After your fall through the barn, a group of soldiers will rush inside to kill you. Press the Use key to detach quickly from the parachute, and then climb up the broken stairs to avoid the gas grenade. One enemy will throw a grenade from the top level of the barn, so waste him first. From the open window, shoot the two soldiers standing across the stream. Peek through the broken floorboards to kill the guy waiting for you downstairs. Descend to the lower level and grab the health on the table. Shoot three soldiers outside the window, then go back upstairs and jump into the stream. Climb out from the right side of the stream to the back of the house and rush the soldiers manning the artillery. Use the artillery to blow up an incoming truck.

Meet up with these beret-wearing buddies to free Normandy from the Nazi scourge. (Normandy Mission 1) >>

Head along the road and kill the soldiers hiding behind trees, along with the one using a machine gun. When you reach a field with a windmill, a new wave of soldiers will ambush you from the back. After disposing of them, shoot one of the enemies near the windmill, and some friendly NPCs will arrive to assist you. Take control of the 88mm cannon to blow up the tank. Follow your allies to complete the mission.


Don't let the captain die in this mission! Start by rushing the three soldiers inside the windmill. Run to the house that's to the right of the windmill; stay away from the opening in the fence. Kill all the enemies inside the house, then exit through the back and ambush the baddies in the barn. Advance down the road and be prepared for a large number of soldiers waiting to the left of the house. After the captain throws a grenade inside the barn, storm in and eliminate the four soldiers inside. Bomb the first artillery cannon, but be ready for many enemies to spawn right after the explosion. Stride across the wheat field and under the sewage gutter.

As you exit the tunnel, shoot the sniper in the large barn and kill all his buddies inside. Go around the adjacent house and toward the gated compound. As you enter, shoot the two snipers in the windows, and then kill the men in the barn to the right. For the buildings to your left, enter the one farther away from you -- that's where the captain rushes to first. Take out the men in the other building only after the enemies in this one are dead, to avoid the captain getting into any death duels. Don't shoot the soldiers working on the artillery, or they'll blow you away once the next sequence begins. Follow the private outside the balcony and rush the enemies when given the order. Look out for two enemies hiding in the white tent. Blow up the second artillery and get on the boat to finish the mission.


Get off the boat and then head to the house. Shoot the men through the right-side windows before going through the door. Don't let the captain enter first: he might get killed. Exit the back of the house and immediately kill the enemies to your left. Let the colonel ride away on the bike, then rush up the road and kill the soldiers waiting outside. Go up the stairs and pump the colonel full of lead.

<< The colonel escapes from you several times. Pump him full of lead so he can't do it again. (Normandy Mission 3)

Down the road, a tiger tank will break through the wall, killing the private. Go through the break in the wall and man the flak cannon. Shoot through parts of the wall and let the captain lure the tank into range. Blow up the tank with two timely shots before it kills the captain. He'll say "Good job" and tell you to blow up the flak cannon that you just used to destroy the tank. Place a charge on the flak (just as you did twice in the previous mission) and run for cover. After the flak blows, an airplane flies overhead and the captain tells you that it's an Allied plane dropping off some explosives for you to use to destroy the bridge.

Continue through the map, slaying everyone you encounter. You have to bypass the first of two MG42 nests shortly after the airplane sighting. (Whenever dealing with MG42s, toss a smoke grenade in front of them and then rush in, taking them out before the smoke dissipates.) You'll find the supply drop shortly thereafter. Gather the explosives and use them on a communications center located in a shack.

<< This tiger tank comes out of nowhere to waste one of your allies. Man the nearby artillery cannon to blast it to pieces. (Normandy Mission 3)

After eliminating the comm center, continue through its wreckage; you'll soon come upon the second MG42 nest. After you've killed the gunner, you can man the gun and use it against a squad of Nazis. From this point, you'll engage in some more room-to-room fighting until you eventually make it to the bridge, which you're supposed to blow up before the supply train arrives. You have approximately 40 seconds to plant four charges on the bridge while fending off a stream of enemies: If you take too long, the train will arrive, and you'll fail the mission.



Lead your soldiers along the frosty road, staying to the right side of the road. Shoot the idle group of guards, and then proceed until you reach a fork in the path. A truck will approach from the right side, so head toward the left and secure the area with the artillery cannon. Man the cannon to take out the truck and enemy soldiers climbing over the hill. Grab sticky bombs from one of your teammates and blow up the cannon.

Follow the navigation arrow on your compass along the path that the truck came from. When you reach the tower, destroy the cannon and shoot the men guarding it, including the one in the tower. Continue on the path, keeping to the right. A tank will be coming toward you soon: shoot the gunner on top, and attach a sticky bomb to blow up the tank. Get off the path and follow the compass to the right. Avoid the artillery on the other side of the road and take out the soldiers hiding in makeshift trenches. Blow up the artillery.

Enemy groups use various weapons. Nail the rocket-launcher guy first, but watch for grenades! (Belgium Mission 1) >>

Not far along the road is another cannon, followed by a tank. Take out the tank first using a sticky bomb, then blow up the cannon to finish an objective. A swarm of troops will spawn immediately after, so make sure your teammates aren't all killed. When you reach the fenced compound, wipe out the soldiers from the flipped-over truck, and go along the left side of the fence. Enter the building and clear it of pesky soldiers. After killing everyone in the compound, enter the second garage building, next to the shed with the vehicle. Take the supply truck hanging from the ceiling.

It's all run-and-gun for this next sequence. The ammo indicator may show only 20 rounds, but you actually have an unlimited amount. Just shoot everything that moves, but make wasting tanks and rocket infantry your top priority. Don't let that supply truck be destroyed!


After your camp is bombarded, run toward the nearest trench to find cover. Find the injured captain and get instructions to find the medic. Make your way back in the direction you came from, using trenches whenever you can find them. Follow the navigation arrow and pass a trench with hapless soldiers crushed by a fallen tree to find the medic assisting a fellow NPC. Lead the medic to the captain via the same route you used to get there.

When defending the lines, target tanks first: Nazi infantry aren't nearly as deadly. (Belgium Mission 2) >>

Defending the right and left flank is simply a matter of shooting first -- and accurately. The invading Nazis will start off using gas grenades, and then slowly emerge from the ensuing haze. (Distinguishing enemies from the green gas may be difficult at first, but changing the brightness and gamma in your video settings may help.) Use the dug-out trenches to shield yourself from the onslaught. The enemy will come in waves, so fire in spurts and not wildly.

After defending the right flank, head over to the left side and pick up the rocket launcher. Ready your launcher to take out a tank, but don't let any of the enemy get through to the front line: Your allies are fodder in hand-to-hand combat, and won't provide an adequate defense. When instructed to return to the right flank, pick up two more rockets before entering the trench. The first tank back at the right flank will be destroyed by an ally, but you'll need to rocket two more vehicles before finishing the mission.


This level is Spearhead's Omaha Beach counterpart. First, rush to hide behind the small hill area where the other soldiers are located. When given the advance signal, run out from the right side and head for the next safe spot, where a rocket launcher will be waiting for you. At this point, there are two tanks to destroy -- one on either side of the hill. Take them out and continue on. At the gunner, go to the left of the house to eliminate two ambushers. Clear the tank that's waiting for you ahead.

The next sequence involves entering several buildings and wiping out the soldiers inside. First is the church, which has two men waiting inside on the ground floor and numerous enemies lurking on the upper two levels. Be sure to climb the ladder to reach the upper-roof level, where several more soldiers are waiting. The house that follows has two enemies on either side of the door, just as you enter. Secure the school and hotel, and watch out for soldiers that spawn outside after each building is cleared. Meet up with the captain after every building, and get instructions to take down a plane with a flak cannon. The plane makes several passes, but you must shoot it down before it bombs the captain. Grounding the plane ends the mission.

<< This airplane makes several passes, so figure out its flight pattern, then shoot it down before it bombs the captain. (Belgium Mission 3)



The first objective is to cross the bridge to your right. The first wave of Nazi defenders should be easy to take out with the help of your Soviet allies. Along the way to the fallen pilot, you'll pass several trucks, moving and stationary. You can blow up a truck by sticking a bomb on one of four spots (two on each side), but the rain will defuse the bomb before detonation. Shoot the bombs to make them explode. Keep in mind, you don't need to wait for the fuse to go out before shooting the bomb.

Follow along the path until you reach a large plaza. Take out the sniper camped out on each of four buildings, and decimate the tank with a well-placed bomb. Find the dead pilot and documents next to the plane and immobile truck. Take command of the cannon in the large Greek building to blow up an incoming tank. Proceed through the alleyway left of the niche in which the tank was hiding, ready to face another tank. Quickly attach a bomb and run past the tank, turning around to detonate the bomb. On the next street, several snipers sit on the balconies waiting for you. A tank hides behind the ruins of another building immediately after the next truck drives by. Destroy both.

<< Find the fallen pilot's documents next to his plane and this ready-to-blow-up truck. (Berlin Mission 1)

When you approach a small car, turn left to enter the Chancellery Building. Climb up the first flight of stairs and turn left around the corner. The safe with the list of double-agents is in the room behind the first door to your right; the combination is in the small room around the corner to your left. Continue down the hall and descend the stairs to exit the building. Get into the tank waiting outside after taking out the sniper in the broken-down building to the right.


Tank control is sweet and simple: Use the main cannon to shoot down other tanks, but switch to the machine gun to mow down infantry. (The cannon is efficient at taking out large groups of soldiers, but it takes too long to reload.) As in the Belgium level, look out for infantry with rocket launchers who are looking to pierce your armor. Follow the arrow down the path you came from, but look around corners for hidden tanks and rocket-equipped trucks. Always keep your tank on the move, either forward or backward, to avoid incoming rockets. Most tanks can be disposed of with one hit, so place your shots carefully. Blow up the far bridge as you cross over to the Soviet side of the map. When you reach the Soviet Recon Group, the final objective is to hold your position against tanks and infantry. Let the Soviet tank take care of the infantry crossing the bridge, while you focus on the tanks across the river and on the adjacent bridge. Once you've held your position for a long enough time, the bridge will be bombed, and you've won the game!

After you destroy the bridge, a duel between Axis/Allied armor ensues. (Berlin Mission 2) >>

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