~Captive Complete Help. ~ Generale tips for CAPTIVE ~ ************************* ~ By Delporte E. ` - Collect all gold dropped by dead aliens. ` - Open every cupboard, it was put there for a reason. Empty ` ones may contain a secret switch. ` - If the password is not accepted by the computer, look for ` another. ` - Doors do not function after the generators are blown, so ` keep them open or you may be trapped. ` - Powerpoints run dry when generators are blown, so get ` power first. ` - Make sure you are well armed, fixed and fully powered ` before you leave the base, since you may not find a shop ` for some time. ` - Use powerpoints as a weapon, by sticking your hand in it. ` - Players with higher dexterity hit harder and better. ` - Players with higher vitality dodge hits better. ` - Players with higher wisdom gain more experience. ` - Map well. ` - Initiate all droid chips. ` - Never leave a base without a planetprobe to enable you to ` find the next. ` - Remember to go up skills, this is very important in the ` early levels because skills are gained fast. ` - Save your game often, making sure to nunber each saved ` game differently. You may do something silly like lock ` yourself in. ` - The green air-lock doesn't let you out until the ` generators have been destroyed. ` - Avoid using tindron heads on droids, their eyesight is ` poor. ` - Don't just stand there in a battle, keep on the move. Try ` using the keypad for faster movement, and circle around ` your ennemy. ` - A left side attack only attacks aliens on the left, ` whereas the back party attacks down the middle, the left ` and the right. ` - Put your leader at the back. This means there is less ` chance of his head being knocked off (no vision on screen). ` - Use doors to squash aliens. ` - Don't ever get caught under a raiser wall. You've been ` warned. ` - Droid chips can be swapped around. ` - 95% of devices are useful, so buy one whenever you have ` the cash. ` - To plant mines and cameras, drop them one square in front ` of you. ` - Balls are re-loaded into your hand when used, if there ` are any in your backpack. ` - It can be cheaper to fix an item before selling it. ` - Devices can be used in multiples, so you can use four of ` the same device at a time. ` - Buy "optic-2" routefinder to find your way back to the ` exit after destroying the generator. Also to find your ` lander after leaving the base. ` - You can usually guess how to work three-way switches. ` - Eight-way switchen can be found, but its easier with the ` clue. ` - 16-way switches really need a clue. ` - Be carrefull when you push doors, look behind to see that ` you don't block anything if you push more than ones. ` - Cameras can be detonated as long as the leader has a ` dexterity of over 15. ` - Save all clipboards, they can be sold to the shopkeeper. ` - The fixer device only repairs up to 10%, enough to bring ` a limb back to life. he can not fix a droids chest. ` - Zlot weapons temporally add 30 to your dexterity for use ` with the weapon. ` - Don't use armour if you don't have the skill, or it gets ` damaged very quickly. ` - The visor send out a signal which cannot be blocked, so ` you can see throu walls. ` - When the shields run out, the devices blow up. However at ` 1% they can still be sold, so don't use them to dead. ` - Even if a shop doesn't sell shields, it's still able to ` fix them. ` - If your bullets travel under an alien, use the anti-grav ` device. ` - Kill aliens over fire; it protects you from most of their ` shots. ` - Water turns lights back on in dark areas. ` - Water freezes all mechanical droids. ` - Do not back away from fireballs, run into them or dodge ` them. ` - Use aliens to kill aliens by waiting behind a door or ` wall and using the visor to locate them. ` - If you kill an alien with the raiser-wall, the gold will ` also squashes the gold, or you must be quick, verry quick. ` - Use ladders as a defence. When you go up or down a ladder ` just when an alien occupies the ladder, he will be killed. ` - Mines don't work against floating aliens. ` - Drop a flambos gas canistor into fire and you get more ` shots from it. ` - Use the mapper device to mark important places ` - You can use the camera to explore a level up or down from ` you, be going up or down the ladder, install the camera and ` returning to the previous level. This strategy is usefull ` to attack an alien at the moment when it go away from the ` ladder on the other level. ` - You can pass a mine by throwing an object at it(balls), ` by fire of an electrical power from a socket over it, by ` using the anti-grav device, let walk an alien over it or ` using the deflector device and walk over. ` - Zlot weapons explode when they jam. ` - Batteries can be partially recharged with fire. ` - There are may dice around , but you need only one. Place ` it in your hand, stand before an internal door with four ` corner buttons and action your hand, it will give you the ` combination. ` - Some door may be opened by give it a thump or shoot on ` it. ` - Holes in the ceiling can be climbed with the anti-grav. ` - Grates can mean a trap. Stand on it and a door close ` behind you. ` - Mines increase in power as you go through each base. ` - Never destroy the generators on the SPACE STATION !!!þ000 ` =========================================================== ~ The weapon systems ~ ****************** ` Skill Amount Weapon Ammo ` Brawling 00 unskilled ` 01-08 fist ` 09 Knuckle duster basic ` 10 Knuckle duster basic ` 16 Knuckle duster super ` 17-24 Battle gloves ` Swords 00 unskilled ` 01-08 war-blade ` 09-16 light-blade ` 17-24 Fire-axe ` Handguns 00 unskilled ` 01-08 pistol 20mm ` 09-16 colt 45mm ` 17-24 magnum 50mm ` Rifles 00 unskilled ` 01-08 uzi A22mm ` 09-16 rapedo A45mm ` 17-24 booster A50mm ` Laser 00 Unskilled ` 01-08 hand-laser laser-pack ` 09-16 lyte-zapper laser-pack ` 17-24 ione-pulse sonic-pack ` Cannon 00 unskilled ` 01-08 mono-cannon shells ` 09-16 A51-launcher A51 missile ` 17-24 twin-cannon shells ` Sprayguns 00 unskilled ` 01-08 Airosoll poison canistor ` 09-16 Acid-dispencer Acid canistor ` 17-24 Flame thrower Flambos canistor ` =========================================================== ~ ALL THE DEVICES ~ *************** ` BASIC OPTIC "AG SCAN" ` It give a read out on the amount of damage you have caused ` when you hit an enemy. Use it only in combat mode. ` OPTIC II "ROUTE FINDER" ` Buy this as soon as you can, it direct you back to the ` base's entrance and the lander position. ` OPTIC III "MAPPER" ` It will record everything you have visit. It is possible to ` mark important positions on it. ` OPTIC IV "RADAR" ` This will scan the immediate vicinity for an enemy ` presence, so you will be able to avoid attacks from aliens. ` OPTIC V "MAGNA SCAN" ` When your robots bump into fire, their vision will become ` blurred by static. This device clear the interference, ` leaving you wiyh clear vision. ` OPTIC VI "BODY SCAN" ` Useful for quick damage updates. When a portion of your ` robot becomes damaged it will highlight the specific area. ` OPTIC VII "VISON CORRECTION" ` Some of your droids may suffer from short sightedness, ` especially after heavy combat. This correction will reset ` your eyes to 20/20 vision. It also show you hidden rooms!! ` SUPER OPTIC "VISOR" ` Certain areas may have no lights sources. The visor will ` give you infr red vision. Without this item progress will ` be inpossible. ` ...................... ` BASIC DEV SCAPE "ANTI GRAV" ` This will allow you to walk on the ceiling, fighting with ` floating monsters, go over water, enter a hole in the ` ceiling. THIS IS A MUST.... ` DEV SCAPE II "SHIELD ` Provide minimal protection from alien attacks. It reduce ` damage you receive. ` DEV SCAPE III "FIRE SHIELD" ` You receive far fewer damage points from alien flame ` throwers. ` DEV SCAPE IV "GREASER" ` Usefull for a quickly travel when a quick getaway is ` needed. ` DEV SCAPE V "POWER ZAPPER" ` Like the word say, it only zap your power ...USELESS ` DEV SCAPE VI "FIXER" ` It will repair body parts. When used correctly you may ` never have to pay for repairs again. ` DEV SCAPE VII "RECHARGER" ` When u use this, your power will automatically increase, ` without plug sockets. Use it with the fixer. Give recharger ` to your team leader, so his power will stop dropping. ` SUPER DEV SCAPE "DEFLECTOR" ` It reflects every attack from an alien and hit your ` opponents. Verry usefull if you got the monney. ` =========================================================== ~ CAPTIVE MISSION 1 ~ ***************** By Delporte E. Abbreviations : `-> Door with four corner buttons Upper-left "1" 1 | 2 ` Upper-right "2" --+-- ` Down-left "4" 3 | 4 ` Down-right "3" -> Clipboards 8 positions "O" = off "X" = On -> Clipboards 16 positions (push the indicated numbers and letters). ` --------- --------- ` | | | | ` 1---------2 3 4 ` | | | | ` --------- --------- ` | | | | ` 5 6 7---------8 ` | | | | ` --------- --------- ` ----A---- ----E---- ` | | | | ` |----B----| | | ` | | | | ` ----C---- ----F---- ` | | | | ` | | |----G----| ` | | | | ` ----D---- ----H---- LEVEL 0 ======= Planet Name : Buttre Position : 008W / 072N Enter code : 1 - 4 - 2 - 3 Comp. codes : CHAESELUME LEVEL 1 ======= Planet Name : Delphi Position : 096E / 061S Enter code : 4 - 3 - 1 - 2 Comp. codes : RUPPESICBERY LEVEL 2 ======= Planet Name : Meestre Position : 047E / 064S Enter code : 1 - 2 - 4 - 3 Comp. codes : RUPPEKAL PHYDERLAPS EXSOMIDED SCOOOFAR EGINHAM LEVEL 3 ======= Planet Name : Triekos Position : 096W / 106S Enter code : 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 Comp. codes : POCINSBEE ELDERS YULTHAAPE RATSICPOCY ELSISYDON VIGININK LEVEL 4 ======= Planet Name : Salstee Position : 125W / 053S Enter code : 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 Comp. codes : LAPCEPY PHYDERED SYTHALEBEE EXSOSY MIDINSNEING LEVEL 5 ======= Planet Name : Seavy Position : 016W / 066N Enter code : 3 - 1 - 4 - 2 Comp. codes : EPETON YULESDEAPE POCCEPLAPS SYLEKAL RUPSOHAM LEVEL 6 ======= Planet Name : Sodpia Position : 048E / 101S Enter code : 2 - 4 - 1 - 3 Comp. codes : CHASBEE SCOSINSINK ELSIDON VIPEAPE RATSICS YULOOHAM POCGINKAL EXTHAPAR LEVEL 7 ======= Planet Name : Quoonel Position : 127E / 050S Enter code : 2 - 3 - 1 - 4 Comp. codes : SYINSINK LAPDERING YULENEBERY MIDESDON PHYSIY QUESOSIFAR QUELTES EXNEED LAPLELEBEE `8Clipboards : 41147 = O X X O ` O X X X LEVEL 8 ======= Planet Name : Phupet Position : 008W / 074N Enter code : 4 - 2 - 3 - 1 Comp. codes : MIDINSHAM RUPNETON SYTHAFAR CHAENEDEAPE VISICEXTON `8Clipboards : 30209 = X X O X 64747 = X O X O ` X O O X X O O X ` 11329 = X X O X 4793 = X X O O ` X O X X X O O O ` 51926 = O O O X 7789 = X X X O ` X X X X O X X X ` 57667 = X O X X ` O X X X LEVEL 9 ======= Planet Name : Budod Position : 138W / 106S Enter code : 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 Comp. codes : YULCEPTON EINSTHASY VISOKAL RUPGINENEHAM CHALEAPE POCPEFAR ELSICBEE RATINSINK DEESDON `8Clipboards : 32251 = O O X O 20610 = X X O O ` O X O O O O O X ` 53650 = X X O O 5111 = O O O O ` X O O O O O O X ` 43030 = X X X O 23288 = X O O X ` X X O O O X X X ` 58370 = X X O O 25489 = O X O X ` O O O O O X O X 16Clipbaord : 59687 = 1-6-8-F-G SPACE STATION ============= Position : 103W / 104N Comp. codes : POCCEPED EXPESOFAR YULESY `8Clipboards : 51767 = X X X X 47047 = X X X X ` X X O X O O X X ` 20769 = X O O X 30050 = O X O O ` X X O X O X X O ` 51449 = X O O O 27690 = O X O X ` X O X O O X X O ` 47909 = X O X X 60186 = O X O X ` X O X O X O X X ` 45687 = X X O O 44687 = X X X O ` X O X X X O X X 16Clipboard : 25058 = 8-D-E-G-H 3617 = 1-2-3-8-A-C-F-G-H ---------------------------------------------------------------- ~ CAPTIVE MISSION 2 ~ ***************** By Delporte E. Abbreviations : `-> Door with four corner buttons Upper-left "1" 1 | 2 ` Upper-right "2" --+-- ` Down-left "4" 3 | 4 ` Down-right "3" -> Clipboards 8 positions "O" = off "X" = On -> Clipboards 16 positions (push the indicated numbers and letters). ` --------- --------- ` | | | | ` 1---------2 3 4 ` | | | | ` --------- --------- ` | | | | ` 5 6 7---------8 ` | | | | ` --------- --------- ` ----A---- ----E---- ` | | | | ` |----B----| | | ` | | | | ` ----C---- ----F---- ` | | | | ` | | |----G----| ` | | | | ` ----D---- ----H---- LEVEL 0 ======= Planet Name : Masgot Position : 058E / 029S Enter code : 2 - 3 - 1 - 4 Comp. codes : RATSIEXTON SYOOLIMEV QUEPEFAR MIDGINTON `8Clipboards : 40670 = X O X X 20451 = O X O X ` X X O O O O X O ` 33590 = X O X O 51290 = X O O X ` X O X O X O O O ` 56010 = X O O X 41691 = O X O O ` O O O O O O O O ` 36268 = X X O X ` X X O X 16Clipboard : 52296 = 2-4-7-8-A-B-E-F-G-H 59500 = 1-4-5-6-7-8-A-C-D-E-F-G 60422 = 1-3-4-7-8-A-B-G-H 3731 = 2-3-6-7-8-C-D-E-F-G 57156 = 1-2-3-4-6-7-8-B-C-D-G-H 52664 = 1-5-7-8-A-B-E-G-H 62988 = 5-6-A-C-E-F 15250 = 1-3-8-B-C-D-E-G-H 12526 = 1-2-3?-E-F-G 13423 = 2-3-5-6-A-B-C LEVEL 1 ======= Planet Name : TRAPHET Position : 141W / 015N Enter code : 1 - 3 - 2 - 4 Comp. codes : CHATHAHAM MIDSICTHASY ELINSKAL DELTEBEE SCOSINK RATGINAPE `8Clipboards : 20928 = O X X X 32728 = O X X O ` O X X X O O X X ` 39649 = X X X O 23288 = O X X O ` X X X O O X X X ` 41691 = X O O O ` O O O O 16Clipboard : 6928 = 1-3-4-5-A-D 10344 = 1-2-5-6-8-B-D-E-F-H 35337 = 1-2-3-4-5-6-A-B-C-D-E-F-H 13299 = 2-4-5-8-A-C-D-F-H 58201 = 1-5-6-A-B-C-E-G-H 994 = 2-5-6-7-8-D-G-H 16819 = 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-A-C-F-H 51905 = 1-2-8-A-B-D-E-F- LEVEL 2 ======= Planet Name : PHOOPEL Position : 095W / 109S Enter code : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 Comp. codes : EXESS VISIED PHYINSDON POCDERST YULLTEING POCOOMIDBERY YULENEELING `8Clipboards : 22811 = O O O O 14392 = X O X O ` O O X O O X O O ` 56646 = X X O O 60889 = X O O O ` O X X X X O X X ` 4090 = X X X O 23832 = X O X O ` X X O X O O O O ` 11833 = O O O O ` O X O O 16Clipboard : 15099 = 1-3-8-G 37049 = 2-3-4-6-8-B-C-E 200 = 1-2-5-7-8-A-B-F-G 33651 = 2-3-5-6-8-C-D-F 60778 = 1-2-7-A-B-E-G-H 1086 = 3-5-6-7-8-A-C-E-F-H 879 = 1-2-3-4-7-A-C-D-E 21172 = 1-4-5-7-8-A 15628 = 1-2-3-4-7-A-C-F LEVEL 3 ======= Planet Name : SODCKET Position : 096W / 112S Enter code : 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 Comp. codes : SCOLTEPOCED LAPLEFAR DEESSYS `8Clipboards : 6450 = O X X X 54989 = X O O O ` O X O X O O X O ` 14869 = X O O X 38151 = X X O X ` O O X X O O O O ` 23288 = O O X O 21949 = X O O O ` O X X X X X O X ` 43030 = O X O O 6609 = X O X X ` X X O O O X X X 16Clipboard : 11969 = 1-2-3-8-A-B-D-F 26855 = 2-3-7-8-A-C-D-E-G-H 39695 = 1-8-A-D-E-F 14143 = 1-7-8-A-E LEVEL 4 ======= Planet Name : ZAITET Position : 103E / 136N Enter code : 1 - 4 - 2 - 3 Comp. codes : SCOLEBEE DESKAL QUEPELEINK LAPSNEST ELGINFAR RATPEHAM `8Clipboards : 9672 = X X O O 47909 = O O O X ` X X O O X O X O ` 52470 = X O O O 3069 = O O O O ` X O O O X X X X ` 25489 = O O X O 59006 = X O O X ` O X O X X O X X ` 391 = O X O X 1571 = O X X O ` O O O X O O O X ` 54286 = X O O X ` O X X X 16Clipboard : 55461 = 1-4-5-8-C-D-F-H 13778 = 2-3-4-5-7-A-B-C-D 13388 = 4-5-6-7-8-A-B-D-E-F 38563 = 1-3-7-8-B-E 51033 = 1-3-5-6-8-B-C-G-H 26536 = 1-3-6-7-8-A-E-F 264 = 1-3-4-6-A-D-E-F-G 16234 = 1-3-6-7-8-A-B-G-H 49518 = 1-3-4-5-6-8-A-B-C LEVEL 5 ======= Planet Name : QUELUSOD Position : 016W / 135N Enter code : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 Comp. codes : VISICST CHAENEY VISILAPBEE CHANEELING `8Clipboards : 34067 = X O X O 7312 = O X O X ` X X X X X X O O ` 5973 = X X X O 45867 = O X O O ` O O O O X O O X ` 63567 = X O O O 550 = O O O O ` X O O X O O X X ` 18409 = X X O X 58688 = O X O X ` X X O X O X X O ` 4249 = O O O O 40670 = O O O X ` O X X X X X O O ` 18409 = X X O X 39967 = X O O O ` X X O X O X X X 16Clipboard : 50501 = 1-2-3-7-A-B-D-E-F-G 64041 = 3-4-5-7-A-C-D-E-F-G-H 23153 = 2-6-A-E-H 39391 = 3-5-7-8-A-G-H 22947 = 7-8-A-B 60287 = 1-2-3-4-6-7-8-A-D 27729 = 1-2-3-5-7-A-D-E-G 61451 = 4-5-7-8-A-B-C-G-H 33207 = 3-7-8-A-C-F-G LEVEL 6 ======= Planet Name : SALDET Position : 093E / 152S Enter code : 3 - 1 - 2 - 4 Comp. codes : PHYOOTON LAPTHALUME QUENESY RUPINSSYS `8Clipboards : 7789 = O X X X 19748 = X O X X ` X O X X O X X X ` 38628 = X O X X 42009 = O X O X ` O X O X O X X O ` 50746 = X X O O 47750 = X X X X ` X X X X X O O O ` 32310 = ? ? ? ? 4090 = X X O O ` ? ? ? ? X X O X ` 17388 = X O X O 38310 = X X X X ` X X X X X X O O ` 15890 = X X O X 2910 = X X X O ` O O O X X X O X 16Clipboard : 62864 = 1-A-C-F-G 3412 = 3-A-B-C-F-H 62190 = 2-4-8-A-B-D-E-H 6872 = 1-2-5-8-A-D-H 45720 = 1-5-8-A-H 7733 = 1-5-6-8-B-D-E-G-H 17615 = 1-6-7-8-F 59128 = 3-4-6-7-A-D-G-H 11172 = 1-2-7-8-A-B-C-D-G 11557 = 2-7-8-B-D-E-F 13678 = 1-5-7-A-B-D-E LEVEL 7 ======= Planet Name : MIEUSIA Position : 146E / 045N Enter code : 1 - 3 - 2 - 4 Comp. codes : EXGINLEINK EINSAPE SCOTHAKAL RUPGINBEE `8Clipboards : 52529 = X O O O 20451 = X X O O ` X X O O O O X O ` 35791 = X X X X 16208 = O O O X ` O O O O X X X X ` 44369 = X O O O 63567 = X X X X ` O X X O O O O X ` 9831 = X X X O ` O X X O 16Clipboard : 31361 = 1-4-5-7-A-F 7358 = 1-8-B-E-F 26606 = 1-2-3-8-B-D-E-H 51803 = 1-2-5-6-8-A-C-D-E-F-G 8461 = 3-5-6-8-A-B-C-D-F-G 39559 = 1-7-8-A-B-E-H 49111 = 1-2-3-4-5-7-A-B-D-E-F 46857 = 3-5-6-8-A-C-D-F-H 16505 = 1-2-8-A-C-D-H LEVEL 8 ======= Planet Name : PASDET Position : 008W / 023N Enter code : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 Comp. codes : ELCEPEXFAR ELCEPST VIINS CHAESING `8Clipboards : 57826 = X O O X 52629 = O O X O ` X O X X O O X O ` 36971 = O X O X 21472 = X X X O ` O O O O O O O O ` 45708 = X X O O 52947 = O X O O ` X O O X X X O X ` 19748 = X X O X 47750 = X O X X ` O X X X X O O O ` 27690 = X O X O 22652 = X X O O ` X X X O O O O O ` 27690 = X O O O 31389 = O O X X ` O X X O O O O X 16Clipboard : 54223 = 4-8-B-C-E 48019 = 1-2-4-5-7-8-D-E-F-G 12660 = 1-3-5-6-7-8-A-C-E-F-G-H 7575 = 1-2-5-8-B-E-F 47118 = 3-8-A-B-D-G-H 48824 = 2-4-6-8-A-B-C-E-F-H 28947 = 3-4-7-8-D-E-F-G-H 60262 = 1-2-4-6-7-8-A-B-C-D-F-G-H LEVEL 9 ======= Planet Name : LEATOD Position : 069E / 106N Enter code : 4 - 2 - 1 - 4 Comp. codes : MIDSIINSKAL PHYCEPSY EXPELUME `8Clipboards : 33590 = O O X X 42009 = X X X O ` O O X O O X X O ` 65065 = X O O X 62387 = X O O O ` X X X X X O O X ` 37289 = X X X O ` X X X O 16Clipboard : 29476 = 2-3-5-8-C-D-E-G-H 53545 = 1-2-4-8-A-B-D-E-F-G-H 40451 = 1-2-4-6-A-D-G 16349 = 1-2-3-6-A-C-D-E-H 24203 = 1-2-4-6-8-A-C-G 53710 = 3-5-7-8-B-G-H 15422 = 3-4-6-7-8-B-F-H 47148 = 1-2-3-4-6-7-8-E-F-G 715 = 1-4-7-A-C-D-G 16480 = 8-B-E-H 14207 = 1-2-4-5-A-B-C-E-G SPACE STATION ============= Position : 023W / 008N Comp. codes : SYSAPE RUPPEKAL YULNESOSY EGINHAM SCOOOFAR `8Clipboards : 4952 = X O X X 26828 = X O O O ` X X O O X O X X ` 13212 = X O O O 42009 = O X X O ` O X O O O X X O ` 50269 = O X O X 18250 = X X X X ` O O X O X X X O ` 12032 = X O X O 13371 = O O O X ` O X O O X O X O ` 1412 = X O O X 50746 = X X X X ` O O X O O X X X ` 34611 = O O O O 9672 = X O X X ` X O O O O X O O ` 31548 = X O O O ` O O X X 16Clipboard : 50320 = 4-6-7-8-A-B-F-G 7216 = 4-5-6-7-A-B-D-F-H 17507 = 4-7-8-D-H 55977 = 1-5-6-7-8-B-D-E-F-G 54160 = 1-2-3-4-A-B-F-G 47620 = 4-8-A-C-D-H 26126 = 2-6-7-8-A-D-E-G-H 876 = 3-4-A-D-F-G ===========================================================