Meridian 59 User's Guide


Meridian 59 is a rather big place, encompassing several large cities and towns, and a huge countryside with mountains, deserts, forests, and seashores. Much of your time here will be spent navigating the roads, highways, paths, and passages between one destination and another. This chapter tells you how to get around, and what you'll find when you get there.

Main Attractions: In The Cities and Towns

Most Meridian 59 cities and towns include the following amenities:

  • Inns -- An essential gathering spot where you can rest up (you recoup energy twice as fast when you rest in an inn), catch up on the latest gossip, buy something to drink or a bite to eat, check a newsglobe, and generally hang out. You'll often find people (including the innkeeper) engaging in a bit of commerce, as well. Inns are designated combat-free zones: if you want to fight, take it outside.

  • Shops -- You may find a blacksmith, from whom you can buy weapons (and occasionally, armor); an armory, which will usually carry a wider selection of armor; and a general store that carries basic sundries like food, water, jewelry, and clothing. Shops are combat-free zones: merchants do not favor trade with those inclined to plunder.

  • Banks -- The Bank of Meridian operates branches in several cities. They offer a useful service indeed: any money deposited in their vaults stays there, even if you go off and get yourself killed. When and if you get back from the Underworld, at least you won't be penniless. Banks are combat-free zones.

    Here's how to conduct the three essential bank transactions:

Deposit Money

To make a deposit, type Deposit, followed by the amount; then press Enter. For example, to deposit 100 shillings, type Deposit 100, and press Enter.

Withdraw Money

To pull money out of the bank, type Withdraw and the amount you want to take out, and press Enter. For example, to take out 100 shillings, type Withdraw 100 and press Enter. The funds now appear in your inventory.

Check balance

Type Balance and press Enter to get your current bank balance.

The Bank of Meridian accepts interbranch transfers. If you put your money in the branch in Tos, you can make withdrawals in Jasper.

  • Adventurer's Halls -- a sort of public guild hall where people meet and share information.

  • Newsglobes -- were discussed at length earlier. They are generally located in inns, guild halls, and other prominent locations..

Combat in cities is only allowed for guild members.

The 3DO Company Meridian 59 User's Guide - 19 Aug 1996

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