When you've completed your training meet Aribeth, the Paladin of Tyr. Fight off the invaders that appear in the room, and then get the scoop on what's going on.

Head through the double doors and fight off the few enemies in the corridors. Along with your henchman, Pavel, be sure to fight monsters one at a time wherever possible. Use the "stand your ground" command to leave Pavel safe, then draw out an enemy and run back to him. When a monster is close, change Pavel's command to "guard me" and beat it to death. Move carefully, never race into an unchecked room, and if faced with multiple enemies, use obstacles such as doorways to limit the number of creatures within striking distance.

Get the cure potions ready -- if Gulnan brings down the divine firestorm, you're toast. Wait until you're about 7th-level before facing her. >>


After discovering that the prickly Desther is Fenthick's mentor, and having your hopes of scoring with the hottie Aribeth dashed when she reveals that she and Fenthick are lovers, you need to collect the reagents from the four creatures scattered around Neverwinter.

Talk to Aribeth to get her take on the rumors that point to where the monsters might be among the four districts branching off from the Neverwinter City Core.

The Peninsula District

Drinkin' and Whorin'

You've gotta love any game that lets you drink 'til you fall over drunk, plus get it on with a cordial lady of the night. Of course, we don't condone any of this kind of behavior·no siree! Just so you know where to "avoid" on your long journey of righteous good-doing, note these locations:


Hey, Tomi -- is that a short sword in your hand, or are you just happy, nevermind.


Once inside the Seedy Tavern in the docks, talk to half-orc Jalek. Play his drinking game to earn respect, and get useful information on where to find Vengaul. Sure, you may pass out for a while, but those virtual hangovers don't hurt like the real ones. (Bonus points for your own drinking game: match your character and Jalek one-for-one·dare ya!)


The Moonstone Mask in the City Core is regarded by some as a house of ill repute. Talk to the landlady, Ophala, and ask about the key you need to get upstairs. Then talk to Torgo the bartender to get a Pass Coin for 200gp. (He'll buy your unwanted junk, too.)

Head upstairs and find a well-adorned room with a lady (or gentleman)Visiting the Androd Estate is one of three requirements for completing Ophala's quest. The matron of the Moonstone Mask tavern (and bordello) asks you to retrieve three who takes your fancy. The girls are polite, so treat them with respect. Talk, ask questions, and sound interested (even if you aren't). After the small-talk is done, if you're finding it difficult to, er, seal the deal, unequip your armor and weapons and you should find you hit the right mood.

Remember, you and your henchman go through a lot together -- even this.

Visiting the Androd Estate is one of three requirements for completing Ophala's quest. The matron of the Moonstone Mask tavern (and bordello) asks you to retrieve three "valuables." Enter the Estate and fight through the thugs to the central room. In one bedroom is the cowardly nobleman Androd, who will turn over a statuette with a little persuasion. (ABOVE)

Get the lowdown on the Head Gaoler, Alaefin, from Captain Kipp. Find Sedos Sabile in the Guard Headquarters located in the eastern portion of the map. She wants you to go to the prison and kick ass!

There are two routes. The first is to get the key to the front door from the Gang Leader: he's tough, and you'll have to fight his bigger buddy, too!

The second (and easier) path is through the Tanglewood Estates underground passage. Look under the mat at the front door for a key to the estate! You should be about level three before fighting the creatures guarding this route. Going down the passageway to the left of the front door, you'll come to a huge chessboard that's rigged with loads of traps, so tread carefully.

Go through the portcullis to get to the prison. Talk to the guard Emernik, who can point you to a room of supplies. Fight through the three levels (Prison Main level, Prison Containment Level, and the Prison Pits where the Head Gaoler awaits). Through the tunnels of the Pits, fight Kurdan until he surrenders, then get ready for a tough battle.

The Head Gaoler is under the control of an Intellect Devourer. You have to kill the guards it possesses until there are no more and you fight it on its own. Take the brain to Aribeth, and also check in with Sedos Sabile for more reward.

The Beggar's Nest

Prepare to fight the zombie infestation in the streets and head toward the Shining Serpent, west of the city gate. Talk to Harben Ashensmith, who will talk about Krestal and Jemanie. Follow the Jemanie path (it's easier) and go to his house, where he'll tell you about his brother, Torin. Take the Ward Stone to gain access to the Snake Cult building just north of the house.

Fight through the cultists (be sure to have a henchmen here for help, like a cleric if you can't turn undead yourself), and after defeating the Cult Leader, take the north stairs into the Underground Crypt, where you're looking for Gulnan. This area has insects and Shadows and has a tough Dire Spider that protects the entrance to the Great Graveyard.

Now head into the sprawling Warrens of the Damned. As you face the Ghouls and other undead, be sure to pick up Torin's ring to return to Jemanie as proof that his brother is dead. You can also pick up the Ancient Key, which gives you access to Gulnan's lair. Gulnan is a 10th-level Yuan-Ti Cleric who can singe you in a heartbeat. When entering her central lair, head to the right and bash the altar to take the marauding zombies out of the equation. (You may have to clear other locations around the city to level up before coming back with the power to defeat this tough mutha.)

Collect her black, black heart. Now go back to Jemanie and Harben before taking the heart to Aribeth for a larger reward.

The Blacklake District

You have to go through a No Man's Land to get to Blacklake. Here you'll learn about Meldanen hoarding food. At the front door to his estate use persuasion, bribery or threats so that Orrean lets you in.

Once inside, persuade Grommin to open the door (or take his key from his dead body). Go west to get to the next floor. There are quite a few traps throughout the house, so move carefully, fighting imps, mephits, and finally Meldanen's Apprentice.

In Meldanen's Inner Sanctum you must speak to the Dryad before Meldanen appears. He will surrender if he receives enough damage. Get the warehouse key from him and give it to Formosa for a side quest. (But take a look around the warehouse for loot for yourself first.)

Take the lock of hair from the Dryad back to Aribeth.

Inside Castle Jhareg







Belial can buff you, give you a magic item, or help with the judgment by supplying a written oath.

If you find yourself in Castle Jhareg, you can come out of the judgment quests with a cool phylactery (casts Sanctuary twice a day) if you play your cards right. In Karlet's quarters, in the room with the brazier, make sure you have his Protection Wand and Burning Hands Wand. Place a fire beetle belly on the brazier, cast Protection from Evil on yourself, then cast Burning Hands from the wand on the brazier. Now chat to Belial, who will give you a written oath that it was all him if you take the high road and tell him about judging. When you're back at the Guardian with the journals, say neither brother was guilty and then offer to keep the phylactery safe for yourself.

At the finale, acquit both or Quint. Acquitting Karlet ensures a hot reception outside.

The Docks District

Your first goal is getting access to the Seedy Tavern, where an auction for a cure is to take place. Kill pirates and thugs and search crates for Smugglers Coins. (It takes five to bribe the guard on the door, but collect more to buy low-end magic items for great prices.) You can also wear a Bloodsailor uniform snagged from any of these pirates you've killed.

To find the missing Vengaul, pick the lock on the door in the tavern (or beat Jalec in a drinking contest·just keep drinking!). Bribing the guard on the door is the easiest method of entry.

Downstairs you'll encounter Dara'nei, who is Vengaul's lover; she'll give you a Locket. Now go to the Silver Sails and use the Locket to open a passage that leads to the boatman Charon (really). He'll take you to Vengaul's lair.

Kill Callik and his men (a tough fight). Confront Vengaul and he'll most likely send his guards to slay you while he attempts to escape, though you could talk your way out of it. Get the Cockatrice feather from the chest and return it to Aribeth.

Helm's Hold

At the ritual to create the cure, prepare for the "I didn't see that coming" twist. Now follow Aribeth's instructions and head into the portal.

If you're a cleric or paladin, take the front door, as the undead you'll face are easy when you can turn them. Alternatively, go west to the cave entrance.

In the Courtyard, be sure to pick up the Etched Gem, which can be found on the body by the front gate. Place the gem on the altar in the center of the Entranceway to prevent the Guardian Armors from attacking.

In the Prison Block, you can pass by the caged undead without disturbing them by wearing a Helm uniform. If you don't have a Helm uniform (from one of the guards), prepare to fight.

Get to the staircase leading up -- it'll take you to the last encounter. To weaken Desther, destroy his minions first and then wail on him until he surrenders. Now for the trial and the executions!


Getting the Evidence

Numerous people demand your attention throughout this chapter. Talk to them all if you wish, but here's the lean and mean direct route:

Aribeth insists on seeing two pieces of evidence that suggest where the cult is located. Follow the signs to Charwood village and go to the inn. Keep talking until the sorcerer attacks, then take his journal as the first piece of evidence.

Facing the Spirit of the Wood, cure the disease with the antidote found near Relmar. >>

A second piece of evidence is retrieved through the Spirit of the Wood quest. In Neverwinter Wood speak to Aarwill the Archdruid. Now head back to the Deep wood. Find the Nymph's House (in the NE corner of the map) and fight her until she gives up a ceremonial dagger. If you do the quest involving the witch Setara, she'll also give you information on using the dagger, as well as on rescuing one of the three druids for another side quest.

With the dagger, go to the altar and plunge it into your chest (it only stings for a moment). Now fight Relmar and get his journal. Get the antidote from the rubble near where he attacks, and go to the center of the map, where the Spirit of the Wood attacks you but can then be cured. Search the altars for magical goodies. Now head back to Aribeth with the journals, speak to Aarin Gent, and head to Luskan or do other quests.


Dragon Slayer

Slaying dragons is one of the coolest and most dangerous tasks you can try. In Chapter 3 you have a tough decision to make -- though there's really only one path for the righteous.

Go through the first Moonwood area to the second area (the entrance is in the northeastern-most corner of the map). Go to the center of the map. Behind the waterfall is the entrance to Akulatraxas' cave. You've got two choices: do the dragon's quests against the giants in the nearby caves, or slay the dragon and steal its egg. The latter task is tough but do-able.

Kill Akulatraxas and swipe the egg.

The cheap option is to sneak with Tomi to the door leading to the eggs. Pick the lock, and then race in and grab the egg from the incubation chamber. The dragon will follow, but you can use the Stone of Recall to get the hell out (though you've got a long trek back·).

Now go to the Spine of the World and find the Mysterious Cave. Here you can do the quest for Gorgotha or fight. (You need only one egg to give to the red dragon Klauth later in the chapter, but don't worry if you don't get either egg -- you can still fight Klauth head-on.)

With the blue dragon dead, get the sphere from the fountain.

Head north through the cave entrance to the Fire Giant Lair. Once you've been through the North Lair, head to the East Lair. Ignore the northernmost Deep Cave unless you want to fight Death Slaad for the experience. Enter the second cave -- the Dragon Dungeon.

Kill the Yuan-Ti and then put the dumb blue dragon out of its misery. Now grab the Dragon Sphere from the fountain; grab the Ritual Book, too, and read the instructions if you haven't already. Place the Dragon Sphere on the pedestal (the Blue Dragon must be dead) and it'll be filled. Now it's time to face Klauth.

Either give Klauth an egg swiped from the other dragons, or chat him up, then cut him down. His breath weapon does around 140hp per burst, so be prepared. Klauth will try to power himself up, so make sure the dead-dragon sphere is on the pedestal: he'll imbibe its essence and do himself major damage.

Now grab the Word of Power, listen to Haedraline, and then enter the portal home.

Go to the Temple of Tyr (west edge of Luskan -- use the Stone of Recall to get there without fighting all the wererats on the streets) and get the lowdown on the High Captains Baram and Kurth.

You're looking for the High Captain's seal to get into the Host Tower, and that requires hitting the sewer. It's filled with undead (so paladins and clerics have it easy); you can enter through the grate in the center of Luskan, entering in the NE corner of the sewer. Take the exit in the north area to Baram's sewer.

In Baram's sewer, work your way around to the entrance to Baram's Lair. If you're not a cleric or paladin, bring one along to bring short work of the bone spirit ritual. One turn undead destroys all the skeletons!

Fighting Baram himself is tough. Take out the priestess and minions first, then quaff potions before facing Baram. Get his seal from the chest, but also take his head if you want to pursue the side quest and give it to Kurth.

Now you can go to Aarin and get the documents needed to enter the Host Tower, or you can go after Kurth (or kill Kurth before Baram -- either option works). In Kurth's lair, get both the token from Burke's body and the sphere, and follow the instructions in Burke's manual to close the portal, which removes the extra enemies from the fight with Kurth.

Host Tower

Once inside, go to Aribeth's former room on the west side to get the key to the Host Portal room. Now you're working up the tower. Search each floor for the runes to transport you up. For the direct route, get to floor six and find the Pinnacle rune that gives you access to the top.

Some floors have a puzzle of sorts that you need to solve. Here are some examples:

Floor three: Don't fight the quasits and imps -- they reappear through the braziers. You'll need to place a quasit eye in one portal, and an imp eye in the other to stop the flow.

Floor four: Get the golem control and replication rods and use them on the pod to get the Helmed Horror that opens the seal.

At the Pinnacle, talk to Arklem, then destroy the braziers and defeat the monsters. Now head to the real finale!

Here you'll listen to the movers and shakers in this other-worldly conspiracy discussing the next chapter -- the Words of Power. Sup down potions of Bless or Aid (every little helps), Barkskin, and even Speed as you face a large number of powerful lizardmen.

Once defeated, head down to Maugrim's lair·and on to Chapter 3.


You'll start off Chapter 3 in Aarin Gend's lodge. Talk to Aarin Gend to get the update on Aribeth and Maugrim.

Once you have all the information, head toward the Drinking House, which is only a short walk away. Here, talk to Lillian, who has some information about the Words of Power. Agree to get her Snow Globe from Nax, and she'll offer you a Teleport Scroll.

When you're back in time, get the creators to give the golems a vulnerability to your favorite attack. >>

Go on to Coldwood, as per Lillian's suggestion. Head east to enter the Wizard's Dungeon. Fight through the dungeon until you come upon a room with four gongs in it. Hit the gongs in the correct order: cat, dog, bear, dragon. Head to the room that contains the Snow Globe, kill the Huge Fire Elemental that guards it, then teleport to town once you've recovered the Snow Globe.

Barun's Catalog

At the Shining Knight in the City Core in Chapter 1, the shopkeeper will give you a key to a secret room, where a dwarf blacksmith will make magic items if you bring him the correct combinations of jewels and magic items. He also gives you a book called Barun's Catalog of Weapon and Armor Modifications that lists all the possible combinations. Here's the list so you can plan ahead before receiving the book (or in case you don't get it, and/or you don't find the dwarf in Beorunna's Well in Chapter 3). Each item uses a magic version of its namesake and the component listed:

  • Chromatic Breastplate
    Magic Breastplate AC6 + Diamond

  • Scales of Truth
    Magic Scale Mail AC5 + Holy water

  • Leather Whitebone Armor
    Magic Leather Armor AC3 + Gargoyle skull

  • Sentinel Battleaxe
    Magic Battle Axe + Adamantite

  • Double Axe of the Tall Kin
    Magic Double Axe + Adamantite

  • Stonefire Great Axe
    Magic Great Axe + Adamantite

  • Ice Reaver Handaxe
    Magic Handaxe + Dragon blood

  • Gladiator Club
    Magic Club + Ironwood

  • Ironwood Dire Mace
    Magic Dire Mace + Ironwood

  • Reaver Heavy Flail
    Magic Flail + Dragon blood

  • Storm Light Hammer
    Magic Light Hammer + Diamond

  • Foundation Light Flail
    Magic Light Flail + Ironwood

  • Mace of Disruption
    Magic Mace + Holy water

  • Drone Morning Star
    Magic Morning Star + Faerie dust

  • Rune Hammer
    Magic Hammer + Adamantite

  • Harbinger Great Sword
    Magic Great Sword + Adamantite

  • Sword Saint Katana
    Magic Katana + Adamantite

  • Astral Blade Longsword
    Magic Longsword + Diamond

  • Namarra Rapier
    Magic Rapier + Dragon blood

  • Desert Wind Scimitar
    Magic Scimitar + Adamantite

  • Feyduster Shortsword
    Magic Shortsword + Faerie dust

  • Uthgardt Two-Bladed Sword
    Magic Two-Bladed Sword + Ironwood

  • Ravager Halberd
    Magic Halberd + Dragon blood

  • Sea Reaver Scythe
    Magic Scythe + Adamantite

  • Fey Spear
    Magic Spear + Faerie dust

  • Golden Sickle
    Magic Sickle + Holy water

Talk to Lillian, then enter the Snow Globe, as she instructs. Talk to either Hodd or Arwyl to find out why the Dwarves and Dryads are fighting. Head into the cave between the groups, and approach the Dragon, Winter Fang. Find out as much as you can from him, and then grab Arwyl's Journal and Hodd's Journal, as well as the Amulet of the Ages. Take the amulet to Hodd, and then to Arwyl. Head back to Winter Fang and kill him. Grab the Word of Power out of one of the chests in his lair, then teleport back to town and talk to Aarin Gend.

Creator Ruins

Make your way out of Fort Ilkard, and head into the Creator Ruins. Don't try to kill the golems that are wandering around yet. Go to the garden and find Sapphira. Talk to her and get the Time Crystal, which will allow you to go back in time to weaken the golems. Find the sundial in one of the rooms in the Creator Ruins, and use the Time Crystal's special ability; then click on the sundial in the northeast corner.

Kill the Old One Commander and grab the Translation Amulet he drops. Speak to Lokar, and get his ring (aptly named Lokar's Ring). Grab the On Temple Defenses note from the bookcase, then look around for some slaves in nearby rooms. Show them Lokar's Ring, and you will be able to decide which weaknesses they build into the golems. Go to the smoke room, where you'll find an alchemist's table. Grab the Blue Powder, Red Powder, and Yellow Powder, which you'll use to complete the Ritual of Smoke. In the sound room, pay attention to the sound of the gongs -- you'll need to know it to complete the Ritual of Sound. Finally, head to the light room to find out how you'll complete the Ritual of Light.

Go back to the present, and complete the three rituals. Grab the Word of Power found in the vault -- kill the Balor Lord.

Make your way through Moonwood until you finally enter the Spine of the World. Here, you'll head north to the entrance to the Fire Giant Lair. Once you've made your way down to Fire Giant Lair 3, speak to Klauth, the Ancient Red Dragon. He will trade you the Word of Power for Dragon Eggs, which you could have gotten from either Gorgotha or Akulatraxas. (Both dragons can be found earlier in the chapter: Akulatraxas in Moonwood Part II; Gorgotha in the Spine of the World.) It's best to do the quests for the other two dragons against the giants, then take on Klauth by killing the blue dragon and placing it in the orb so that Klauth consumes it and is seriously wounded. Defeating Klauth scores some kickin' red dragon armor. With the third Word of Power in hand, you're now ready to head on to Chapter 4.



Talk to Lord Nasher, Aarin and then in the dungeons to Haedraline who'll inform you about the final Word of Power.

The most direct way to Maugrim's lair is to go through the Luskan Guard House. (Watch for the invisible assassin.) Be prepared to fight a Balor to gain access

to Maugrim's Sanctuary. Within the Sanctuary you will encounter tragic Lady Aribeth and have the option to slay her outright or convince her that it is not too late for her to return to the path of good. In either case, success means you will get a key that grants you access to Maugrim's lair. Maugrim has mucho magic as well as Servants of Flesh who don't much like you either. After his messy defeat, you'll gain the Word of Power. Return to Castle Never and report back to Aarin Gend.

Speak with Haedraline and she'll direct you to the caves past the dungeons beneath Castle Never. You'll find three stands that are lit with green lights and one unlit stand. Place the Word of Power upon the unlit stand to open the door in a brilliant flash.

You can now go inside the Source Stone Sanctuary. You'll encounter a great deal of Lizardmen hankerin' for freshly squeezed adventurer bits. You also have the option of rescuing Asheera, who may grant you an amulet to help in your final struggle.

In the next area you'll encounter two corrupt dragons. Beat them to obtain the key to the Inner Sanctum. Waiting there is a very high-level cleric and his warrior help. The cleric's defeat will grant you access to the final battle.

Maugrim's Word fits on this pedestal to open the entrance to the penultimate area.  >>

In the next (final) room, destroy the gargoyle statue to dispel the permanent blade barrier. Make sure you're as buffed as possible with spells and potions to give you every advantage as Morag and her henchmen will be lobbing spells at you the whole time.

Focus your attacks on the priest that refers to your biggest damage type. (So if you use a sword, slay the one protecting Morag from slashing weapons.) Conveniently, the priests are invulnerable to all damage themselves except the type of damage they are protecting Morag from. With Morag now vulnerable to your preferred attack type, go get medieval on her ancient flabby ass. Flex your sleek hero muscles after her defeat.

Finally, speak to Haedraline to finish the game. Woo-hoo!

Cheater's Corner

The following codes can be used in single-player games or by the dungeonmaster in multiplayer games. To enable them, hit the ~ key to lower the console and then type DebugMode 1 (it's case-sensitive). Now type any of the following codes in the console, and then hit Enter. (NOTE: To remove access to the cheats, type DebugMode 0 in the console.)

  • dm_allspells 1 Lets you cast all spells from all classes. (Typing dm_allspells 0 disables this ability.)

  • dm_giveXP X Gives X amount of experience points to target you click on.

  • dm_givegold X Gives X amount of gold to target you click on.

  • dm_givelevel X Gives X amount of experience levels to target you click on. 

  • dm_god Makes you invincible.

  • dm_heal Restores you to full hit points.

  • dm_levelup Advances you by one level of experience.

  • dm_modifyCHA/CON/DEX/INT/STR/WIS X Adjusts base Charisma/Constitution/

  • Dexterity/Intelligence/Strength/Wisdom of target you click on by X amount. (For example, typing dm_modifyCHA 2 gives target +2 Charisma, while typing dm_modifyCON 2 gives target +2 Constitution, and so on.)

  • dm_modifyage X Adjusts age of target you click on by X amount.

  • dm_modifyattackbase X Adjusts base attack bonus of target you click on by X amount..

  • dm_modifysavefortitude X Adjusts fortitude save value of target you click on by X amount.

  • dm_modifysavereflex X Adjusts reflex save value of target you click on by X amount.

  • dm_modifysavewill X Adjusts will save value of target you click on by X amount.

  • dm_modifyspellresistance X Adjusts spell resistance of target you click on by X amount.

  • dm_mylittlepony Increases movement speed, accompanied by appropriate horsey sounds.

  • dm_setCHA/CON/DEX/INT/STR/WIS X Sets base Charisma/Constitution/Dexterity/

  • Intelligence/Strength/Wisdom of the target you click on to X amount. (For example, typing dm_setCHA 2 sets target's Charisma at 2, while typing dm_setCON 2 sets target's Constitution at 2, and so on.)

  • dm_setCR X Sets challenge rating of target you click on to X amount.

  • dm_setage X Sets age of target you click on to X amount.

  • dm_setattackbase X Sets base attack bonus of target you click on to X amount.

  • dm_setfaction X Sets faction of target you click on to X faction.

  • dm_setfactiondefender Sets faction of target you click on to be a defender.

  • dm_setfactionenemy Sets faction of target you click on to be an enemy.

  • dm_setspellresistance X Sets spell resistance of target you click on to X amount.

  • dm_showarea Reveals all tiles in the current area by removing the fog of war.

Also, during a single-player game, typing makesafe in the console will move you to a safe location (i.e., a valid location in the area -- not in walls or on other creatures).

© 2003 Future Network USA