object fmBankReconcil: TfmBankReconcil Left = 72 Top = 108 HelpContext = 401 AutoScroll = False Caption = 'Bank Reconciliation' ClientHeight = 432 ClientWidth = 698 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] FormStyle = fsMDIChild Position = poDefaultPosOnly Scaled = False Visible = True OnClose = FormClose OnCreate = FormCreate OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 120 TextHeight = 16 object SpeedBar: TSpeedBar Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 698 Height = 49 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] Options = [sbFlatBtns, sbGrayedBtns, sbTransparentBtns] BtnOffsetHorz = 3 BtnOffsetVert = 3 BtnWidth = 83 BtnHeight = 43 TabOrder = 0 InternalVer = 1 object SpeedbarSection1: TSpeedbarSection Caption = 'Payment' end object BtnSave: TSpeedItem BtnCaption = '&Save' Caption = 'Save reconciliation' Enabled = False Hint = 'Save reconciliation' Spacing = 1 Left = 9 Top = 3 Visible = True OnClick = BtnSaveClick SectionName = 'Payment' end object BtnAbandon: TSpeedItem BtnCaption = '&Abandon' Caption = 'Abandon reconciliation' Hint = 'Abandon reconciliation' Spacing = 1 Left = 92 Top = 3 Visible = True OnClick = BtnAbandonClick SectionName = 'Payment' end object BtnAdjust: TSpeedItem BtnCaption = 'A&djustment' Caption = 'Make adjustment to bank account' Hint = 'Make adjustment to bank account' Spacing = 1 Left = 175 Top = 3 Visible = True OnClick = BtnAdjustClick SectionName = 'Payment' end object BtnReverse: TSpeedItem BtnCaption = '&Reverse' Caption = 'Reverse reconciled status' Hint = 'Reverse reconciled status' Spacing = 1 Left = 258 Top = 3 Visible = True OnClick = BtnReverseClick SectionName = 'Payment' end object BtnClose: TSpeedItem BtnCaption = '&Close' Caption = 'Close the form' Spacing = 1 Left = 424 Top = 3 Visible = True OnClick = BtnCloseClick SectionName = 'Payment' end object BtnZoom: TSpeedItem Caption = 'BtnZoom' Spacing = 1 Top = 3 SectionName = 'Payment' end object BtnHelp: TSpeedItem BtnCaption = '&Help' Caption = 'Help' Glyph.Data = {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} Spacing = 1 Left = 341 Top = 3 Visible = True OnClick = BtnHelpClick SectionName = 'Payment' end end object Panel1: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 49 Width = 698 Height = 60 Align = alTop TabOrder = 1 object Bevel1: TBevel Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 677 Height = 45 Shape = bsFrame end object Label2: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 92 Height = 16 Caption = 'Bank Reference' end object Label3: TLabel Left = 312 Top = 24 Width = 68 Height = 16 Caption = 'Bank Name' end object DBCBBankCashAcc: TwwDBLookupCombo Left = 132 Top = 20 Width = 121 Height = 24 DropDownAlignment = taLeftJustify Selected.Strings = ( 'NOMACC'#9'10'#9'Bank Ref' 'NOMNAME'#9'30'#9'Name') LookupTable = taCashBank LookupField = 'NOMACC' Options = [loColLines, loTitles] TabOrder = 0 AutoDropDown = False ShowButton = True AllowClearKey = False ShowMatchText = True OnDropDown = DBCBBankCashAccDropDown OnCloseUp = DBCBBankCashAccCloseUp OnEnter = DBCBBankCashAccEnter OnExit = DBCBBankCashAccExit OnNotInList = DBCBBankCashAccNotInList end object DBEBankName: TwwDBEdit Left = 396 Top = 20 Width = 269 Height = 24 TabStop = False Ctl3D = True DataField = 'NOMNAME' DataSource = dsCashBank ParentColor = True ParentCtl3D = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 1 UnboundDataType = wwDefault WantReturns = False WordWrap = False end end object Panel2: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 109 Width = 698 Height = 230 Align = alClient TabOrder = 2 object wwDBGrid1: TwwDBGrid Left = 1 Top = 1 Width = 696 Height = 228 Selected.Strings = ( 'TRTYPE'#9'10'#9'Type'#9'F' 'TRANSDATE'#9'10'#9'Date'#9'T' 'INVREF'#9'11'#9'Ref'#9'T' 'DETAILS'#9'30'#9'Details'#9'T' 'PAYMENT'#9'10'#9'Payment'#9'T' 'RECEIPT'#9'10'#9'Receipt'#9'T' 'ImageIndex'#9'8'#9'Reconcil'#9'T') TitleColor = clBtnFace FixedCols = 0 ShowHorzScrollBar = True EditControlOptions = [ecoSearchOwnerForm, ecoDisableDateTimePicker] Align = alClient DataSource = dsTempTable KeyOptions = [] Options = [dgTitles, dgIndicator, dgColumnResize, dgColLines, dgRowLines, dgTabs, dgConfirmDelete, dgCancelOnExit, dgWordWrap] PopupMenu = pmRClick TabOrder = 0 TitleAlignment = taLeftJustify TitleFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET TitleFont.Color = clWindowText TitleFont.Height = -13 TitleFont.Name = 'Arial' TitleFont.Style = [] TitleLines = 1 TitleButtons = False UseTFields = False OnCalcCellColors = wwDBGrid1CalcCellColors OnCalcTitleAttributes = wwDBGrid1CalcTitleAttributes OnKeyDown = wwDBGrid1KeyDown OnMouseMove = wwDBGrid1MouseMove OnMouseUp = wwDBGrid1MouseUp IndicatorColor = icBlack OnTopRowChanged = wwDBGrid1TopRowChanged ImageList = ImagesDM.GenralBM end end object Panel3: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 339 Width = 698 Height = 93 Align = alBottom TabOrder = 3 object Bevel3: TBevel Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 225 Height = 69 Shape = bsFrame end object Bevel2: TBevel Left = 240 Top = 8 Width = 445 Height = 69 Shape = bsFrame end object Label4: TLabel Left = 456 Top = 20 Width = 111 Height = 16 Caption = 'Statement Balance' end object Label5: TLabel Left = 456 Top = 48 Width = 94 Height = 16 Caption = 'Uncleared Items' end object Label6: TLabel Left = 244 Top = 48 Width = 99 Height = 16 Caption = 'Account Balance' end object Label1: TLabel Left = 244 Top = 20 Width = 99 Height = 16 Caption = 'Opening Balance' end object Label7: TLabel Left = 12 Top = 20 Width = 83 Height = 16 Caption = 'Total Deposits' end object Label8: TLabel Left = 12 Top = 48 Width = 103 Height = 16 Caption = 'Total Withdrawals' end object CEAccountBal: TCurrencyEdit Left = 348 Top = 44 Width = 100 Height = 24 TabStop = False AutoSize = False Ctl3D = True DisplayFormat = '0.00' ParentColor = True ParentCtl3D = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 0 end object CEUnclearedItems: TCurrencyEdit Left = 576 Top = 44 Width = 100 Height = 24 TabStop = False AutoSize = False Ctl3D = True DisplayFormat = '0.00' ParentColor = True ParentCtl3D = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 1 end object CEStatementBal: TCurrencyEdit Left = 576 Top = 16 Width = 100 Height = 24 TabStop = False AutoSize = False Ctl3D = True DisplayFormat = '0.00' ParentColor = True ParentCtl3D = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 2 end object CEOpeningBal: TCurrencyEdit Left = 348 Top = 16 Width = 100 Height = 24 TabStop = False AutoSize = False Ctl3D = True DisplayFormat = '0.00' ParentColor = True ParentCtl3D = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 3 end object CETotalDeposit: TCurrencyEdit Left = 124 Top = 16 Width = 100 Height = 24 TabStop = False AutoSize = False Ctl3D = True DisplayFormat = '0.00' ParentColor = True ParentCtl3D = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 4 end object CETotalWithdrawal: TCurrencyEdit Left = 124 Top = 44 Width = 100 Height = 24 TabStop = False AutoSize = False Ctl3D = True DisplayFormat = '0.00' ParentColor = True ParentCtl3D = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 5 end end object taCashBank: TwwTable SyncSQLByRange = True NarrowSearch = False ValidateWithMask = True Left = 500 Top = 181 end object dsCashBank: TwwDataSource DataSet = taCashBank Left = 580 Top = 177 end object taTempTable: TwwTable OnCalcFields = taTempTableCalcFields ControlType.Strings = ( 'ImageIndex;ImageIndex;Shrink To Fit') SyncSQLByRange = True NarrowSearch = False ValidateWithMask = True Left = 56 Top = 161 object taTempTableTRANSNO: TFloatField FieldName = 'TRANSNO' end object taTempTableTRANSTYPE: TStringField FieldName = 'TRANSTYPE' Size = 8 end object taTempTableTRANSDATE: TDateField FieldName = 'TRANSDATE' end object taTempTableINVREF: TStringField FieldName = 'INVREF' Size = 10 end object taTempTableDETAILS: TStringField FieldName = 'DETAILS' Size = 30 end object taTempTablePAYMENT: TFloatField FieldName = 'PAYMENT' DisplayFormat = '0.00' end object taTempTableRECEIPT: TFloatField FieldName = 'RECEIPT' DisplayFormat = '0.00' end object taTempTableRECONCIL: TBooleanField DisplayWidth = 7 FieldName = 'RECONCIL' end object taTempTableMODULE: TStringField FieldName = 'MODULE' Size = 1 end object taTempTableImageIndex: TSmallintField FieldName = 'ImageIndex' Calculated = True end object taTempTableTRTYPE: TStringField FieldName = 'TRTYPE' Size = 10 Calculated = True end end object dsTempTable: TwwDataSource DataSet = taTempTable Left = 156 Top = 168 end object Sizer1: TSizer Enabled = True ExceptionAction = eaIgnoreControl GridColumnSizing = gcSizeAllColumns GridRowSizing = grSizeByDefaults MinimumSize = True NavigateOnEnter = True OverrideParentFont = True PerformAssertions = True ShowAssertionFailures = False StretchFonts = True StretchImages = True StretchOnResize = True ThreadProcessing = False Left = 332 Top = 213 ScreenWidth = ( 800) ScreenHeight = ( 600) OriginalFormWidth = ( 706) OriginalFormHeight = ( 459) OriginalFormLeft = ( 72) OriginalFormTop = ( 108) OriginalFormPPI = ( 120) OriginalClientWidth = ( 698) OriginalClientHeight = ( 432) end object pmRClick: TRxPopupMenu Style = msOwnerDraw ShowCheckMarks = False OnGetItemParams = pmRClickGetItemParams Left = 436 Top = 209 object pmiZoomIn: TMenuItem Caption = 'Zoom In' OnClick = wwDBGrid1DblClick end object pmSave: TMenuItem Caption = 'Save' OnClick = BtnSaveClick end object pmAbandon: TMenuItem Caption = 'Abandon' OnClick = BtnAbandonClick end object N1: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object pmAdjustment: TMenuItem Caption = 'Adjustment' OnClick = BtnAdjustClick end object pmReverse: TMenuItem Caption = 'Reverse' OnClick = BtnReverseClick end object N4: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object pmiGridColor: TMenuItem Caption = 'Change Grid Colour' OnClick = pmiGridColorClick end end end