The Web Voyeur


About The Web Voyeur (FAQ) ... NEW!! ... Acknowledgments & Accolades

Outdoor Vistas ... Indoor Surveillance ... Personal Places ... The Virtual Zoo ... Simply Strange

Key to icons:

[View] a direct link to a view
[Info] a link to information about the view

As I verify each view, I may also add one or more of these endorsements:

[24hr] view is regularly updated 24 hours a day
[LIVE] view is live (current within the last 5 minutes)
[30m] view is current within the last 30 minutes
[intr] view is interactive (e.g. controllable camera)
[mov] time-lapse movies available
[!!!] The Web Voyeur Seal of Niftiness

FLASH -- December 15

Though it runs against my nature to be boastful, I have to say something because I may never get such a chance again. Check out today's edition of USA Today because the Web Voyeur and I are on page 9B.

Okay, actually, it's an article about Web cameras in general, and I'm just a tiny piece of it; but it's a fun read, so find a copy of it if you can.

(And, yes, expect a major update to this page Real Soon Now.)

New for October 29

Besides adding a whole slew of new views (submissions as old as August--yikes!), I've added in some new "endorsements" to provide at-a-glance summaries of each view (whether it's live, whether it's updated 24 hours a day, etc.) See the "Key to Icons" above. I'm hoping this will encourage truly live views (and not discourage sporadically updated views so much). Please note that I haven't added endorsements to all views that have earned them!

Remember a while back when I said I was crashing on writing a magazine article? Well, it's done, and you can expect to see it (such as it is) in the premiere December issue of WEBsmith magazine. It's by the same people who publish the Linux Journal, so if you subscribe to that, you should get the December WEBsmith as a bonus. (They are not paying me for this plug... just the article!)

Thanks, Microsoft and MSN! They listed The Web Voyeur among their top ten favorite pages. Gee, up until now, I wasn't sure if they were looking at my résumé. (Then again, maybe they still aren't.)

[Info] [View] Electronics building, University of York, UK [24hr] [LIVE]
[Info] Robert Harris's office, University of Cambridge, UK [24hr]
Robert's IndyCam gives you the option of several view sizes, GIF or JPEG, and Netscape client-pull/server-push if you are so inclined.
[Info] [View] Ponton European Media Art Lab, University of Hannover, Germany [24hr] [LIVE]
Advertising for a teleconferencing package. The main page has a server-push-animation thingie.
[Info] [View] ElecTech room, Music Technology Group, University of York, UK [24hr]
Updates once a minute if Andrew is there, less often if not
[Info] [View] Boston skyline, viewed from Cambridge, Massachusetts [mov]
I can't verify their claim that this is updated once a minute. In any case, it's a nice skyline view. Courtesy of Open Market
[Info] [View] West Maui Mountains/Silvershore Golf Course, Hawaii
Serene Hawaiian view updated during Hawaiian daylight hours
[Info] Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada [24hr] [30m]
North and south views from the roof of the Life Science Centre's Oceanography wing
[Info] [View] School of Mathmatics computer room, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK [24hr] [LIVE]
One of that rare breed of computer labs that leaves the lights on all the time so you can see it at night, if you're really that bored
[Info] [View] Kitchen & slide at Berkeley Systems, Berkeley, California
Yes, this is the same company that unleashed flying toasters upon an unsuspecting world. This camera has the distinction of being the only one I've found with a fish-eye view.
[Info] [View] Portland, Oregon [24hr] [30m] [mov]
A view from the Pittock Mansion (would you believe I know some of the Pittocks?). Courtesy of Tektronix

Outdoor Vistas

[Info] Aloha Tower, Honolulu, Hawaii [intr]
Telerobotic, but kind of a clunky interface. Courtesy of Planet Hawaii.
[Info] [View] Hauptbahnof train/bus terminal/zoo, Berlin, Germany
Yes, it's a zoo, too. Maybe you can get a peek at the flamingos. Courtesy of GMD Fokus.
[Info] [View] Bermuda Biological Station for Research
[Info] [View] Bus stop, Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, California [24hr] [LIVE]
If you see a drug deal going down, report it to the Beverly Hills cops, not to me. Courtesy of BHI.
[Info] [View] Cambridge panorama, Cambridge, UK [24hr]
Nicely done! On the info page, you can zoom in on parts of the view or even call up Web servers in visible buildings. Courtesy of Olivetti Research Labs
[Info] [View] Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Keep an eye on this one when nuclear war breaks out.
[Info] [View] Columbia River Gorge, Hood River, Oregon
Hood River is the windsurfing capital of the world--but if you were from Oregon, you'd already know that. Courtesy of the Rhonda Smith Windsurfing Center and Resort Sports Network.
[Info] [View] Copper Mountain, Colorado
Courtesy of Resort Sports Network.
[Info] [View] East Carolina University, School of Education parking lot, Greenville, North Carolina
Not my idea of a scenic outdoor view, but hey, to each his/her own...
[Info] [View] Harbor at Sundsvall, Sweden [mov]
Yes, a time-lapse MPEG, too
[Info] [View] The Hollywood sign, Hollywood, California
It's an extreme telephoto shot, it's a little crooked, it's updated only during daylight hours. But hey, it's the Hollywood sign! Courtesy of RFX
[Info] IUPUI Campus/University Library, Indianapolis, Indiana [intr]
A new look with a new telerobotic interface. Somebody mentioned something about water balloons, but I think it's just a rumor.
[Info] [View] Liljeholmsbron Bridge, Stockholm, Sweden [24hr] [30m]
A view of the Årstaviken River. Courtesy of AU-System.
[Info] [View] Manoa Valley and Mount Konahuanui, Manoa, Hawaii [mov]
MPEG video clip is also available; courtesy of the Satellite Oceanography Laboratory, University of Hawaii Manoa
[Info] [View] MIDI building at EPFL, Lausanne, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland
Architecture that looks vaguely 2001-ish to me
[Info] [View] Pier at Santa Monica, California
Includes a helpful reminder of which Web site you are accessing, should you forget to look at the rest of your browser's window
[Info] [View] Pikes Peak, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Nice view, but only operational during daylight hours. Courtesy of Softronics.
[Info] [View] Pine, Colorado
Images snapped at various times of the day by Wayne Harrison on his home computer. The main page shows the last snapshot time, and also has a plethora of other links (mostly weather-related).
[Info] Pond with waterlilies, Portland, Oregon
Jack Honeycutt of the International Waterlily Society has two cameras trained on his pond; could be just the thing for virtual meditation
[Info] [View] San Diego Bay, San Diego, California [24hr] [30m]
A popular view updated every half-hour, it now has some of those server-push animations that are all the rage these days (see the main page).
[Info] [View] San Francisco Bay, Emeryville, California
An alternate view of the Bay. Courtesy of Sybase.
[Info] [View] San Francisco Bay, San Francisco, California [24hr]
Oh baby, this is beautiful! (At least until it gets dark!) A view from the roof of the Fairmont Hotel, courtesy of KPIX-TV.
[Info] [View] San Francisco Bay Bridge (not the Golden Gate), San Francisco, CA
Breathtaking view of the Bay Bridge. (I'm perilously close to having to make a new "San Francisco Bay" section.)
[Info] [View] Silicon Graphics Inc., outside Chris Kantarjiev's window
Chris has a lot of shrubs outside his window; but here's a link to his camera. (Okay, Chris, when do I get my free Indy?)
[Info] [View] Sorrento Valley Canyon, San Diego, California
Courtesy of Vigra, Inc.
[Info] [View] Space Needle, Seattle, Washington [24hr] [30m]
Includes parts of downtown, and information for the curious. Courtesy of Express Systems.
[Info] [View] Street corner (9th & Pearl), Boulder, Colorado
Every bit as exciting as it sounds. Courtesy of G. W. Hannaway & Associates
[Info] [View] Street corner, (Hollywood & Vine), Hollywood, California [24hr] [LIVE]
Up-to-the-minute view of Hollywood's most famous intersection (keep an eye out for guys kissing cops). Courtesy of BHI.
[Info] [View] Universitaet Freiburg, Das Hochleistungsbüro, Freiburg, Germany
[Info] [View] University of Notre Dame's Golden Dome
It made the infamous "Useless Pages" page, but Web Voyeur fans will note there are far more useless cameras than this. Heck, it'll even let you listen to the alma mater!
[Info] [View] University of Southern California campus, Los Angeles, CA
Dubbed "TommyCam" because it gives a glimpse of Tommy the Trojan.
[Info] [View] University of Tromsø, Norway [24hr]
Includes a blurb on Tromsø weather
[Info] University of Washington Campus, Seattle, Washington [!!!] [24hr] [LIVE] [mov]
Besides the picturesque view of Red Square (it's really named that), we now have the opportunity to watch the perpetual on-campus building construction.
[Info] [View] Vail, Colorado

Indoor Surveillance

[Info] [View] Buckman Elementary School, Room 100, Portland, Oregon
[Info] [View] Caltech, WSCP Lab
Three cameras, and a bonus: you can have their Indys talk at the lab for you.
[Info] [View] Cardiff University, COMMA Vision Lab, Wales, UK
[Info] l'Ecole Supérieure de Mécanique, Marseille, France
More Indy cams than you can shake a stick at. (Sorry, I don't know the equivalent French idiom!)
[Info] [View] Georgia Tech, Animation Lab, Atlanta, Georgia
Includes a little archive of time-lapse MPEG movies.
[Info] [View] Goucher College, Office of Computer and Telecommunications Support, Baltimore, Maryland
[Info] [View] Monash University CIPAG lab, Melbourne, Australia
This may have gone away; I'm not sure
[Info] [View] New York University LabCam [intr]
Telerobotic camera fun! Have a little patience, though; the movement lags behind your selection a bit. You can also get animated video if you're Netsc[r]aping.
[Info] [View] Rome Laboratory, US Air Force, Rome, New York
[Info] [View] San Francisco State University, Burke Hall 115, San Francisco, California
[Info] [View] SBT Accounting Systems, visitors' lobby, San Rafael, California
[Info] [View] Studio 2000, Integrated Publication and Information Systems, Darmstadt, Germany
I think these people may be enjoying themselves too much.
[Info] [View] TU Delft, Faculty of Applied Physics, Multimedia Room F136, Delft, The Netherlands
[Info] [View] University of Central Florida, Office of Instructional Resources
[Info] [View] University of Chicago, Animate Agent LabCam [intr]
More telerobotic fun! In living color! And now, you can make the view animate a bit.
[Info] [View] University of Genoa, Laboratory for Integrated Advanced Robotics Genoa, Italy [intr]
A telerobotic camera with some spiffy-looking controls.
[Info] University of Maryland Baltimore County, CS Dept., various workstations, Baltimore, Maryland
[Info] [View] University of Michigan, Computer Aided Engineering Network, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Dubbed the "Maze-Cam" because... uh... because of the cramped space? Because they feel like rats? Who knows? The camera server may well be the only Macintosh SE on the World Wide Web.
[Info] [View] University of Tennessee, Division of Continuing Studies' Information Services Group, Knoxville, Tennessee
[Info] University of Western Australia, CIIPS Labs, Nedlands, Australia
Our first entry from the Southern hemisphere; two cameras and sometimes a television.
[Info] Warp California's VTV Webcam, Sausalito, California [intr]
Interesting concept... a fixed camera that simulates a telerobotic camera. (The layout may look like hell if you can't view HTML 3.)

Personal Places

[Info] [View] Adam Curry's office, New Jersey
Come on, admit it, even this is better than MTV.
[Info] Bull Creek Cam, Austin, Texas [24hr]
Actually, it's the home/office of Mike Bryant, who allows us two camera views within his home as well as a current screen shot from his Mac.
[Info] [View] Dave Goodwin's office, Saint Michaels' College, Colchester, Vermont
[Info] [View] Jason Lee's office, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California
[Info] [View] Kourtney de Haas's office (FAC 222), Student Microcomputer Facility, University of Texas, Austin, Texas
Kourtney may sometimes point this into the lab or out the window, too.
[Info] [View] Ming Chen's office/Angell Hall, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Ming keeps extremely erratic hours; his main page lists his schedule.
[Info] [View] Ralph Dosser's office, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
[Info] [View] Rob and Phil's office, Space Systems Laboratory, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
It's rather dark, even when they're in the office: "...we're both moles."
[Info] Various workstations at CICA (Center for Innovative Computer Applications), Bloomington, Indiana
Right now you have two choices; they used to have more, but the other people wussed out!

The Virtual Zoo

[Info] [View] Cujo the parrot [!!!] [24hr] [LIVE]
An African Grey, to be specific (no, not a Norwegian Blue).
[Info] [View] Dupree the green iguana, Santa Cruz, California
Usually on only during daylight hours Pacific time.
[Info] Fish Cam[s] at Netscape Communications, Mountain View, California [24hr]
Two cameras for to watch the fishies.
[Info] [View] Trendy the iguana
The Web's newest net.iguana; aptly named, too. :-)
[Info] [View] Webster the Webmaster (Senegal Parrot), Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Paul Andersen's parrot and the official mascot of the Royal Canadian Web. Said to go fishing or skydiving on weekends (good lord, this parrot has a better life than I do)

Simply Strange

The GhostWatcher is removed (soon to appear on the HoaxCam Page?)

[Info] [View] Feet Cam, Queen Mary and Westfield College, Univeristy of London
It's a lab cam with a difference. Only operational during UK daylight hours.
[Info] [View] Model railroad at Distributed Systems Department, University of Ulm, Germany [!!!] [24hr] [LIVE] [intr]
This is totally pointless, yet at the same time it's totally cool. Hit the controls and watch those little choo-choos scoot!
[Info] Other people's Macintoshes
A listing of people with their current Macintosh displays downloadable from the Web. I know, they're not video views, strictly speaking, but they are voyeuristic in a way (even the page is titled "The Voyeur's Guide to the WWW").
[Info] [View] ShuttleCam [24hr]
"Using advanced technology and the latest image processing techniques we are able to bring you an 'up to the second' live snapshot of the space shuttle." Actually, it's a model hanging from the ceiling of Dr. Ritchey Ruff's office.
[Info] [View] Sprout-O-Saurus [24hr]
A serious challenge to The GhostWatcher for the title of "Most Utterly Pointless Web Camera". It's a view of a growing chia planter that serves as shameless advertising for one of BHI's sponsors. I have this awful feeling that, someday, when we get our fabled 500 channels of cable TV, half of them will look like this.
[Info] [Info] [View] Steve Mann's point of view [!!!]
Steve, pushing the envelope of Web camera technology, has mounted one on his head.
[Info] [View] Tele-Garden Installation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles [24hr] [LIVE] [intr]
A small garden collectively and telerobotically tended by Net users (it seems to be doing even better than the Sprout-O-Saurus)
[Info] [View] The Trojan Room Coffee Machine, University of Cambridge, UK [24hr] [LIVE]
The original, quintessential Webcam. The mother of all Webcams. It even predates the Web.


A lot of these, and perhaps more, can be found in the Yahoo guide, bsy's List of Internet Accessible Machines, Olivetti's World Right Now Map, Bill's Random Camera page, and Kev's Kool Web Cam page; give them a try as well.

Also thanks to these nice people for helping make the Web Voyeur what it is: Ken Goldberg, Neelesh Kamkolkar, Steve Haehnichen, Geert van Kempen, Andy Ward, Andy Rubin, Eric Gullichsen, Amy Towery, Norm Nelson, Steve Paik, Gabe Foster, "fred", Yuval Kfir, Jeff Smith, Les Dittert, Jeff Schwartz, Uros Mesojedec, Liza Daly, Bob Cunningham, Bryan Carson, Bob Grip, Bob Sanderson, Zeid Derhally, Eric Vanman, Jon Purkey, Dr. Ritchey Ruff, Bruno Cortial, Rob Cohen, Micha Fried, Dave Goodwin, Wayne Harrison, Jim Sharrer, "Robin", Peter Prokopowicz, Kourtney de Haas, Bill Thibault, Don Phillip Gibson, Tim Marshall, Grant Newland, Sybase Inc., Greg Loveria, Kevin Smith, Andreas Stelter, Marianne Beisheim, Charles Aylworth, Jamie Cameron, Henning Schulzrinne, Jeff Squyres, "nick", Chris Kantarjiev, Paul Andersen, Bill McNutt, Jack Honeycutt, "The Mazers", Jan Olby, Clayton Tucker, Jolynn Parker (hi Jolynn!), Michael Gribbin, Ming Chen, Yves Piguet, Tim Murphy, Alberto Saavedra, John Tuffen, Robert Harris, Reinhard Hamid, "Andrew," Chris Denman, Ken Harris, Paul Halpern, David Norlander, and Berkeley Systems.

And thanks to you for being one of over 3500 people daily who fritter away their precious free time looking at this page! You're the reason I keep it going!

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