This page was orignally based on the Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow International building in WebWorld, which unfortunately have vanished. Both the building and the world. Some experiments apparently went too far... This page is dedicated to all Seekers of Truth, regardless of how warped the truth may be.
Seattle's "weird science" hobby group meetings
The Kooks Museum. Misunderstood geniuses.
Files by Ludwig Von Plutonium, one of the premier mad scientists on the Net!
Net Wackiness collected by Kibo.
The Physics/Consciousness Research Group. The Web site of Jack Sarfatti, the Webmaster of Future Space.
Xer0 on Planet X is secretly planning to take over the entire planet, using his Army of Violent Robots with Human Brains. And he is decribing it on the web! A true mad scientist!
An Exclusive Intervew With Pinky and The Brain (from Axcess Magazine). Yes, The Brain is a cartoon character, but his determination and genius is a beacon in the world of Mad Science.
Obscure Research Labs. An organisation devoted to finding out what is really going on.
The Worldwide Institute for the Preservation of Everything. An organization devoted to combat decay in all forms.
Survival Research Laboratories. A group building machines and letting them destroy each other.
The Offical FAQ of the Evil Geniuses for a Better Tommorrow. Or rather, one of the subgroups of EGBT. This one is devored to the destruction of dread B'Harnii.
First Church of Mad Scientist.
The NeoScience Institute. Dedicated to Mad Science, and to finding the truth, no matter how false.
Bonk Business Homepage. A true demonstration that weird science and subtly evil schemes can be very profitable!
Institute of Future Technology.Dr. Emmet Brown may have gone a bit commercial, but he is still a bastion of mad science.
The Mad Science Group. A service company giving children entertaining and educational activities - after all, one has to start early to truly warp a mind!
Hexnet - the hexagonal revolution!
The Sci-Cops: Our number one enemy!
Rusti Sprokit, Space Babe. Well, at least a female enemy!
Dr. Dookie's Mad Scientist Information Center (Seems to have been raided by angry mobs)
Anders Transhumanist Page. How to become more than human.
The Mad Scientists' Internet Resource Guide to Neuroscience
Shocker - electro shock communication via the internet. If you don't have any sniveling assistant to torment, torment one through the Internet!
Mad Science, a television series which seems to capture the spirit of mad science perfectly.
Dr Nimbus Singing Corner. Filksongs for mad scientists.
Dr Solaris Reading Corner. Classic litterature for mad scientists.
The Bureau of Atomic Tourism. Holidays at places where you can mutate!
The rules for Nomic, a self-modifying game. If your mind is not warped before playing it, it will be afterwards!
See also the The NOMIC FAQ
Dr Fun has drawn many inspirational cartoons for Mad Scientists. Why not take a look at them?
Mad Science Monthly Newsletter
Paradigma, The Journal of Etheric Science
How Much plutonium is Needed for a Bomb? by Robert L.Park.
The High Energy Weapons Archive. Simply the best source for nuclear weapons.
Carey Sublette's Nuclear Weapons FAQ
Microwaving Grapes (See also other microwave experiments)
Wisconsin/Michigan State Brain Collections. Brains! Brains of all sizes and shapes! If you ever need the brains of a Woolly opossum, this is where to look!
See also the Weird Newsgroups.
New And Alternative Theories of Physics
Elektromagnum, a site devoted to electromagnetics.
Weird Stuff archived by
Light Technology. Primary/Free Energy, Psychotronics, Space and Time Technology etc.
Graphological Gender Testing - your handwriting determines the gender of your child.
Hypothetical Planets which orthodox science has "disproven"!
Weird Science Hoaxes by William J. Beaty. How to create false Weird Science!
Quantum Compudynamics Today. About the particle physics of computation.
Megalomanical projects for advanced civilizations. Things to do a boring eon or two.
Relativistic Sex. After all, we have all wondered what happens when one does it near the speed of light, haven't we?
Thought Reading Device. Why not read the thoughts of your neighbors?