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©1995 Papyrus
DTH | Last Modified - November 21, 1995
NASCAR Racing ©1994, Papyrus Design Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
NASCAR Racing is officially licensed by NASCAR®. DuPont Automotive Finishes trademarks used under license from Motorsport Traditions, DuPont, Jeff Gordon and Hendrick Motorsports. Sterling Marlin name and likeness and KODAK, GOLD and Trade Dress are trademarks licensed to Papyrus Design Group, Inc. by Eastman Kodak Company. Maxwell House is a registered trademark under license from Advantage Management. Bristol International Speedway is a registered trademark, used under license from NASCAR Properties. The Atlanta Motor Speedway and Purolator are registered trademarks, used under license with Atlanta Motor Speedway. The likeness of the #2 car, including the Ford Motorsport logo are registered trademarks used under license with Penske Corporation. "Race Riff" by Rachel Bolan and Dave "Snake" Sabo of Skid Row ©1994 Bolan and Sabo. "The Fastest Sport" by George Allistair Sanger, Joe McDermott, K. Weston Phelan, and David Sanger of Team Fat ©1994 Fat Manor Publishing (BMI). IndyCar is a trademark of Indianapolis Motor Speedway Corporation, under exclusive license to Championship Auto Racing Teams, Incorporated. The Intel Inside® and Pentium(TM) Processor logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation. Papyrus and SuperTexture are trademarks of Papyrus Design Group, Inc. Virgin is a trademark of Virgin Enterprises, LTD.
IndyCar and the helmet logo are trademarks of The Indianapolis Motor Speedway Corporation, under exclusive license to Championship Auto Racing Teams, Inc. Indianapolis 500®: The Simulation is a trademark of The Indianapolis Motor Speedway Corporation. Indianapolis 500 is a registered trademark of The Indianapolis Motor Speedway Corporation. Papyrus is a trademark of Papyrus Design Group, Inc. Virgin is a trademark of Virgin Enterprises, LTD.