Locate Pictures on the Camera

Depending on your camera model, pictures are stored in internal memory and/or on a card. The Internal Memory folder does not display subfolders.

Pictures on a card are stored according to a standard agreed upon by many digital camera manufacturers. This standard lets you use the card in different cameras. The following is a description of the card file structure.

u MISC folder contains files created and used by Camera Connection software. You should not modify or delete these files.

u SYSTEM folder is where you place camera firmware prior to performing an update.

u DCIM folder is the root level folder and contains the camera folder. Each time you turn on the camera or insert a different card, any empty folders within the DCIM folder are removed.

u Camera folder (100Kcamera model) is a DCIM subfolder. All pictures and/or video are stored in this folder. The first time you use a card in the camera and the storage location is set to Auto the camera creates a folder named 100Kcamera model. Other similarly named folders are created only in unusual circumstances, such as when you use the card in a different model camera or the camera folder becomes full.