Tribute to Humphrey Bogart

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Of all the web sites on all the servers in all the world, you logged onto mine...

My all-time favorite movie is Casablanca and my favorite actor is Humphrey Bogart. I was surprised to discover that various Web search engines failed to turn up a single page devoted to Bogie, so I've decided to rectify that oversight myself.

[I've since discovered two additional Bogart sites, one of which is commercial and labelled "The Official Web Site." (See Links to Relevant Sites.)]

You'll notice, if you haven't already, that I've made my links appear in black text, changing to grey after they're used. This was done for the sake of keeping the pages entirely black and white, which I hope you'll agree helps set the proper tone (unless you're Ted Turner, and if you are, tough luck).

I'm always on the lookout for additional material for this site. If you have images or sound clips to contribute, or if you know where I can find some, please tell me.