~Dark Sun II 2 DSUN01.PCX DSUN02.PCX DARK SUN II: WAKE OF THE RAVAGER RPG by SSI Reviewed By Lu Richardson I am afraid I did not take to Dark Sun I, but nevertheless I took a look at part II. Well, after taking ages to install (that's nothing, though - some games take even longer, these days), I waited to see what was new. I used the ready-made party and got started straightaway. The graphics looked exactly like the ones for Dark Sun I, and the interface was just as complicated. Immediately the action started, a female addresses the party and, after a brief interchange, she gets squashed. The party then gets attacked and anhilated. Game over. Wait a minute, I said. I didn't get that right. Let's start again. Exactly the same thing happened. I gave it one more try and began to feel I knew the lady personally. So I gave up and carefully made up my own party. I started once more, and guess what. Biff, bang, game over. I tried manual combat, which was terribly slow, and then I tried computer-controlled combat, which was just as slow. Same results. I sat back and pondered on all the people who have forked out good money to play this game, and what they get is five minutes action. So, taking a big breath, I made up another party consisting mainly of half-giants. This time I made it, since some of my characters survived. Picking up the spoils of the battle was a bit of a nightmare, but having done so, I started to explore. Well, you have to hold long conversations with all an sundry before you can get anywhere, and in no time I lost all patience and all interest. I simply found the gameplay unendurably slow. Whatever happened to all those exciting RPGs we used to get, with plenty of action and sensible interfaces? Why go back to the overhead view when everyone just loved the first-person 3-D stuff? Beats me. At any rate, this game will only appeal to those who enjoy advancing slowly and also a complicated story which builds up as one converses with very many NPCs. Good luck to them, that's all I can say.