■ An Offer You
Can’t Refuse
drive. The guys chasing you will try to knock you off the road
by hitting your car on the driver’s side: don’t let them. Try
driving really close to oncoming traffic, effectively
“shaving” the tail off your caboose. Once you’re in the clear,
use the map to get to Salieri’s place. Just be sure to use
your speed limiter (default key is F4) so that you don’t get
pulled over on the way there. In fact, it’s a good rule in
general to always use the speed limiter when you’re not in a
The key to
“Molotov Party” is to sneak up to this guard and clock him
with your baseball bat. >>
■ Running Man
You’ll start this
mission driving your fares back and forth, but things go south
when some of Morello’s men come to rough you up. All you need
to do is survive and make it to Salieri’s bar. Use the map so
you won’t run into any dead-ends, and strafe left to right as
you run to minimize the number of times you get hit.
■ Molotov
This one’s a
cakewalk. Once you get to the parking lot, just go around
back, sneak up to the guard from behind, and knock him out
with one fully charged hit from your baseball bat. Then use
your Molotov cocktails and baseball bat to destroy the three
cars in the lot.
■ Ordinary
You get your first
taste of serious action here. The job starts off quiet, but
it’ll heat up real fast once you get to the motel. Enter the
motel through the back window on the second floor, using the
crates in the back of the building to get up to the window.
Don’t enter through the front door.
Once inside, you’ll
find a Tommy gun sitting on a
in the room right across from the window. Use it to clear out
the building. Before you head into the room where Sam is, go
back out the way you came, to the front of the motel, and
shoot the wheels off the yellow convertible parked out front.
Just aim for the center of each wheel using whichever gun has
the most ammo: it’ll take only a few shots to flatten it.
Then, go all the way back inside and get Sam. If you need
health, you’ll find some in the bathroom to the right of the
stairs on the second floor.
enter the motel in “Ordinary Routine,” climb up these crates
to get onto the second-story balcony.
The last guy will
take your money and run outside. But guess what? Since you
blew the wheels off his car, he isn’t going anywhere. Rub him
out and you’re done.
No one in the mob
plays fair, and this job proves it. Stealing the racecar and
getting it back in time isn’t the hard part: Just stay clear
of cops by using your radar, and to avoid damaging the car,
don’t drive too fast. The time limit isn’t as tight as it
seems if you keep a good pace.
The real challenge
comes in winning the race: This contest is definitely one of
the hardest parts of the game. There’s no fast and easy way
through it — you just have to keep racing ’til you come in
first. Try to get a lead early and hold it, rather than trying
to work your way up slowly. Also, the usual mouse-and-keyboard
setup doesn’t facilitate the best driving. If you have a
joystick, use it for your driving controls: it’ll make winning
much easier.
■ Sarah
Here’s your turn to
get some action of another kind. But first, you’ll have to
bust some heads. No big deal: just escort Sarah home. When
some tough guys show up, teach ’em a lesson. To make pummeling
them easier, beat them with the wooden plank leaning against
the right wall in the alley where you are attacked. The most
effective way to deal with these guys is to run away to give
yourself some distance, and then charge up a full-power hit.
Start swinging once someone gets close enough. You don’t need
to kill these guys, so don’t chase after them when they run
away, or else you’ll lose Sarah.
Use this wooden
plank to go to town on some unruly thugs in “Sarah.”
Full-power swings are key. >>
■ Better Get
Used to It
Your biggest problem
will be keeping Paulie alive. Try to keep guys off him because
the mission ends if he goes down. The mission will also end if
you start shooting before the bad guys do. Use the same
hit-and-run technique you used in the previous mission. If
you’re having trouble when the gunfight starts, try rolling,
shooting, and rolling and shooting again — you’ll take fewer
hits that way.
In the post-cutscene
car chase, all you need to do is keep up: The guys in the car
will eventually wreck.
■ The Whore,
Part I: The Hotel
Once you get to the
hotel, talk to the concierge, and he’ll tell you that the guy
you’re looking for is in the restaurant. Take a right and go
to the last room. At the corner table you’ll see a man in a
white suit. Shoot him and his bodyguards. More people will
come into the room once the shooting starts: take care of them
and head back to the concierge. Go behind the counter and get
the key to the manager’s office. You’ll also find some health
by the key.
Head to the third
floor; you’ll find the prostitute in one of the rooms with a
welcome mat at the door. Once you’ve taken care of her, head
back the way you came to the manager’s office. There’ll be one
man inside with a gun: dispatch him and plant the bomb by
walking up to the desk and hitting your action key. Then get
out of there.
■ The Whore,
Part II: The Roof
Here’s another tough
one. About a half-dozen cops are coming up the fire escape.
They’ll get bottle-necked there, so if you position yourself
at the top of a flight of stairs at just the right angle, you
can take them out one by one without incurring too much
damage. Don’t bother shooting it out with the officer across
the street who’s toting the Tommy gun — just run upstairs and
keep going.
There’s only one way
to go, and you’ll have to make your way through more cops.
Just remember to use cover wisely. Watch out for one cop with
a Springfield rifle: he can kill you with one headshot. You’ll
want to save your magnum revolver for him, as it’ll dish out
the most damage with the least hits.
Eventually, you’ll
reach a ladder that you can tip over and use as a bridge to
get to the church.
■ The Whore,
Part III: The Priest
After making it
through all that, you’ll end up in a shootout that’s even
bigger than the one you were running away from. Immediately
retreat back behind the door and use it as a bottleneck. Next,
you’ll want to take out both the guy in the high-up pulpit and
the guy in the balcony sporting the Tommy gun. Then mop up the
rest of the wiseguys.
Once you get to the
door, more goombas will show up. Roll out of the way fast, as
some of them have shotguns. If you still have ammo for your
own shotgun, use it to blow ’em away.
When you finally get
to a car, you’ll have to lose the cops. Just find some
alleyway to hide out in until they stop looking for you, and
then head back to Salieri’s.
■ A Trip to
the Country
night mission is full of guys with shotguns — but it’s also
very straightforward. Just remember that shotguns aren’t as
effective at long range: If you stay back, you can nail these
enemies with your handguns. Once you get to the barn to rescue
Sam, some cops will show up. Stay upstairs: it’ll give you the
high-ground advantage, since you can shoot out the hay-loft
window. But watch your back for anyone who may come up behind
<< Stay
upstairs when Paulie goes for the truck. (“A Trip to the
The getaway segment
isn’t hard: just shoot straight and watch your ammo. Don’t
bother aiming for the tires of the cars chasing you — just
take out their engines.
■ Omerta
Here’s another long
mission; you’ll want a fast car for it. Talk to your
informants (you’ll have to punch Joey to get info out of him)
and then head to where they’re keeping Frank. You’ll end up
tailing Frank to the airport. Once there, you’ll have to waste
some guards while looking for Frank.
you want, you can steal a car and use it to drive around the
airport while you fire your gun out the window. Don’t kill
Frank when you finally find him: just talk to him. He’ll ask
you to find his family. They’re in a wooden building a couple
of doors down. Find them and take him to them. Next, you’ll
have to find their plane tickets. The tickets are in the first
building at the parking lot where you came in. It’s crawling
with cops now. Grab the tickets and get back to Frank, then
make a quick getaway to the bank.
<< In “Omerta,” this building
is the one with Frank’s family. Take Frank to them.
Rich People
Head left when the
mission starts. You’ll need to take out the sentries quietly:
a fully charged hit
with the baseball bat should do. If you head left when the
level starts, you should find a box next to a bench — it’ll
turn off the lights in the backyard. Once in the house, you’ll
have to make your way upstairs to the safe. If you run into
anyone, knock them out with the bat. Don’t forget that you can
use Salvatore to open some doors if needed. Once you have the
documents, get out fast and take Salvatore back home.
Look for this box in “Visiting
Rich People” — you can use it to turn off the lights in the
courtyard. >>
■ A Great Deal
This mission goes
downhill fast once you get in the parking lot. Use the cars in
the garage as cover; if you want, you can move them to form a
barrier before the cutscene starts to provide more adequate
cover. When you work your way downstairs, watch out for the
guys barricaded behind their cars: they have grenades. Listen
carefully and you’ll hear when a grenade lands near you. Try
to take out these enemies from a distance. Once you’ve killed
everyone, you have to go back up to the truck and drive it
back to the warehouse. If you don’t lose the tail, get ready
for one last shootout once you reach the warehouse.
■ Bon Appétit
It’s just you and
Salieri here. When Morello’s hitmen start shooting up the
restaurant, head outside through the back door. Once outside,
head down the alley to the street. Watch out for the thug with
a Tommy gun: kill him, take his gun, and go around the corner.
You’ve now flanked Morello’s men. Take them out, then go back
to the alley, and enter the building adjacent to the
restaurant. Watch out for a guy with a shotgun. Kill him, then
head to the second floor and take out the other guy with a
Tommy gun. After that, head down to the street to eliminate
anyone you missed. Move fast so Salieri doesn’t get killed.
The rest is easy.
■ Happy
If you go into the
building that’s behind the line for the boat, you’ll find a
sailor uniform. Change your clothes and you’ll be let onboard.
Go to the bathroom on the second level (toward the back of the
boat and by the stairs); you’ll see that it’s locked. Find the
skipper — he’s wearing a white and blue striped shirt — and
talk to him a few times to get the key. Get the bucket from
the bathroom that’s on the starboard-aft side of the boat and
then go back to the second-floor bathroom. You’ll clean up the
mess and get your gun. Return the key to the skipper and wait
for the speech to start. Once it does, walk up to the
counselor, kill him, and run back down to where you started
the level. Paulie will be waiting in a boat to get you out of
■ You Lucky
You’ll spend most of
the first part of this mission trying to lose tails. The
tricky part comes when you’re paired with the hired goons.
Once they die, you’ll have to chase down Sergio. Don’t bother
trying to shoot his car: just tail him. He’ll lead you to the
trainyards. You’ll have plenty of bad guys to dispatch here,
but Sergio will hide in one of the buildings. You can’t get in
because the door’s locked. Go to the train tracks and you’ll
see a switch. Use it to direct the train tracks toward the
building Sergio is in, then go to the nearby train cars and
move the blocks at the wheels. The train will roll and break
open the door. (You have two trains, so you can try again if
you mess up the first time.) Now just go in and kill Sergio.
■ Crème De La
The plan goes to
hell and you’ll have to chase Morello to the airport. Once
there, make a beeline for the airplane. Shoot at the engines
with a shotgun or Tommy gun. If you do enough damage, Paulie
and Sam will show up and give you a ride. Once in the car,
keep shooting at the engines until they catch on fire.
Sometimes Morello’s
car won’t turn into the airport. If this happens, just keep
chasing him. He’ll eventually get caught up at a bridge and a
cutscene will show you pushing his car off the edge of the
■ Election
into the old prison through the sewers, and kill the guy near
the manhole. Fight off the bad guys inside and get up to the
tower. It won’t be a challenge to hit your target: just take
your time and go for the headshot. Then just make your way out
by going all the way down the stairs in the tower, and when
you get to your car, lose the cops.
<< Here’s your target in
“Election Campaign.” Take the headshot, then make your way
down to your car.
■ Just for
Run the truck off
the road and the driver will get out. Chase him down and beat
him up to get the documents. Take all of the crates out of the
back of the truck, get in, and drive it back to the docks.
Take it straight down from the entrance and you’ll come to a
warehouse on the left with the door open and a guy standing
out front. Back up the truck to the warehouse and then talk to
the guy. Move the crates that he points out with the help of
the workers standing next to them. When you’re done, talk to
the guy again and you’ll tell him they’re having problems with
the train. He’ll walk off and you’ll be able to load the
crates you need onto your truck. Then drive out. You’ll be
chased, but it shouldn’t be too big of a problem to lose your
■ Moonlighting
No tricks here: Just
move fast once you’re in the bank and bring lots of guns. For
the getaway, having a fast car such as the Trautenberg Model J
is vital.
■ The Death of
You start off at
Paulie’s. Put your guns away and run from the cops. You’ll
want to stop by Yellow Pete’s shop to get some more firepower:
get a rifle and whatever else you can carry. (Don’t bother
getting a Tommy gun, since you’ll eventually be able to pick
one up from someone you killed.) Once you get to the museum,
you’ll be surrounded. Fight your way out — which may take you
a few tries. Watch out for grenades when you get to the first
stairs leading up. Eventually you’ll have to fight Sam
one-on-one. He doesn’t miss often. Use your rifle here. Pop
out, shoot him once, and then take cover again. (If you try to
get in more shots at a time, he’ll nail you with his
Thompson.) After a dozen or so
hits, Sam will run off. Chase him down with a pistol or Tommy
gun and finish it.
■ There
you go — done. Now that I’ve led you through La Cosa Nostra, I
need you to do me a small favor. In the game’s Freeride
Extreme mode, you’ll find a woman chained to a pole on a rock
by the beach (shown below). I’m just dying to know why she’s
there. If you can find out what the story is on this dame,
I’ll consider us even.
Just who is this lady, anyway?
I’ve got to know! >> |