Num_demos=5&demoname1=C%26C RENEGADE&processor1=300&demorating1=teen&RAM1=64&API1=Yes&exclusive1=1&HD1=120&demourl1= Gamer Exclusive! You read our review last  issue, but you and I both know that playing is believing. This is the only mag you'll find the C%26C Renegade multiplayer demo. The online component is clearly the strength of the game, as it offers not only a fresh take on team-based combat, but it incorporates that cool C%26C feel. Check it out.&gameDX1=8&demopub1=Electronic Arts&demodev1=Westwood&demopath1=Demos/Renegade/SetupReleasePCGamer.exe&readmepath1=Demos/renegade/readme.txt&demoname2=STAR TREK BRIDGE COMMANDER&processor2=300&demorating2=teen&RAM2=64&API2=Yes&exclusive2=0&HD2=175&demourl2= Commander is the game that finally puts the captain's pips on your collar as you make all the decisions. This massive, 110 MB demo contains the first three missions from the game, as well as a the Quick Battle mode. &gameDX2=8.1&demopub2=Activision&demodev2=Totally Games&demopath2=Demos/BridgeCommander/StarTrekBridgeCommanderDEMO.exe&readmepath2=Demos/BridgeCommander/readme.txt&demoname3=DIE HARD NAKATOMI PLAZA&processor3=400&demorating3=mature&RAM3=128&API3=Yes&exclusive3=0&HD3=185&demourl3= into the bare, bloody feet of a John McClane, a NY police officer who never seems to catch a break. This 85MB demo challenges you to defuse the bombs in an office tower crawling with those no-good Eurotrash terrorists. We just have one question: was John McClane really left- handed in the movie? &gameDX3=8&demopub3=Sierra&demodev3=Piranha Games&demopath3=Demos/Diehard/diehardnp.exe&readmepath3=Demos/Diehard/readme.txt&demoname4=INCOMING FORCES&processor4=500&demorating4=teen&RAM4=128&API4=Yes&exclusive4=0&HD4=150&demourl4= in the early days of 3D hardware, a game came out that pretty much melted our eyeballs. That game was Incoming, a furious shooter from the Brits that didn't have a lot of depth by had plenty of sweet eye candy. Well, here's its sequel and to no one's surprise it's damn good looking.&gameDX4=8.1&demopub4=Rage&demodev4=Rage&demopath4=Demos/incomingforces/incoming_forces-demo.exe&readmepath4=Demos/incomingforces/Readme.txt&demoname5=RICOCHET&processor5=300&demorating5=everyone&RAM5=32&API5=Yes&exclusive5=0&HD5=7&demourl5= can we say? We're suckers for old school gameplay. Ricochet is a brick-and-paddle style game in the tradition of Arkanoid. Just keep the ball going and bust them bricks. And, hey, it's only 7 MB, so why not install it?&gameDX5=7&demopub5=Reflexive&demodev5=Reflexive&demopath5=Demos/Ricochet/RicochetPcGamerSetup.exe&readmepath5=Demos/Ricochet/readme.txt&