1 Meridian 59 Update 2 Starting up... 3 Retrieving %s. 4 Received %i of %i bytes. 5 Received %i bytes. 6 Unarchiving... 7 Restarting main program... 8 Connecting to %s... 9 Received block. 112 Couldn't uncompress the downloaded file %s.\nReason:\n%s\nTry again? 113 Unable to create temporary file. 114 Insufficient file permissions. 115 Out of memory. 116 The downloaded file is corrupt. 117 The disk is full. 118 The downloaded file %s is corrupt. Please try again. 119 Can't find the downloaded file %s. 121 This program must be run from Meridian 59. 122 Error %i restarting %s--please contact a system administrator. 123 Unable to connect to machine %s for ftp. 124 Unable to find the file %s on the ftp server %s.Error: %d (%s) 125 FTP retrieval of new main program failed.\n\nTry again? 126 Can't find downloaded file. 127 The downloaded file is corrupt. 128 Error unpacking archive; reason: %s\n\nTry again? 129 Dearchive error. 130 Unknown error. 131 Unable to initialize Internet connection.\nError: %d (%s) 132 Unable to establish ftp connection to %s.\nError: %d (%s) 133 Unknown error (unable to install callback function).\nError: %d (%s) 134 Can't open the ftp file %s.\nError: %d (%s) 135 Unable to write to the file %s.\nError: %d (%s) 136 Can't read the ftp file %s.\nError: %d (%s) 137 Unable to rename unarchived file. Make sure that you have closed all copies of Meridian 59 that you were running.