Meridian 59 User's Guide

Saving Your Character

When you quit the game, your character is saved, and will appear exactly as you left it when you return. There is no need to make a backup.

Death and Suicide

What happens when you die? In Meridian 59, the Underworld is as busy and well-populated as anyplace else. In fact, many adventurers find it interesting and useful to stay there for awhile before returning to the game world, wandering up and down the stairs and through the portals, and communing with other undead souls.For more about the Underworld, see Main Attractions: Beyond The Town Walls.


Whether at the hands of a monster, an assassin, or a former friend -- death in Meridian does have its nasty consequences:

  • All the items that were in your knapsack will be left behind with your corpse, where they can be recovered by any passing friend or foe. (This is why it's a good idea to keep most of your money in a bank.) Some guilds also have storage chests for their members. Anything stored in a bank or chest will still be there when you return.

    If you are traveling with friends, they may salvage some of your belongings. If they're very good friends indeed, they may even give them back to you when you return...

  • You may find that your health, mana, and vigor stats may be seriously depleted in your character's next incarnation.

  • The Return Portals, the transit gates between the Underworld and Meridian 59, each drop you in a different town. Right-click a portal to find out where it leads.

On the up side, if you were killed by another player -- and you were neither outlaw nor murderer yourself when you died -- your earthly spirit may be instantly re-animated as a revenant. This is a very powerful and relentless ghost that will pursue your murderer until either the revenant or the murderer is dead. (Bet on the revenant). The more powerful the murderer was, the more powerful the revenant will be.

Revenants can't attack on holy ground such as temples or sacred groves. But they are very patient, and will remain nearby while you are in such safe areas, resuming their pursuit the moment you leave.


Old Meridian citizens don't die (they've usually done that several times already). In fact, the only permanent death is the one you inflict on yourself. If you decide it is time for your current character to leave Meridian 59 permanently, here's how you can make way for a new one:

  • Type Suicide on the text line, and press Enter.

  • Then, click Yes in the warning box that appears.

Your current character will be deleted, completely and permanently --skills, spells, points, inventory, name, everything. It cannot be retrieved once it is deleted, so be VERY sure you want to do this!

The 3DO Company Meridian 59 User's Guide - 19 Aug 1996

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