______________________________ Fax: __________________ E-Mail : ______________________ Payment : [ ] Cash [ ] Demand Draft(DD) [ ] Cheque Packed At : [ ] 1.44 Disk [ ] 1.2 Disk [ ] CD Rom