inherited _Level2Form: T_Level2Form Left = 256 Caption = '_Level2Form' ClientHeight = 423 ClientWidth = 614 OnClose = nil OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy OnHide = nil PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 15 object CardTypeId: TLabel [0] Left = 62 Top = 4 Width = 83 Height = 15 Caption = 'StdExContainer' Color = clRed ParentColor = False Visible = False end object AgentBtnBackPanel: TContainerPanel [1] Left = 73 Top = 313 Width = 67 Height = 41 OnPaintBkgnd = NoPaintBkgnd FrameRect.Left = 0 FrameRect.Top = 0 FrameRect.Right = 0 FrameRect.Bottom = 0 Color = clRed TabOrder = 0 object AgentBtn: TSwitcher Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 30 Height = 30 Cursor = crHandPoint Hint = 'Click when you need help.' Transparent = True OnMouseEnter = AgentBtnMouseEnter OnClick = AgentBtnClick RegLeft = 0 RegTop = 0 RegUssages = [uf_HitTest, uf_Clipping] ShowHint = True FileSourcer.DesignStyle = [fss_LoadFromFile, fss_ErrShowException] BARows = 1 BAPicture.Data = {07544269746D617000000000} State = 0 BmpArrayColumn = 0 end end object ReturnBtnBackPanel: TContainerPanel [2] Left = 44 Top = 235 Width = 57 Height = 41 OnPaintBkgnd = NoPaintBkgnd FrameRect.Left = 0 FrameRect.Top = 0 FrameRect.Right = 0 FrameRect.Bottom = 0 Color = clRed TabOrder = 1 object ReturnBtn: TPaintedButton Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 30 Height = 30 Cursor = crHandPoint Hint = 'Return to the Personality screen.' OnClick = ReturnBtnClick RegLeft = 0 RegTop = 0 RegUssages = [uf_HitTest, uf_Clipping] ShowHint = True FileSourcer.DesignStyle = [fss_LoadFromFile, fss_ErrShowException] BARows = 1 BAPicture.Data = {07544269746D617000000000} BmpArrayColumn = 0 Style = pbs_Button end end object ToolsBtnBackPanel: TContainerPanel [3] Left = 416 Top = 17 Width = 73 Height = 36 FrameRect.Left = 0 FrameRect.Top = 0 FrameRect.Right = 0 FrameRect.Bottom = 0 Color = clRed TabOrder = 2 object ToolsBtn: TPaintedButton Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 30 Height = 30 Cursor = crHandPoint Hint = 'Restore TOOLS panel.' OnClick = ToolsBtnClick RegLeft = 0 RegTop = 0 RegUssages = [uf_HitTest, uf_Clipping] ShowHint = True FileSourcer.DesignStyle = [fss_LoadFromFile, fss_ErrShowException] BARows = 4 BAPicture.Data = {07544269746D617000000000} BmpArrayColumn = 0 Style = pbs_Button end end end