Getting a PC Card device to work with NT 4.0 can be frustrating. Devices whose drivers require you to set an IRQ and base address don't work with NT's default settings. You can call support, buy third-party software, or plug in random settings. But if your PC dual-boots with Win 98, here's an easier way. Reboot to Windows 98, right-click My Computer, select Properties, then the Device Manager tab. Choose the PC Card device in the tree, and click the Properties button. Select the Resources tab and jot down the card's settings. Now reboot to NT, open Control Panel's PC Card (PCMCIA) applet, and select the card from the list of devices. Click the Properties button, then the Driver tab, and finally the Configure button. Click OK to confirm that you want to change the PC Card device's settings, then select from the drop-down lists the settings you jotted down from Windows 98, and click Continue. Click OK twice to complete the operation, cross your fingers, and restart Windows NT. - Scott Spanbauer |
Category:windows NT Issue: October 1999 |
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