# v2.60b00 note: As of 2006 Aug 14, neither the export functionality
# nor the text of this document has been updated. v2.60b00 *should*
# provide similar export functionality to v2.51b1, as described below.
# Note however, that the newer information fields are not yet available
# and that the export functiionality of v2.60b00 has yet to be tested.
# Last Revised: 7 Aug 2004 for v2.51b1
# This is a sample "export format" file.
# Note: You must restart GSpot after changing a format
#        file if you want the changes to take effect.
#  16 Aug: Updated for v2.51. Added interlace related fields.
#  7 Aug:  added aspect ratio conversion related fields
# +-------------------------------------------------------------------
# | update: 19 July 2004
# | ----------------------
# | GSpot 2.5b7+ features a new, improved export function. The single
# | letter field names of previous versions have been replaced with
# | the names listed below. Note that each name now requires a pair of
# | "%" characters - one at the begining and one at the end.
# |
# | These versions of GSpot have a pair of selectable built-in generic
# | default formats. This file produces something similar (though a bit
# | nicer) than the second of those built-in formats ("info" style).
# |
# | To make it more usable, the new items are individual, they are no
# | longer tied to the display windows which group several different
# | items together. Furthermore, extraneous text has been eliminated,
# | in particular on all numeric items (e.g. "29.97", not "29.97 FPS").
# | This is more "spreadsheet friendly", and, of course, still allows
# | you to add the designations yourself in any way desired.
# -------
# A file such as this can be used to define the content and arrangement
# of exported data by selecting the "Custom, using the format file below"
# option in the Export Setup dialog.
# In this file, lines beginning with a "#" symbol, such as the lines you
# are reading, are ignored. All other text is reproduced exactly as
# typed, except for the special field names below; in that case the pair
# field name is replaced with actual data for the corresponding actual
# field. Field names are always surrounded by a pair of "%" characters.
# In addition to the field names, there are a handful of other "escape"
# codes, i.e. sequences of characters which are replaced with something
# else in the actual output. The only ones currently defined are "\r",
# "\n" and "\t" - these are described below as well. Note that you must
# include "\r\n" or "\n" codes if you expect your exported output to have
# more than one line per movie file examined. For example,
# Name:     %FILE_NAME%
# Size:     %FILE_LENGTH%
# Duration: %VIDEO_DURATION% 
# comes out something like
# Name:   MyMovie.aviLength: 1,234,567 bytesDuration: 00:37:12
# which is probably not what you want. The correct way to do it is
# something like:
# Name:     %FILE_NAME%      \r\n
# Size:     %FILE_LENGTH%    \r\n
# Duration: %VIDEO_DURATION% \r\n
# The advantage, though, is if for those who want single very lines, typically
# for export to a spreadsheet. e.g.:
# can also be expressed
# which is nice, especially if there are dozens of items involved

# Escape codes
# ============
# \r\n      new line (for Windows/DOS text)
# \n        new line (Unix style)
# \t        tab character
# The field  are shown below. They're no longer part of this comment,
# rather they comprise the actual format specifications should this
# file be specified as the format file:

--- File Information ---                                                        \r\n
File Name:                                      %FILE_NAME%                     \r\n
File Name (with full path):                     %FILE_NAME_WITH_PATH%           \r\n
File Size (in bytes):                           %FILE_SIZE%                     \r\n
--- Container Information ---                                                   \r\n
Base Type (e.g "AVI"):                          %CONT_BASETYPE%                 \r\n
Subtype (e.g "OpenDML"):                        %CONT_SUBTYPE%                  \r\n
Interleave (in ms):                             %CONT_INTERLEAVE_TIME%          \r\n
Preload (in ms):                                %CONT_INTERLEAVE_PRELOAD%       \r\n
Audio alignment("split across interleaves"):    %CONT_INTERLEAVE_ALIGN%         \r\n
Total System Bitrate (kbps):                    %CONT_TOTAL_BITRATE%            \r\n
Bytes Missing (if any):                         %CONT_BYTES_MISSING%            \r\n
Number of Audio Streams:                        %CONT_AUDIO_STREAM_COUNT%       \r\n
--- Video Information ---                                                       \r\n
Video Codec Type(e.g. "DIV3"):                  %VIDEO_CODEC_TYPE%              \r\n
Video Codec Name(e.g. "DivX 3, Low-Motion"):    %VIDEO_CODEC_NAME%              \r\n
Video Codec Status(e.g. "Codec Is Installed"):  %VIDEO_CODEC_STATUS%            \r\n
Duration (hh:mm:ss):                            %VIDEO_DURATION%                \r\n
Frame Count:                                    %VIDEO_FRAME_COUNT%             \r\n
Frame Width (pixels):                           %VIDEO_SIZE_X%                  \r\n
Frame Height (pixels):                          %VIDEO_SIZE_Y%                  \r\n
Storage Aspect Ratio("SAR")"                    %VIDEO_SAR%                     \r\n
Pixel Aspect Ratio ("PAR"):                     %VIDEO_PAR%                     \r\n
Display Aspect Ratio ("DAR"):                   %VIDEO_DAR%                     \r\n
Fields Per Second:                              %VIDEO_FIELDS_PER_SEC%          \r\n
Frames Per Second:                              %VIDEO_FRAMES_PER_SEC%          \r\n
Pics Per Second:                                %VIDEO_PICS_PER_SEC%            \r\n
Video Bitrate (kbps):                           %VIDEO_BITRATE%                 \r\n
MPEG-4 ("MPEG-4" or ""):                        %VIDEO_MPEG4%                   \r\n
B-VOP ("B-VOP" or ""):                          %VIDEO_MPEG4_BVOP%              \r\n
QPel ("QPel" or ""):                            %VIDEO_MPEG4_QPEL%              \r\n
GMC ("GMC" or ""):                              %VIDEO_MPEG4_GMC%               \r\n
NVOP ("NVOP" or ""):                            %VIDEO_MPEG4_NVOP%              \r\n
H264 ("H264" or ""):	                        %VIDEO_H264%                    \r\n
Quality Factor (bits/pixel)/frame:              %VIDEO_QF%"                     \r\n
MPEG-2 ("MPEG-2" or ""):                        %VIDEO_MPEG2%                   \r\n
Interlaced ("I/L" or ""):                       %VIDEO_MPEG2_I_L%               \r\n
Progressive ("Prog" or ""):                     %VIDEO_MPEG2_PROG%              \r\n
Top Frame First ("TFF" or ""):                  %VIDEO_MPEG2_TFF%               \r\n
Bottom Frame First ("BFF" or ""):               %VIDEO_MPEG2_BFF%               \r\n
3:2 Pulldown ("3:2" or ""):                     %VIDEO_MPEG2_3X2%               \r\n
Picture-per-field ("PPF" or ""):                %VIDEO_MPEG2_PPF%               \r\n
--- Aspect Ratio Related ---                                                    \r\n
Broadcast standard: "PAL" (else blank)          %VIDEO_ASPECT_TYPE_PAL%         \r\n
Broadcast standard: "NTSC" (else blank)         %VIDEO_ASPECT_TYPE_NTSC%        \r\n
src:"VCD", "SVCD", "CVD", or "DVD (else blank): %VIDEO_ASPECT_SOURCE_MATCH%     \r\n
Instructions to convert to VCD,  first part:    %VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_VCD1%     \r\n
Instructions to convert to VCD,  second part:   %VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_VCD2%     \r\n
Instructions to convert to SVCD, first part:    %VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_SVCD1%    \r\n
Instructions to convert to SVCD, second part:   %VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_SVCD2%    \r\n
Instructions to convert to CVD,  first part:    %VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_CVD1%     \r\n
Instructions to convert to CVD,  second part:   %VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_CVD2%     \r\n
Instructions to convert to DVD,  first part:    %VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_DVD1%     \r\n
Instructions to convert to DVD,  second part:   %VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_DVD2%     \r\n
Instructions to convert to AVI,  first part:    %VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_AVI1%     \r\n
Instructions to convert to AVI,  second part:   %VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_AVI2%     \r\n
--- Audio Information ---                                                       \r\n
MPEG Stream ID (e.g. "0xbd"):                   %AUDIO_MPEG_STREAM_ID%          \r\n
MPEG VOB file Substream(e.g. "0x80"):           %AUDIO_MPEG_SUBSTREAM_ID%       \r\n
Audio Codec (e.g. "AC3"):                       %AUDIO_CODEC%                   \r\n
Audio Codec Status (e.g. "Codec Is Installed"): %AUDIO_CODEC_STATUS%            \r\n
Audio Sample Rate (Hz):                         %AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE%             \r\n
Audio Bitrate(kbps):                            %AUDIO_BITRATE%                 \r\n
Audio Bitrate Type ("CBR" or "VBR"):            %AUDIO_BITRATE_TYPE%            \r\n
Audio Channel Count (e.g. "2" for stereo):      %AUDIO_CHANNEL_COUNT%           \r\n

# Note: The \r\n sequences are all "lined up" for clarity, but there is no need
# to do so - in fact, this format creates a file with a lot of "trailing blanks"
# which may not be particularly desireable. The alternative is something like:
# --- Audio Information ---\r\n
# MPEG Stream ID (e.g. "0xbd"):                   %AUDIO_MPEG_STREAM_ID%\r\n
# MPEG VOB file Substream(e.g. "0x80"):           %AUDIO_MPEG_SUBSTREAM_ID%\r\n
# etc.

# Note: For audio, information from other streams is available by appending
# "_2", "_3", or "_4" for streams 2, 3 and 4 respectively. The % char must
# still be last, of course (e.g. "%AUDIO_BITRATE_3%", not "%AUDIO_BITRATE%_3").
# This is untested and may not be fully supported.