Setting printer driver options

Paper size, orientation and pdfFactory dialog box display modes are set using the printer driver properties.

To access the printer properties, select the Start menu, setttings, Printers.  Right click the pdfFactory icon and:

Paper size
This option sets the default paper size. pdfFactory supports a large number of paper sizes as well as custom paper sizes. Custom paper sizes can be created by using the Custom button which is next to the list of available stock sizes.

Set this option to either portrait or landscape.

Show Fine Print Dialog

After spooling (preview on)
- This is the default mode. The FinePrint dialog box is displayed after the application has completed spooling the job to the printer. In this mode, the output is available for preview. There may be a delay between the time that the application finished the job and the FinePrint dialog appears.

Before spooling (preview off) - Use this mode if you have a long print job and you do not want to wait until the job finishes before leaving your computer. Preview is not available in this mode.

Not at all - This mode is useful is you never or rarely change your print settings. The FinePrint dialog will not appear and the job will be sent to the printer using the previously defined settings. This mode is also useful when creating multiple FinePrint drivers.