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Photo # KS7865 from "Computing Generation" disc I m a g e   P a t h
F o r
B r a i n s t o r m i n g

If you're SURE you want a picture of an "umbrella", you're probably better off with a keyword search

But if you're looking to have your creative juices sparked, to have the pictures themselves generate ideas, alternatives and approaches, you've come to the right place.

Use the Image Path like a Print Catalog

One of the great things about having a print catalog is the ability to thumb-through it searching for ideas or just great pictures.  We've taken that idea and incorporated it into this digital disc.

Try it!  You'll see!  Just like print catalogs, Image Path Brainstorming is great to use at the beginning of a project when the creative strategy is wide open and ready for inspiration.  And, just like print catalogs, the images are a representative sample to jumpstart the process, not a complete compilation in any category.  (See more about that, below...) 

Step 1: Category Click-through

Go from any of the main categories to its sub-categories.  Pause a moment and Let the sub-categories do their job-- they're designed to help you consider a variety of approaches, and that's no accident: Many years of experience working with graphic designers all over the world have trained us in the category rosters most conducive to promoting this creative process.  

As you follow the "path" to any category's thumbnail page, click on any thumbnail to bring up the larger comping view.

Remember: The Image Path "Brainstormer" does not contain all images on this disc, but, rather, a representative sample in each category.  Proceeding to steps 2 and 3, below, will expand and refine your search...

Step 2: View "Source Disc"

View Source Disc is a great way to expand your search even if you prefer to purchase single images rather than a whole disc.  

Remember:  The "Image Path" photos are only a sampling.  

Once you see something that sparks an idea, the next step is to view source disc to see lots of images relating to and complimentary to the one you've noticed.  

  Step 3: See similars online

Click See Similars Online to expand your search to all the images on our website-- including the ones that may have been added since the creation of this disc!

From there you can use our website's

Dynamic Visual Linking�

to drill deeper and deeper to the perfect image (one that you may never even have SEEN by using a "keyword" search...)