Q There used to be a small speaker icon in my system tray that controlled sound volume. The problem is that it has suddenly dissapeared. I donÆt know what I did. Could you please tell me how to put that icon back where it belongs? û C Chau A Normally, a small speaker icon is visible in the system tray of the Windows 95 (or NT) taskbar. (The system tray is the right-most area of the taskbar, where the clock is located.) Click this icon to make instant volume adjustments. If the speaker icon is missing, it can easily be restored. Run the Control Panel Multimedia applet (StartûControl PanelûMultimedia) and select the Audio tab. Make sure that the Show volume control on the taskbar option is checked. û Neville Clarkson
Restore volume control
Category: Win95
Issue: May 1998
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