This page covers several options that control the EVEREST user interface and appearance. Please scroll down to read explanation of each options.
Display XP-style icons
When this option is enabled, 32-bit alpha channel icons (in the style of Windows XP) are displayed under Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. This feature is available only when the EVEREST_XPICONS.DLL file presents. In most network audit situations, this feature should be disabled by removing the EVEREST_XPICONS.DLL file (to save memory and network bandwidth).
Enable "ASPI" page
This option displays or hides the Storage / ASPI page. In some very rare cases on ASPI page EVEREST may lock up or cause an application fault, in such cases disabling ASPI page can help to make EVEREST stable.
Enable "Audio Codecs" page
This option displays or hides the Multimedia / Audio Codecs page.
Enable "DMI" page
This option displays or hides the Computer / DMI page. The reliability and accuracy of DMI information depends on the manufacturer of the motherboard or brand-name computer. The DMI page should be disabled when DMI information is suspect or inaccurate.
Enable "OpenGL" page
This option displays or hides the Display / OpenGL page. OpenGL API calls may cause application or operating system fault when the video driver does not fully conform to industry-accepted standards. This page should be disabled to avoid any issues during network audits.
Enable "DirectX" menu
This option displays or hides all pages under the DirectX menu. This option should be disabled during network audit and remote control situations, unless DirectX routines are required (can save up to 10 MB system memory).
Enable "Config" menu
This option displays or hides all pages under Config menu. When those pages are not used or required, they can be disabled via this option.
Enable "Database" menu
This option displays or hides all pages under the Database menu. When those pages are not used or required, they can be disabled via this option.
Enable "Benchmark" menu
This option displays or hides all pages under the Benchmark menu. When those pages are not used or required, they can be disabled via this option.
Sort menu and submenu items alphabeticially
This option sorts the Page menu captions alphabetically. This option simplifies navigation in the Page menu to ease finding a specific one in the wide selection of pages.
Hide icon and bubble in Notification Area
This option displays or hides the EVEREST icon on the System Tray (also known as the Notification Area). This includes the bubble shown for specific events under Windows 2000/XP/2003.
Remember main window position
EVEREST saves and restores the main window position when this option is enabled. The EVEREST main window will always be displayed on the desktop centre when this setting is disabled.
Remember main window size
EVEREST saves and restores the main window size (both width and height) when this option is enabled. The EVEREST main window will be displayed using the default 800x600 window size when this setting is disabled.
Remember page menu state
EVEREST saves and restores the page menu state when this option is enabled. Page menu state means the expanded or collapsed state of each menu item of the page menu.
Hide the best benchmark reference results
This option can be used on old computers to hide the top half of the scores in the benchmark reference results list.