"When you enjoy something, you must never let logic get too much in the way. Like the villains in all the James Bond movies. Whenever Bond breaks into the complex: 'Ah, Mr. Bond, welcome, come in. Let me show you my entire evil plan and then put you in a death machine that doesn't work'."-- Jerry Seinfeld, "Sein Language"
Last update: 19/Oct/1995
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This is a list of the most annoying and common logic flaws and stereotypes found in movies, compiled from various sources. Main contributors are listed here.
Comments, additions and suggestions welcome! See notes for submission guidelines.
I've finally begun to catch up with all the back-logged submissions I had. I still haven't put in all of them, but there's a lot of new sections and stuff (check the "Fencing" and "Helicopters" sections). The list is now Netscape enhanced (sort of) and split in a few parts to help readers with slow links. I lack any artistic talent, and as a result the look of this page is pretty lame. Suggestions for improvement, anyone?
Please, keep sending me your submissions; they will be added as soon as I can. Although I'm selfishly taking the credit:-), the list wouldn't be possible without the inputs of all you contributors.
Keep up the good work and pass the word (and the URL of this page).
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The Top Movies of all time
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