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Jodie Foster

Ms. Foster, we truly respect and admire your intellect, education, achievements, and trapezius development. On to the pictures and words....

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You are user 97,500 to visit this page since July 17, 1995.

Some other links:

Misc. News: Watch for Jenni Olsen's film "Jodie Promo", a collage of trailers for Ms. Foster's films, in reverse chronological order. I don't know where you could see it, outside of a film festival, but thanks to Hy Levy for the information.

Also, check the Nov. 12th LA Times for an article on Ms. Foster putting her Woodland Hills home up for sale. The article says she plans on staying in the LA area.

Updated 14 Nov 1995.

NOTE: All materials used here without permission.

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NOTE: These addresses do NOT send email to Jodie Foster. Although it's amusing to read what you would write her, I'm also starting to understand, in a dim way, fan obsession.
Mail me at HMC.

(Mary Cardenas) mary@tcp.com