Recording ServiceLine

EuroTel Praha spol. s r.o. offers you, our customers, a solution for the communication problem when you are, for any reason, unavailable. This solution is the Recording service. This service offers two variations:
1) Voice Mailbox
2) Fax Mailbox
The mailbox receives and/or transmits messages for you at an precisely specified time to an precisely specified place. You are immediately informed of new messages. All this without the necessity of being connected to additional equipment.

Voice Mailbox

Maximum parameters
number of voice and fax messages recorded in mailbox 15
length of recorded message 2 minutes
length of personal greeting to caller 30 seconds
period of storage for new (unlisted-to) messages 8 days
period of storage of old messages 5 days

Fax Mailbox

Maximum parameters
number of voice and fax messages recorded in mailbox 30
length of recorded message 3 minutes
length of personal greeting to caller 60 seconds
length of transmitted message 60 seconds
period of storage for new (unlisted-to) messages 15 days
period of storage of old messages 5 days
number of pages in one fax message (received or transmitted) 15
total number of fax pages 90

Copyright 1997 EuroTel Praha s.r.o.