OfficeTalk allows users to perform personal and workgroup backups.
It is essential that users perform daily backups as circumstances beyond the control of OfficeTalk can possibly corrupt data. Without backup data it may be impossible to restore OfficeTalk.
Personal Backups
Users are prompted every day as to whether they wish to make a personal backup. They are offered three options of Now, Later or Cancel. We advise all users to use this facility as it backups their diaries and task lists which can be restored at a later date.
Personal Backup Dialog
Workgroup Backups
This will backup all your OfficeTalk data into one file. To enable a Workgroup backup, go to the Supervisor mode and go to the Options\Workgroup Data Backup pull down menu.
Workgroup Data Backup dialog
OfficeTalk lets users specify who will perform the backup. Users can also decide whether the backup will be automatic or whether they wish to be prompted before each backup is made. The length of the backup will depend on the amount of data held in OfficeTalk.