object AboutForm: TAboutForm Left = 253 Top = 201 BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'About ExtendedCharacterMap' ClientHeight = 206 ClientWidth = 325 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] KeyPreview = True Position = poScreenCenter PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object Bevel1: TBevel Left = 46 Top = 70 Width = 271 Height = 99 end object Image1: TImage Left = 8 Top = 12 Width = 32 Height = 32 AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True end object Label1: TLabel Left = 52 Top = 8 Width = 206 Height = 23 Caption = 'ExtendedCharacterMap' Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -21 Font.Name = 'Times New Roman' Font.Style = [fsItalic] ParentFont = False Transparent = True end object Label2: TLabel Left = 52 Top = 34 Width = 172 Height = 13 Caption = 'The ultimate character map software' Transparent = True end object Label3: TLabel Left = 52 Top = 74 Width = 150 Height = 13 Caption = 'Author: Sony Arianto Kurniawan' Transparent = True end object Label4: TLabel Left = 52 Top = 90 Width = 238 Height = 13 Caption = 'Copyright � 1998 AriTech Development Indonesia' Transparent = True end object Label5: TLabel Left = 52 Top = 130 Width = 32 Height = 13 Caption = 'E-Mail:' Transparent = True end object Label6: TLabel Left = 52 Top = 146 Width = 45 Height = 13 Caption = 'Web site:' Transparent = True end object Label7: TLabel Left = 52 Top = 50 Width = 62 Height = 13 Caption = 'Version: 1.41' Transparent = True end object ATURLLabel1: TATURLLabel Left = 90 Top = 130 Width = 99 Height = 13 Cursor = 5 Caption = 'sony-ak@iname.com' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsUnderline] ParentFont = False PopupMenu = ATURLLabel1. Transparent = True URLTarget = 'mailto:sony-ak@iname.com' ClickedColor = clPurple Author = 'Ahto Tanner | Sony Arianto K of AriTech Development [May,1998]' StaticUnderline = True end object ATURLLabel2: TATURLLabel Left = 98 Top = 146 Width = 208 Height = 13 Cursor = 5 Caption = 'http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/5900/' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsUnderline] ParentFont = False PopupMenu = ATURLLabel2. Transparent = True URLTarget = 'http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/5900/' ClickedColor = clPurple Author = 'Ahto Tanner | Sony Arianto K of AriTech Development [May,1998]' StaticUnderline = True end object Label8: TLabel Left = 52 Top = 106 Width = 193 Height = 13 Caption = 'Program Status: Freeware/Donationware' Transparent = True end object btnOK: TButton Left = 242 Top = 175 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = '&OK' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = btnOKClick end end