Basement Films
- St. Andrews, UK, art-house film society.
- an online quarterly covering film theory and cinema, architectural theory and design, alternative music, literature, perception and neuroscience.
Cinema News
- Events and links relative to cinema are provided.
- connects you with the northern frontier of film and video arts. news, events, articles, completed works, artist directory.
French Cinema
- All your questions are answered.
Pablov International
- Information on art from Tokyo
- access to film and television resources through the World Wide Web. As opposed to some Web sites that take more of a fan's approach to the media, SCREENsite stresses the teaching and research of film and television.
Studio Skoop
- Belgium's premier art & independent cinema.
Video Graphe
- As a non-profit collective,Videographe supports the creation of original and non-commercial videos by Quebec's independent video community.
Women in Cinema: A Reference Guide
- Includes info such as bibliographies, general guides, biographies, filmographies, reviews, and electronic sources.
- provides progressive entertainment in the form of film, video, and music.
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