For People who like Less Hair

January 6, 1996 -Happy New Year!!!

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This Web page is for fun and information and the discussion of body shaving and hair removal. There are no pictures, only my artwork here and there. Please have a look around and enjoy the features and feel free to join in on discussions with those of us who call ourselves "Smoothies".

The survey is now closed and the final results are now posted. Read all about it by clicking the survey feature.

And he that is to be cleansed shall wash his clothes,
and shave off all his hair, and wash himself in water,
that he may be clean...

-Leviticus 14:8


Some notes on Shaving...

I have been shaving my pubic area for several years because I like the way it feels. I also wanted to fade the perspiration stains in my arm pits. Shaving worked quite nicely. It is not a fetish. I get no arousal from doing it. I just like the feeling of no pubic hair.

The first time I tried shaving I broke out in a terrible rash. This is usually what happens, but I later found ways to get around this and tried again with more success.

Right after shaving, dry off with a CLEAN towel and then apply a good anti bacterial cream. Keep your shaven area clean by washing often and applying more cream periodically. You should only need to do this for the first few weeks, then your skin will get used to shaving and the rash problem should go away. Thereafter you can use a regular aftershave or lotion. Mens' aftershave with alcohol can be really uncomfortable in the arm pits! There are several non- alcohol lotions on the market and Avon sells a very nice line for men.

This method worked for me, but I am sure some of you have other ways that are just as good. If you send them, I will post them here.

-Randy Indiana

Please Support This Page!

I need your help to make this page work! Send your stories and shaving tips to:
randyin@indy.net (Randy Indiana)

Shaving Related and other Links...

If you know of any other Web Pages to add here, please tell us about them.

Please note that some of these links may not be operating at this time. Please check back later.

Send Comments, Questions, Flames to: Randy Indiana at randyin@indy.net