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Warning!! Within these pages lies the most shocking collection of material from the atomic age. If you suffer from hear afflictions or have a weak constitution you must exit at once, this includes, yes, you youngsters too, no one under the age of consent is allowed further. For those of you with an aversion to the bizarre, you must make your choice now. Cult Insomnia will not be responsible for any physical or mental damage as a result of viewing this material. Thank you.

Herbert J. Ross. Censor- Cult Insomnia.


Hello there, I'm Pagan the high Mistress of Cult Insomnia, the on-line guide to the golden age of exploitation. Inside you will find a bevey of movies and stuff from the golden age of exploitation.

Now, just click on my picture to continue on to my private lair to find out what's new at Cult Insomnia.

Cult Insomnia 333 Washington Blvd. Suite 346 Marina Del Rey CA. 90292-5152 E-mail address: Pagan at Cultisomnia Copyright Cult Insomnia 1995
Webpage design and programming by

Phoenix Interactive