~T.V. Sports Basketball Edit Cheat. Using a disk editor like Norton DiskEdit, edit the files SEAS.BLT. If you scrool through the file, you will see the player names. They are grouped by team. You should also notice there will be a section of names followed by a section of seemingly useless hex codes. This "useless" section is really the attributes for each player on the team directly above. Take note: Each player has a 12 byte attribute string associated with him. If you look closely you sill see that the player attribute strings are separated by two groups of zeros (i.e. 00 00). Below is a listing of the attribute bytes in order and what each is: Stamina - the higher hex number means this player can stay in the game longer before tiring. I've noticed that players with higher stamina are more likely to commit fouls, violations etc. . . In other words find a happy medium. Height - still must be in the range of 5'7" to 7'7". The hex code for 6'6" is 0E. Count up or down from there in hex for heights. Trying greater than 7'7" will give a figure with no head or arms, just long legs and midsection. Jersey #- hex code 07 will show a #10 jersey. Some numbers are not available. Release - as you may have noticed, not all players shoot alike. Some hold the ball a little longer before releasing to be successful on their shot. This byte determines how long. Arc - how high the ball arcs when shooting. A hex code of 01 or 02 indicates almost a line drive, while an 04 is one rainbow of a shot. The catch is high arcing shots are much harder to block, but line drive shooters draw more fouls. Velocity -determines how the ball will drop into the basket. Higher arcs need less velocity so they will tend to drop straight into the basket. Line drives need to drift forward and glide more horizontally into the basket. The next six bytes you will recognize as the "pencil" attributes. Shooting -outside shooting. Passing - ball-handling and passing. Defense - self-explanatory. Rebounding - " " 11. Quickness - " " 12. Jumping - " " Though it is possible to put in attributes on the ratings of 9 or more, I'm not so sure it helps after a certain point. To keep the game exciting, I still stick to 8 as the upper limit, I just have more than one #3 and #4 players : ). The best part of this is, you can save the seas.blt file under different names, thus once you have gotten the file edited the way you want it, you can have one file with just college teams and players in it, another with pros, and so on. The schedule and season are also saved in this file after each game, so if you make a .bat file that will copy the version of the modified seas.blt to SEAS.BLT you can switch around between pros and college.