A complete listing of programs on this CD.

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Important information about using this CD.

This CD sponsored by Money Works, Sophos AntiVirus and

Graphics Software
Try the latest versions of these graphics programs including: Photoshop Elements, Photoshop 6, PhotoImpact 6, Paint Shop Pro 7.02, Illustrator 9 and more.

Those essential programs and more, all in one place.

From Our Sponsors
Money Works
Sophos AntiVirus

Educational Shareware
Learn how to fold paper planes, speed read, play guitar, solve maths problems and more with over 20 educational programs.

Game Demos
This month we bring you Evil Island: Curse of the Lost Soul, RoboForge and the huge 71Mb demo of Star Trek Away Team.

How To
Programs to complement the How To section in the magazine.

Internet Explorer 5.5 SP1 and add-ons, Netscape 6.01, Opera 5.1.2 (free adware version).


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