Creating Documents

Once you have created a Document Template, the procedure for creating a letter or fax within your word processor is as follows:

Within the Company or Contact view, select the company and/or contact to whom you wish to write the Document. If you wish to write to a contact in a company, highlight the contacts name.

Select New Document from the Edit menu in Contact mode (alternatively press CTRL + W from within Contact mode). A New Document dialog box will appear showing who the Document is to.

New Document dialog box

Select the Document template required, enter a subject (or leave blank to get the Document template name as the default subject) and choose whether or not to add the Document as a conversation. If it is not added as a conversation, OfficeTalk will not record the Document anywhere else.

Press Edit Document . This will generate the Document and will load it into the relevant word processor. If you do not select Add as a Conversation OfficeTalk will ask you if you wish to save the file or discard it, after it has been loaded into the word processor.

Make any necessary changes to the Document and print/save as required.

Index Store Document as a Conversation Attachment