Meridian 59 User's Guide
Food, Drink, and Rest
Your mother was right. Even the biggest, baddest, toughest character in town gets a little run down without proper food and rest. When your health points start to wane, you may want to eat a quick meal, and find a place to rest.
Fortunately, the shopkeepers of Meridian 59 can supply high-quality portable foodstuffs suitable for a hungry traveler -- bread, apples, and meat pies are perennial favorites -- and you can sometimes find edible mushrooms along the roadside as you travel. Be sure to keep a few skins of water in your knapsack as well.
You can rest anywhere (well, anywhere you're not likely to be attacked), but you'll get twice as much rest in the same amount of time if you do it in a guild hall or inn. To rest, simply click the Rest icon on the Toolbar. You can talk to other people, eat, and change clothes while you are resting, but you can't walk or fight. When your rest is over, click the Stand icon to move on.