Why did I go ahead and create my own html code for the Star Wars drinking game?
Other SWDG's on the 'net only give you the info in a text format. After a few beers or shots, it is hard to look on a list of five pages and follow along jumping from place to place! (not that I recommend jumping while drinking).
These rules have been repeatedly tested against every single Star Wars flick (with a bottle of Jack Daniels I might add).
For those of you who might be confused, here's how it works: Whenever you notice a "drink when" rule occur in the movie, shout it out, and everyone drinks! (that's the social way). There really is no "winner", so it doesn't matter if you are the first one drunk (meaning you have a quick and sharp eye!) or the last one sober (meaning you babysit your drink, you wuss). Just depends on what you're aiming at!
Anytime a Dagobah scene comes on, you're in deep shit! Between Yoda's grammar and Luke's whining and yelling "Artooo" even the best of drinkers will be out before Luke completes his training!
SPECIAL THANKS TO DAVE MEEKS for his great addenums to the game!
Comments, ideas, suggestions? Let me know how I can improve my updated SWDG. Email them to me at: schell@u.washington.edu
A text version of the BEST SWDG!
Jeff T. Schell