Neverwinter Nights by BioWare - German retail v1.21 patch Note: Each patch contains all the fixes from the previous patches. Note: Manually patching should only be done if you have problems with the automatic 'Update' program - the manual patch is a 37 MB download instead of the 3 MB download when you use the automatic Update program, as it includes all critical files, not just ones for the patch in case you are having file system issues. Patch details for v1.21 German * Added the ability to Save Games in the Windows Dedicated Server * Contest of Champions module included * Items located in Creature Inventory slots will now be DELETED when validating a Player through ELC and ILR. Custom modules that use Creature Inventory slots to assign Sub Race abilities will have to re-add items on joining the custom module. * Item Costs will now be properly calculated for Plot items in ELC checks. * Sped up character listing coming from a Dedicated Server. * Fixed an issue with saving at inopportune times resulting in breaking save games. * Fixed some item "ghosting" issues. * Fixed the DM Faction bug, where possesing a creature results in that creature's friendly faction going hostile. * 2DA files are now being loaded in the proper order in Hak Paks. * General bug fixes. Patch details for v1.20 German * Added code to prevent non-NWN files from corrupting modules in the Toolset. Patch details for v1.19 German * Creatures will now use their spell-like abilities again. * Bards will no longer become illegal characters when changing modules after leveling up and removing spells. * The chat client now ignores all non-existing '/' commands. * Fixed the 'Bad Strref' GameSpy connection message. * The game now sorts Community Names alphabetically in the chat portion of the Server Browser area. * Made Neverwinter Nights work with DirectX debug DLLs. * Added a Tech Support chat area in the Server Browser area. * Fixed an issue with save game characters and moving between single and multiplayer. Patch details for v1.18 German * Fixed the server filter crash in the server browser screen. * Improved client and server stability. * Fixed the issue with plot items being dragged directly into an inventory bag. * Removed the player joining and leaving chat room messages. * Pressing enter mid-line in chat no longer cuts off your text. * Added a refresh button to the LAN page. * Cleaned up some Journal Entry issues. * Cleaned up some general sound issues. * Made a correction to the tabbing order for the dedicated server GUI. * Fixed duplicate player names appearing on the dedicated server's player list. * Corrected the issue that occured when pressing the Load button without custom modules.